Kuo-Yu Tsai
Research Interest:
Kuo, C. W., Wei, W., Lin, C. C., Hong, Y. Y., Liu, J. R., & Tsai, K. Y.*, "Dynamic Key Replacement Mechanism for Lightweight Internet of Things Microcontrollers to Resist Side-Channel Attacks," Future Internet, Volume 17, 2025-01. (SCIE) -
林子煒*、蔡國裕、郭崇韋、林玟欣、李品臻、梁瑋宸、黃千芸、范秩嘉、陳宣廷、王富貴, "設計與建置利用開源結合 AI 之校園資安監測平台-以臺灣中部某大學為例," Accepted by資訊安全通訊(Communications of the CCISA), 第30期第4卷, 2024-12. (N/A) -
蔡國裕*、林子煒、尤婕蓉、林玟欣, "基於後量子密碼學之醫療資訊安全系統設計," Accepted by資訊安全通訊(Communications of the CCISA), 第30期第4卷, 2024-12. (N/A) -
Chin, Y.C., Hsu, C.L., Lin, T.W., Tsai, K.Y.*, "A Hierarchical Blockchain System for Social Economy Services," Electronics, 13(20), DOI:10.3390/electronics13204004, 2024-10. (SSCI) -
Chung-Wei Kuo * , Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Design of Side-Channel-Resistant Electromagnetic Band-Gap on IoT Microcontroller," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, 000, 2024-05. (SCIE) -
Kuo, C.W.*, Tsai, K.Y., Weng, W.M., Lin, C.C., Hong, Y.Y., and Wang, G.L., "Implementation and Analysis of Side-Channel Attack Mitigation Based on Autoencoder," Communications of the Chinese Cryptology and Information Security Association, vol. 29, no. 4 , pp. 1-18, 2023-12. (ECONLIT) -
Ming-Hung Wang, Wei-Yang Chang, Wei-Yang Chang, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Analyzing Image-based Political Propaganda in Referendum Campaigns: From Elements to Strategies," EPJ Data Science, Vol. 12, No. 9, pp, 2023-08. (SSCI,SCIE) -
Chi Hung Wang, Kuo Yu Tsai, and Yuh Shyan Hwang, "Use improved KINECT to recognize whole-body images to enhance accuracy," The Visual Computer, Vol. 39, pp. pages2021–2033, 2023-05. (SCIE) -
Chi-Hung Wang and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Optimization of machine learning method combined with brain-computer interface rehabilitation system," The Journal of Physical Therapy Science, Vol. 34 No. 5, 2022-05. (SCIE) -
Lee, J.S., Chew, C.J. , Liu, J.Y., Chen, Y.C., and Tsai, K.Y., "Medical Blockchain: Data Sharing and Privacy Preserving of EHR based on Smart Contract," Journal of Information Security and Applications, vol. 65, pp. 1-14, 2022-03. (SCIE) -
Chew, C. J., Chen, Y. C, Lee, J.S.*, Chen, C. L., and Tsai, K. Y., "Preserving Indomitable DDoS Vitality through Resurrection Social Hybrid Botnet," Computers & Security, vol. 106, 2021-07. (SCIE) -
Chien-Lung Hsu, Tuan-Vinh Le, Mei-Chen Hsieh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Chung-Fu Lu, and Tzu-Wei Lin, "Three-factor UCSSO scheme With fast authentication and privacy protection for telecare medicine information systems," IEEE Access, 8:196553 - 196566, 2020-10. (SCIE) -
Chi-Hung Wang, Yuh-Shyan Hwang, Hsi-Chun Wang, Yu-Ling Wang, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Microstructure overlapping image application with optical decryption," Journal of the Optical Society of America A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION, 37(8), 1361-1368, 2020-08. (SCIE) -
Chi-Hung Wang, Yuh-Shyan Hwang, Yu-Luen Chen, Chih-Chen Chen, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Implementation of interactive games to a shoulder rehabilitation and evaluation system," Technology and Health Care, 28(4), 431-437, 2020-07. (SCIE) -
Jia-Ning Luo, Ming-Hour Yang, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "A geographic map-based middleware framework to obfuscate smart vehicles’ locations," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 78, 28877–28902, 2019-03. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Yu Tsai,Ming Hour Yang,Jia Ning Luo, andWei-Tim Liew, "Novel designated ownership transfer with grouping proof," Applied Sciences, 9(4), 724, 2019-02. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Android App copy protection mechanism with semitrusted loader," Journal of Internet Technology, 19(1), 65-71, 2018-02. (SCIE) -
Shang-Kuan Chen, Yen-Wu Ti, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Nuclear power plant construction scheduling problem with time restrictions: a particle swarm optimization approach," Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations, Vol. 2016, Article ID 2150692, 2016-04. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Robust distributed reprogramming protocol of wireless sensor networks for healthcare systems," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015, Article ID 139874, 2015-11. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai , and Chuan-Yen Fan, "An efficient certificateless signature scheme without bilinear pairings," Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74, 6519–6530, 2015-06. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Yang Wu, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Tzong-Chen Wu, and Kouichi Sakurai, "Provably Secure Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 31(2), 727-742, 2015-03. (SCIE) -
Chih-Ho Chou, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Tzong-Chen Wu, "Robust remote mutual authentication scheme with key agreement," Journal of Internet Technology, 16(7), 1271-1282, 2015-02. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Nai-Wei Lo, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Yingjiu Li, and Enrico Winata, "A novel RFID tag identification protocol: adaptive n-resolution and k-collision arbitration," Wireless Personal Communications, 77, 1775–1800, 2014-02. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Jia-Li Hou, "Analysis and design of smart card based authentication protocol," Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE C, 14(12), 909-917, 2013-11. (SCIE) -
Chih-Ho Chou, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Chung-Fu Lu, "Two ID-based authenticated schemes with key agreement for mobile environments," The Journal of Supercomputing, 66, 973–988, 2013-06. (SCIE) -
Chih-ho Chou, Kuo-yu Tsai, Tzong-chen Wu, and Kuo-hui Yeh, "Efficient and secure three-party authenticated key exchange protocol for mobile environments," Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 14, 347–355, 2013-05. (SCIE) -
Yi-Chung Yen, Tzong-Chen Wu, Nai-Wei Lo, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "A fair-exchange e-payment protocol for digital products with customer unlinkability," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 6(11), 2956- 2979, 2012-12. (SCIE) -
Chin-I Lee, Tzong-Chen Wu, Hung-Yu Chien, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Efficient ECC-based key management scheme for secure multicast in heterogeneous sensor networks," ICIC Express Letters, 6(8), 2045-2050, 2012-08. (EI) -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Tzong-Chen Wu, Chien-Lung Hsu, and Keith Martin, "Provably secure multisignature scheme with document decomposition and signatory anonymity," ICIC Express Letters, 5(9-B), 3579-3583, 2011-09. (EI) -
Chien-Lung Hsu, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "New ECC-based remote user authentication scheme with key agreement using smart cards," Journal of Internet Technology, 12(4), 601 -608, 2011-07. (SCIE) -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Tzong-Chen Wu, and Chien-Lung Hsu, "New secret key traitor tracing scheme with dispute settlement from bilinear maps," International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7(3), 1499-1510, 2011-03. (No) -
Jia‐Lun Tsai, Tzong‐Chen Wu, and Kuo‐Yu Tsai, "New dynamic ID authentication scheme using smart cards," International Journal of Communication Systems, 23(12,) 1149-1462, 2010-12. (SCIE) -
Jia-Lun Tsai, Tzong-Chen Wu, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Self-certified multi-authenticated encryption scheme," Journal of Internet Technology, 11(7), 917-922, 2010-12. (SCIE) -
Jia-lun Tsai, Tzong-chen Wu, and Kuo-yu Tsai, "A novel multisignature scheme for a special verifier group against clerk and rogue-key attacks," Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C, 11, 290–295, 2010-03. (SCIE) -
Kuoyu Tsai , Chien-Lung Hsu, and Tzong-Chen Wu, "Mutual anonymity protocol with integrity protection for mobile peer-to-peer networks," International Journal of Security and Networks, 5(1), 45 - 52, 2010-01. (EI) -
Tzong-Chen Wu , Thsia-Tzu Huang, Chien-Lung Hsu, and Kuo-Yu Tsai, "Recursive protocol for group-oriented authentication with key distribution," Journal of Systems and Software, 81(7), 1227-1239, 2008-07. (SCIE) -
Tzong-Sun Wu, Chien-Lung Hsu , Kuo-Yu Tsai , Han-Yu Lin, and Tzong-Chen Wu, "Convertible multi-authenticated encryption scheme," Information Sciences, 178(1), 256-263, 2008-01. (SCIE) -
Chien-Lung Hsu, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Pei-Ling Tsai, "Cryptanalysis and improvement of nonrepudiable threshold multi-proxy multi-signature scheme with shared verification," Information Sciences, 177(2), 543-549, 2007-01. (SCIE)
蔡國裕*、林子煒、尤婕蓉、林玟欣,"基於後量子密碼學之醫療資訊安全系統設計 ," 臺灣網際網路研討會, N/A, 2024-10. 國立陽明交通大學 . -
林子煒*, 蔡國裕, 郭崇韋, 林玟欣, 李品臻, 梁瑋宸, 黃千芸, 范秩嘉, 陳宣廷, 王富貴,"設計與建置利用開源結合AI之校園資安監測平台 -以臺灣中部某大學為例 ," 第三十四屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2024-08. 國立臺北科技大學先鋒國際研發大樓 . -
蔡國裕*、林子煒、尤婕蓉、林玟欣,"適用於雲端資料保護之基於網格密碼學屬性加密協定 ," 第三十四屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2024-08. 國立臺北科技大學先鋒國際研發大樓 . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, You-Lin Wei, and Po-Shwn Chi,"Lightweight Privacy-protection RFID Protocol for IoT Environment ," The 7th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024 (ICKII 2024), no, 2024-08. Nagoya Convention Hall . -
Chi, Y.M., Lin, T.W.*, Wang, F.G., Tsai, K.Y.,"Distributed Security Deployment Framework Based On Sdn And Zero Trust Architecture ," 2024 Taiwan Summer Workshop on Information Management, N/A, 2024-07. 國立中山大學 . -
Yuan-Cheng Yu, Yen-Chieh Ouyang, Ling-Wei Wu, Chun-An Lin, and Kuo-Yu Tsai,"Multivariate Time-Series Anomaly Detection in IoT with a Bi-Dual GM GRU Autoencoder ," 2024 IEEE 48th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 746-754, 2024-07. Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Chung-Wei Kuo, Li-Chung Leung, and Ying-Hsuan Yang,"WOTS-Based Conditional Privacy-Preserving Authentication Protocol for VANETs ," 2024 8th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP), 5-9, 2024-04. Ritsumeikan University . -
Chung-Wei Kuo*, Chun-Chang Lin, Yu-Yi Hong, Jia-Ruei Liu, Chun-Hsiu Yeh, and Kuo-Yu Tsai,"Research and Analysis of the Effects of Different Shielding Materials on Resisting Side-Channel Attacks on IoT Device Microcontroller ," 2024 8th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP 2024), CSP 2024 conference proceedings, 2024-04. Ritsumeikan University Osaka campus . -
Chen, Y.J., Lin, T.W.*, Kuo, C.W., Tsai, K.Y.,"An Approach of Privacy-Preserved PQC-based Cyber-threat Intelligence System ," 2024 8th International Conference on Cryptography, Security and Privacy (CSP 2024), 0, 2024-04. Ritsumeikan University Osaka campus (OIC) . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Chung-Wei Kuo*, Wei-Ming Weng, Guan-Ling Wang and Chun-Chang Lin,"Implementation and analysis of using autoencoder to suppress noise interference on side-channel attacks ," Security and Information Technologies with AI, Internet Computing and Big-data Applications - Proceedings of SITAIBA 2023, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, 2023-12. Chihlee University of Technology . -
翁偉銘、蔡國裕、郭崇韋,"基於DAE之旁通道攻擊實作與分析 ," 第三十三屆全國資訊安全會議, 56, 2023-06. 中正大學 . -
籃若瑜、蔡國裕、賴俊鳴 、王銘宏,"短文本論述萃取演算法 ," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2022, 1-1, 2022-06. 勤益科技大學 . -
應瑞傑、蔡國裕、李榮三、周澤捷,"Mobile Roadside Units Clustering Protocol based on Reputation Inventory ," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2022, 1-6, 2022-06. 勤益科技大學 . -
吳承翰、吳威震、蔡國 裕、洪緯哲、李榮三,"基於區塊鏈與智能合約實現具隱密性之雙重隨意組合拍賣平台 ," 第三十屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2020-09. 中山大學` . -
黃映榕、蔡國裕、 賀盛志,"適用於物聯網之輕量化雙因子身分鑑別與金鑰交換方法與實作 ," 第三十屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2020-09. 中山大學 . -
紀帛伸、蔡國裕、李榮三,"適用於IoT環境中具隱私保護之輕量化RFID協定之改進 ," 第三十屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2020-09. 中山大學 . -
Jung-San Lee, Chit-Jie Chew, Ying-Chin Chen, Chih-Lung Chen, and Kuo-Yu Tsai,"Preserving tenacious DDoS vitality via resurrection social hybrid botnet ," The 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services, 1-7, 2019-12. ChihLee University of Technology . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Ching-Wei Lai, Chen-Hua Fu, Chi-Hung Wang, and Yuh-Shyan Hwang,"Practical authentication scheme preserving privacy protection for the Internet of things ," The 3rd International Conference on Security with Intelligent Computing and Big-data Services, 1-9, 2019-12. ChihLee University of Technology . -
Wei-Tim Liew, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Jia-Ning Luo, and Ming-Hour Yang,"Novel designated ownership transfer with grouping proof ," The 2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing, 433 - 440, 2017-08. Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel . -
Chao‐Hsu Chen, Chien-Lung Hsu, and Kuo-Yu Tsai,"Survey on open source frameworks for big data analytics ," The Third International Conference on Electronics and Software Science, 74-84, 2017-07. Takamatsu Sunport Hall Building . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai,"Android App copy protection mechanism with semi-trusted loader ," 17th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT), 464-467, 2015-07. Phoenix Park . -
魏儀淳、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"基於自我驗證公鑰系統之App所有權移轉驗證機制 ," 第二十五屆資訊安全會議, 51-59, 2015-05. 國立高雄第一科技大學 . -
周詠晴、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"基於ID-Based聚合簽章之持有權移轉驗證機制 ," 第二十五屆資訊安全會議, 74-81, 2015-05. 國立高雄第一科技大學 . -
吳曼甄、蔡國裕、吳宗成,"適用於Android App之動態金鑰管理機制 ," 第二十五屆資訊安全會議, 205-214, 2015-05. 國立高雄第一科技大學 . -
徐振寧、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"基於時區授權存取控制之App移轉性驗證 ," 第二十五屆資訊安全會議, 215-218, 2015-05. 國立高雄第一科技大學 . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Yu-Hsuan Chiu, and Tzong-Chen Wu,"Android App copy protection mechanism based on dynamic loading ," The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 500=502, 2014-06. Jeju . -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Hao-Xiang Liao,"A scalable single sign-on scheme for distributed networks ," 第二十四屆資訊安全會議, 224-228, 2014-05. 國立政治大學 . -
邱毓軒、蔡國裕、吳宗成,"基於動態載入之Android App防複製攻擊機制 ," 第二十四屆全國資訊安全會議, NA, 2014-05. 國立政治大學 . -
余浩宇、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"基於用戶端難題之漫遊鑑別機制 ," 第二十四屆全國資訊安全會議, 413-418, 2014-05. 國立政治大學 . -
葉崇志、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"基於動態主機配置協定之網路存取控管系統 ," 第二十四屆資訊安全會議, 473-478, 2014-05. 國立政治大學 . -
何文浩、吳宗成、蔡國裕,"具轉移次數限制之App應用服務可轉移性驗證機制 ," 第二十四屆資訊安全會議, 457-461, 2014-05. 國立政治大學 . -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Ren-Zong Kuo, and Tzong-Chen Wu,"Robust certificateless signature scheme without bilinear pairings ," 2013 International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), NA, 2013-12. Macao . -
Kuo-Yu Tsai, Hao-Yu Yu, and Chung-Fu Lu,"Improvement of distributed reprogramming protocol for wireless sensor networks ," 2013 National Computer Symposium, NA, 2013-12. 亞洲大學 . -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Chuan-Yen Fan,"Cryptanalysis of a certificateless signature scheme without bilinear pairings ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2013, NA, 2013-10. 國立中興大學 . -
Kuo-Hui Yeh,Kuo-Yu Tsai, and Hung-Lun Chang,"Anonymous authentication scheme for large-scale mobile networks ," The FTRA 9th International Symposium on Wireless sensor network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space, NA, 2013-09. Gwangju . -
Kuo-Hui Yeh, Kuo-Yu Tsai, Chung-Fu Lu, and Nai-Wei Lo,"Scalable and anonymous authentication scheme ," 第二十三屆全國資訊安全會議, 12-16, 2013-05. 南臺科技大學 .
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- 109 年度新型態資安實務示範課程發展計畫「進階資安課程—工業物聯網資安威脅檢測與防護」/2020-03~2021-02/ 共同主持人
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Analyzing Image-based Political Propaganda in Referendum Campaigns: From Elements to Strategies
- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Medical Blockchain: Data Sharing and Privacy Preserving of EHR based on Smart Contract
- 112/112學年度教學績優獎/逢甲大學/ 2023-11-12/
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Preserving Indomitable DDoS Vitality through Resurrection Social Hybrid Botnet
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Microstructure overlapping image application with optical decryption
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Implementation of interactive games to a shoulder rehabilitation and evaluation system
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Three-factor UCSSO scheme With fast authentication and privacy protection for telecare medicine information systems
Last update:2025-3-15, 午夜
Next update:2025-3-15, 9 a.m.