Lien-Wu Chen
Research Interest:
L.-W. Chen*, H.-W. Huang, Y.-J. Chen, and M.-F. Tsai, "Open-Space Emergency Guiding with Individual Density Prediction Based on Internet of Things Location," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 785-797, 2025-02. (SCIE,EI,IF=5.3, N/M=43/197) -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-W. Liao, and J.-X. Liu, "Proactive Crowdsourced Monitoring and Sensing with Expansible Activity Recognition Based on Internet of Things Localization," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, published online, 2025-02. (SCIE,EI,IF=10.6, N/M=4/158) -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Tsao, "Time-Dependent Lane-Level Navigation with Spatiotemporal Mobility Modeling Based on the Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 54, no. 12, pp. 7721-7732, 2024-12. (SCIE,EI,IF=8.6, N/M=5/84) -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-Y. Cho, A.-N. Li, and M.-F. Tsai, "Crowdsourced Bicycle Monitoring and Finding with Riding User Recognition Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 20, pp. 33387-33400, 2024-10. (SCIE,EI,IF=4.3, N/M=15/76) -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-R. Chen, "Centimeter-Level Indoor Positioning with Facing Direction Detection for Microlocation-Aware Services," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 6458-6468, 2024-10. (SCIE,EI,IF=8.6, N/M=5/84) -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-R. Lu, "Markov Decision Process Based Artificial Intelligence with Card-Playing Strategy and Free-Playing Right Exploration for Four-Player Card Game Big2," IEEE Transactions on Games, published online, 2024-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.3, N/M=56/108) -
L.-W. Chen*, H.-F. Tseng, C.-Y. Cho, and M.-F. Tsai, "Hybrid Kitchen Safety Guarding with Stove Fire Recognition Based on the Internet of Things," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, published online, 2024-06. (SCIE,EI,IF=8.7, N/M=3/108) -
M.-F. Tsai *, W.-T. Li, and L.-W. Chen, "Dynamic Productivity Prediction and New Production Feature Selection Methods for Advanced Planning Scheduling," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 341-357, 2024-03. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.1, N/M=146/158) -
L.-W. Chen*, A.-N. Li, and Y.-A. Shi, "Multi-Screen Adaptive Displaying with Augmented Reality Manipulation Based on the Internet of People," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, published online, 2023-12. (SCIE,EI) -
M.-F. Tsai*, C.-Y. Lan, N.-C. Wang, and L.-W. Chen, "Time Series Feature Extraction Using Transfer Learning Technology for Crop Pest Prediction," Agronomy, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 1-14, 2023-03. (SCIE) -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Weng, "Time-Dependent Visiting Trip Planning with Crowd Density Prediction Based on Internet of Things Localization," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, published online, 2022-04. (SCIE,EI,IF=6.075, N/M=17/93) -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-R. Lu, "Challenging Artificial Intelligence with Multi-Opponent and Multi-Movement Prediction for the Card Game Big2," IEEE Access, published online, 2022-03. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.745, N/M=35/156) -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-X. Liu, "Mobile Crowdsourced Guiding and Finding with Precise Target Positioning Based on Internet of Things Localization," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, published online, 2021-08. (SCIE,EI,IF=13.451, N/M=1/63) -
L.-W. Chen* and D.-E. Chen, "Exploring Spatiotemporal Mobilities of Highway Traffic Flows for Precise Travel Time Estimation and Prediction Based on Electronic Toll Collection Data," Vehicular Communications, published online, 2021-04. (SCIE,EI,IF=6.910, N/M=11/91) -
L.-W. Chen* and G.-L. Wang, "Risk-Aware and Collision-Preventive Cooperative Fleet Cruise Control Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, published online, 2021-01. (SCIE,EI,IF=13.451, N/M=1/63) -
Hsi-Min Chen*, Tsung-Chi Lin, Lien-Wu Chen, Bao-An Nguyen, Yi-Chung Chen, "Navigation Flow Modeling as a Basis for the Automatic Generation of Android APPs," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 37, No, 1, 2021-01. (SCIE,EI) -
M.-F. Tsai*, Y.-C. Chu, M.-H. Li, and L.-W. Chen, "Smart Machinery Monitoring System with Reduced Information Transmission and Fault Prediction Methods Using Industrial Internet of Things," Mathematics, vol. 9, no. 1:3, pp. 1-14, 2020-12. (SCIE,IF=1.747, N/M=28/325) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-E. Li, J.-X. Liu, H.-M. Chen, and M.-F. Tsai, "Intelligent Item Searching with Gesture-Based Interfaces through Mobile Cloud Computing," IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 705-716, 2020-10. (EI) -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-M. Chen, "Driver Behavior Monitoring and Warning with Dangerous Driving Detection Based on the Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, published online, 2020-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=6.319, N/M=2/134) -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, H.-M. Chen, and M.-F. Tsai, "Crowdsourced Children Monitoring and Finding with Holding Up Detection Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 24, pp. 12407-12417, 2019-12. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.076, N/M=13/61) -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-C. Tsao, H.-M. Chen, and M.-F. Tsai, "Cyber-Physical Ubiquitous Cycling with Fuzzy-Controlled Panorama Manifestation Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Sensors Journal, published online, 2019-11. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.076, N/M=13/61) -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-X. Liu, "Time-Efficient Indoor Navigation and Evacuation with Fastest Path Planning Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, published online, 2019-06. (SCIE,EI,IF=7.351, N/M=4/62) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-H. Peng, Y.-C. Tseng, and M.-F. Tsai, "Cooperative Sensing Data Collection and Distribution with Packet Collision Avoidance in Mobile Long-Thin Networks," Sensors, published online, 2018-10. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.475, N/M=30/80) -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, D.-E. Chen, J.-X. Liu, and M.-F. Tsai, "Smart Campus Care and Guiding with Dedicated Video Footprinting through Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Access, published online, 2018-08. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.557, N/M=24/148) -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-F. Ho, "Centimeter-Grade Metropolitan Positioning for Lane-Level Intelligent Transportation Systems Based on the Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, published online, 2018-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=5.430, N/M=5/105) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and M.-F. Tsai, "Instant Social Networking with Startup Time Minimization Based on Mobile Cloud Computing," Sustainability, published online, 2018-04. (SCIE,IF=2.075, N/M=120/241) -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-J. Chung, "Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 18, no. 9. pp. 2453-2466, 2017-09. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.724)) -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Chang, "Cooperative Traffic Control with Green Wave Coordination for Multiple Intersections Based on the Internet of Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1321-1335, 2017-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.350)) -
L.-W. Chen* and P.-C. Chou, "BIG-CCA: Beacon-less, Infrastructure-less, and GPS-less Cooperative Collision Avoidance Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 46, no. 11, pp. 1518-1528, 2016-11. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.169)) -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-W. Shih, "Design and Analysis of an Infrastructure-less Framework for Lane Positioning, Tracking, and Requesting through Vehicular Sensor Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 10, pp. 2083-2086, 2016-10. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.463)) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, M.-F. Tsai, H.-M. Chen, and C.-F. Huang, "Cyber-Physical Signage Interacting with Gesture-Based Human-Machine Interfaces through Mobile Cloud Computing," IEEE Access, vol. 4, no. 8, pp. 3951-3960, 2016-08. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.249)) -
L.-W. Chen*, "Cooperative Energy-Efficient Localization with Node Lifetime Extension in Mobile Long-Thin Networks," Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 64, pp. 89-97, 2016-04. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.331)) -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng, "Distributed Emergency Guiding with Evacuation Time Optimization Based on Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 27, no. 2, 2016-02. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.661)) -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng, "Optimal Path Planning with Spatial-Temporal Mobility Modeling for Individual-Based Emergency Guiding," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 45, no. 12, 2015-12. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.169)) -
L.-W. Chen, H.-W. Shih, M.-F. Tsai, and D.-J. Deng*, "Infrastructure-less Cooperative Lane Positioning Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, vol. 10, no. 4, 2015-12. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.750)) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, W.-T. Kuo, and M.-F. Tsai, "Intelligent File Transfer for Smart Handheld Devices Based on Mobile Cloud Computing," International Journal of Communication Systems, published online, 2015-02. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.106)) -
M.-F. Tsai, Y.-C. Chao, L.-W. Chen, N. Chilamkurti, and S. Rho*, "Cooperative Emergency Braking Warning System in Vehicular Networks," EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, published online, 2015-02. (SCIE,EI,IF=0.805)) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-C. Tseng, and K.-Z. Syue, "Surveillance On-the-Road: Vehicular Tracking and Reporting by V2V Communications," Computer Networks, vol. 67, no. 4, 2014-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.282)) -
L.-W. Chen*, P. Sharma, and Y.-C. Tseng, "Dynamic Traffic Control with Fairness and Throughput Optimization Using Vehicular Communications," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 31, no. 9, 2013-09. (SCIE,EI,IF=3.121)) -
L.-W. Chen*, P. Sharma, and Y.-C. Tseng, "Eco-Sign: A Load-Based Traffic Light Control System for Environmental Protection with Vehicular Communications," ACM Computer Communication Review, vol. 41, no. 4, 2011-10. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.102)) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-H. Peng, and Y.-C. Tseng, "An Infrastructure-less Framework for Preventing Rear-End Collisions by Vehicular Sensor Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 3, 2011-03. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.463)) -
L.-W. Chen*, W. Chu, Y.-C. Tseng, and J.-J. Wu, "Route Throughput Analysis with Spectral Reuse for Multi-Rate Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, vol. 25, no. 5, 2009-09. (SCIE,EI,IF=0.333)) -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-C. Tseng, Y.-C. Wang, D.-W. Wang, and J.-J. Wu, "Exploiting Spectral Reuse in Routing, Resource Allocation, and Scheduling for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vo1. 58, no. 1,, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI,IF=2.642)) -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-C. Tseng, "Design and Analysis of Contention-based Request Schemes for Best-Effort Traffics in IEEE 802.16 Networks," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 12, no. 8, 2008-08. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.463)) -
Y.-C. Tseng*, L.-W. Chen, M.-H. Yang, and J.-J. Wu, "A Stop-or-Move Mobility Model for PCS Networks and Its Location-Tracking Strategies," ELSEVIER Computer Communications, vol. 26, no. 12, 2003-07. (SCIE,EI,IF=1.352))
L.-W. Chen* and P.-H. Huang,"NaviEyes: A Rapid Shopping Navigation System with On-Sale Purchase Planning Based on IoT Localization ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), (Poster Session), 2024-11. USA . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-T. Tsai, and D.-W. Wang,"Body-Aware Advertising with Cyber-Physical Interaction Based on Internet of Thing Technologies ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2024-10. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, C. Lai, and H.-H. Yang,"StoryFrames: A Context-Aware Comic Generation System Based on Mobile Cloud Computing ," IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS), (Demo Session), 2024-09. South Korea . -
L.-W. Chen*, W.-C. Huang, and C. Lai,"Deep Learning Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning for Seamless Centimeter-Level Indoor Positioning ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Best Paper Award), 2024-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-A. Shi, and Y.-T Tsai,"Cooperative Fleet Lane Changing with Multi-Group Splitting and Merging Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Recipient of Best Paper Award), 2024-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-T. Tsai,"BodyAd: A Body-Aware Advertising Signage System with Activity-Specific Interaction Based on IoT Technologies ," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), (Demo Session), 2024-05. Canada . -
L.-W. Chen*, W.-C. Huang, and C. Lai,"DeepEyes: A Deep Vision Indoor Positioning System with Individual Movement Recognition Based on IoT ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2024-03. France . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-R. Lu,"Artificial Intelligence Solving Imperfect Information of Four-Player Card Game Big2 Based on Markov Decision Process ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Recipient of Best Paper Award), 2023-11. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-Y. Cho, A.-N. Li, and M.-H. Tsai,"Smart Bicycle Monitoring and Finding for Rider Safety and Bike Security Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), (Regular Session), 2023-11. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, H.-F. Tseng, and C.-Y. Cho,"Intelligent Kitchen Safety Guarding with Abnormal Event Detection Based on the Internet of Things ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Regular Session), 2023-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-Y. Cho,"Deep Learning Based Dangerous Driving Behavior Recognition and Classification Using the Internet of Vehicles ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Recipient of Excellent Paper Award), 2023-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, A.-N. Li, and Y.-A. Shi,"AR-Span: A Multi-Screen Adaptive Displaying System Using Smart Handheld Devices Based on Mobile Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Demo Session, 2023-05. University Center Complex . -
L.-W. Chen*, A.-N. Li, and Y.-N. Shi,"Multi-Screen Adaptive Displaying Using Smart Handheld Devices Based on Mobile Networks ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2022-12. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, H.-W. Huang, and C.-Y. Cho,"Anchor-Few: An Adaptive Precise Indoor Positioning System for Low Anchor Densities Based on IoT Localization ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), (Poster Session), 2022-10. Australia . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-W. Liao,"Crowdsourced Monitoring and Sensing with Expansible Activity Recognition Based on the Internet of Things ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Regular Session), 2022-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Tsao,"Lane-Level Navigation with Spatiotemporal Mobility Modeling Based on the Internet of Vehicles ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Regular Session), 2022-08. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and W.-C. Huang,"DeepAd: A Deep Advertising Signage System with Context-Aware Advertisement Based on IoT Technologies ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), (Poster Session), 2022-03. United States . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-Y. Cho,"BiLight: A Smart Bicycle Monitoring and Finding System for Rider Safety Based on IoT Technologies ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2022-03. Italy . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-W. Liao, T.-Y. Mo, Y.-H. Cheng, and M.-X. Cheng,"Baseball Analysis and Prediction with Game Data Visualization Based on Machine Learning ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2021-12. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, H.-W. Huang, and A.-N. Li,"Adaptive Precise Indoor Positioning in Low Anchor Densities Based on Internet of Things Localization ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), (Regular Session), 2021-12. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-.C Weng, and C.-Y. Cho,"Time-Dependent Visiting Trip Planning with Spatiotemporal Mobility Prediction Based on Internet of Things Localization ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), (Recipient of Best Paper Award), 2021-12. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and W.-C. Huang,"Deep Advertising and Interacting with Context-Aware Advertisement and Cyber-Physical Interaction Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Recipient of Merit Paper Award), 2021-08. Virtual Conference . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Weng,"Visiting Trip Planning with Moving Time Minimization in Indoor Public Spaces Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Poster Session), 2021-08. Virtual Conference . -
L.-W. Chen* and W.-C. Huang,"A Deep Advertising and Interacting Signage System with Context-Aware Interaction Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Best Demo Award), 2021-08. Virtual Conference . -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-F. Tseng,"DeepSafe: A Hybrid Kitchen Safety Guarding System with Stove Fire Recognition Based on the Internet of Things ," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), (Demo Session), 2021-05. Virtual Conference . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-R. Lu,"Card Game Big2 AI with Multi-Opponent Movement Prediction Based on Information Set Monte Carlo Tree Search ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2020-10. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-W. Huang,"Open Space Emergency Guiding with Crowd Density Prediction Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2020-10. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-X. Liu, and W.-C. Huang,"GuidingAll: A Smart Proactive iBeacon System with Crowdsourced Sensing Based on IoT Technologies ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2020-03. USA . -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, and H.-W. Huang,"Smart Children Posture Detection with Crowdsourced Target Localization Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), (Regular Session), 2019-11. Kinmen . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-C. Tsao, C.-C. Li, Y.-C. Lo, W.-H. Huang, and H. Chen,"All-You-Can-Bike: A Street View and Virtual Reality Based Cyber-Physical System for Bikers through IoT Technologies ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), (Demo Session), 2019-10. Mexico . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Tsao,"Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Ubiquitous Cycling Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2019-09. Kaohsiung . -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-X. Liu,"Mobile Crowdsourced Guiding and Finding with Cooperative Target Positioning Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Excellent Paper Award), 2019-08. Tainan . -
L.-W. Chen* and G.-L. Wang,"Cooperative Fleet Cruise Control with Predictive Risk Estimation and Lane Changing Coordination Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Recipient of Excellent Paper Award), 2019-08. Tainan . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Tsao,"A Cycling-on-Demand System with Cyber-Physical Immersive Interaction Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Excellent Demo Award), 2019-08. Tainan . -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, and C.-C. Weng,"Design and Implementation of Mobile Children Monitoring and Finding Using Smartphones Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Demo Session), 2019-08. Tainan . -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, and C.-C. Weng,"iBaby: A Mobile Children Monitoring and Finding System with Stranger Holding Detection Based on IoT Technologies ," ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), (Demo Session), 2019-08. China . -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-X. Liu,"EasyFind: A Mobile Crowdsourced Guiding System with Lost Item Finding Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2019-03. Japan . -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-X. Liu,"EasyGO: A Rapid Indoor Navigation and Evacuation System Using Smartphones through Internet of Things Technologies ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), (Demo Session), 2018-10. India . -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, C.-C. Lin, C.-Y. Chen, and Y.-C. Cheng,"Design and Implementation of Smart Road Condition Detection with Cooperative Warning Based on the Internet of Vehicles ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2018-10. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-R. Chen,"Centimeter-Level Indoor Positioning with Facing Direction Detection Enabling Microlocation-Awareness for the Internet of Things ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Excellent Paper Award), 2018-08. Taoyuan, Taiwan (Recipient of Excellent Paper Award) [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and T.-P. Chen,"Design and Implementation of Smart Campus Care and Guiding Using Mobile Devices Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Demo Session), 2018-08. Taoyuan, Taiwan [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and T.-P. Chen,"Smart Child Monitoring and Warning with Crowdsourced Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Regular Session), 2018-08. Taoyuan, Taiwan [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, T.-P. Chen, and D.-E. Chen,"iGuiding: A Mobile Campus Care and Guidance System Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2018-03. Athens, Greece [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-M. Chen,"Hybrid Driver Behavior Monitoring with Instantaneous Emergency Warning Based on the Internet of Vehicles ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), (Regular Session), 2017-12. Hualien, Taiwan [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, D.-E. Chen, and T.-P. Chen,"Smart Campus Care and Guidance with Deep Face Recognition Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2017-10. Taichung, Taiwan [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-M. Chen,"i-Safe: A Driver Behavior Monitoring and Warning System Based on the Internet of Vehicles ," IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), (Demo Session), 2017-10. Montreal, Canada [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
Y. C. Kiong, C.-Y.-D. Sim, A. Sinn, M.-F. Tsai*, and L.-W. Chen,"Intelligent Trashcan Applications Relying on Internet of Things Technologies ," International Conference on Internet of Things as a Service (IoTaaS), (Regular Session), 2017-09. Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and D.-E. Chen,"Highway Travel Time Prediction with Spatiotemporal Mobility Exploration Based on the Internet of Vehicles ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Recipient of Best Paper Award and Best Presentation Award), 2017-08. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award and Best Presentation Award) [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2634-E-035-001, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-R. Chen, and D.-E. Chen,"Design and Implementation of Video-Based Indoor Positioning with Centimeter-Level Accuracy for the Internet of Things ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Demo Session), 2017-08. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Demo Session) [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-F. Ho,"Metropolitan Positioning and Measurement Correction with Centimeter-Grade Localization Accuracy for the Lane-Level Internet of Vehicles ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Regular Session), 2017-08. Kaohsiung, Taiwan [MOST-106-2221-E-035-019-MY3, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-R. Chen, and Y.-E. Li,"Cyber-Physical Ad: An Audience-Aware Signage Sensing and Interacting System Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), (Demo Session), 2017-04. Pittsburgh, USA [MOST-105-2634-E-035-001, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-R. Chen, and D.-E. Chen,"VIPS: A Video-Based Indoor Positioning System with Centimeter-Grade Accuracy for the Internet of Things ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), (Demo Session), 2017-03. Hawaii, USA [MOST-105-2634-E-035-001, 105-2622-E-035-017-CC3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and D.-E. Chen,"Travel Time Estimation and Prediction for Highways Using Current Flow Status and Historical Traffic Data Based on Internet of Vehicles Technologies ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), (Regular Session), 2016-10. Hualien, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3, MOST-105-2634-E-035-001] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-X. Liu, and M.-Y. Tsai,"Time-Efficient Indoor Navigation and Emergency Evacuation Using Mobile Devices Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Nomination of Best Demo Award), 2016-08. Nantou, Taiwan (Nomination of Best Paper Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3, MOST-105-2634-E-035-001] . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-F. Ho,"Design and Implementation of Cloud-Based Signage Interacting for Mobile Devices through Internet of Things Technologies ," Mobile Computing Workshop, (Demo Session), 2016-08. Nantou, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3, MOST-105-2634-E-035-001] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and C.-R. Chen,"Audience-Aware Signage Sensing with Mobile Cyber-Physical Interaction Based on Internet of Things Technologies ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), (Poster Session), 2016-08. Nantou, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3, MOST-105-2634-E-035-001] . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-F. Ho,"A Face-Based Signage Interacting System for Mobile Users Using Smartphones ," IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 2016-04. San Francisco, USA [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-E. Li, and Y.-F. Ho,"Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Intelligent Item Searching for Mobile Devices Based on Cloud Computing ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), 2015-12. Pingtung, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-J. Chung, and J.-X. Liu,"Dedicated Path Planning with Concurrent Motion Modeling for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Using Smartphones ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), 2015-12. Pingtung, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-F. Ho,"Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Intelligent Signage Interacting for Mobile Users Based on Cloud Computing ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), 2015-10. Nantou, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-J. Chung, and J.-X. Liu,"GoFAST: A Group-Based Emergency Guiding System with Dedicated Path Planning for Mobile Users Using Smartphones ," IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2015-10. Dallas, USA [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, C.-C. Chang, and Y.-C. Tseng,"A Roadside Camera Positioning System with Centimeter-Level Localization Based on Vehicular Communications ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2015-08. Nantou, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and Y.-E. Li,"An Intelligent Item Searching System for Mobile Devices Based on Cloud Computing ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2015-08. Nantou, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and H.-W. Shih,"Infrastructure-less Cooperative Lane Positioning Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks: Design, Analysis, and Implementation ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), 2015-08. Nantou, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and J.-J. Chung,"Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2015-08. Nantou, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
S.-W. Huang, C.-K. Shieh, C.-C. Liao, C.-M. Chiu, M.-F. Tsai*, and L.-W. Chen,"A Cloud-based Efficient On-line Analytical Processing System with Inverted Data Model ," International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (QSHINE), 2015-08. Taipei, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and Y.-E. Li,"An Augmented Reality Based Social Networking System for Mobile Users Using Smartphones ," ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), 2015-06. Hangzhou, China . -
F.-S. Ching, P. Chen, A.-H. Zheng, M.-F. Tsai* and L.-W. Chen,"A Prototyping for Bluetooth Connection of Cleaning Robot ," National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications (NCWIA), 2015-06. Ilan, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, C.-C. Chang, and Y.-C. Tseng,"A Video-Based Metropolitan Positioning System with Centimeter-Grade Localization for Vehicular Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2015-03. St. Louis, Missouri, USA (Recipient of Best Demo Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
C.-M. Chiu, S.-W. Huang*, T.-C. Huang, C.-K. Shieh, M.-F. Tsai, and L.-W. Chen,"A Task Scheduling Policy for Heterogeneous MapReduce Cluster ," International Computer Symposium (ICS), 2014-12. Taichung, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, Y.-E. Li, and M.-F. Tsai,"Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Intelligent Social Networking for Mobile Devices Based on Cloud Computing ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference, 2014-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan (Recipient of Merit Paper Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-C. Chang, and J.-J. Chung,"Cooperative Traffic Control for Multiple Intersections Based on Vehicular Networks ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2014-08. Tainan, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and P.-C. Chou,"Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Lane-Level Cooperative Collision Avoidance Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), 2014-08. Tainan, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and Y.-E. Li,"An Intelligent Social Networking System for Mobile Devices Based on Cloud Computing ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2014-08. Tainan, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen* and P.-C. Chou,"A Lane-Level Cooperative Collision Avoidance System for Preventing Chain Vehicle Collisions ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2014-08. Tainan, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and W.-T. Kuo,"An Augmented Reality Based File Transfer System for Mobile Users Using Smart Phones ," ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc), 2014-08. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, Y.-C. Tseng, and P.-C. Chou,"Optimal Emergency Guiding for Individuals Based on Spatial-Temporal Mobility Analysis ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), 2013-12. Taichung, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award) . -
L.-W. Chen* and C.-C. Chang,"Cooperative Localization with Energy Minimization in Vehicular Long-Thin Networks ," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (TANET), 2013-10. Taichung, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and P.-C. Chou,"A Lane-Level Cooperative Collision Avoidance System Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), 2013-09. Miami, Florida, USA (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-C. Chang, P. Sharma, and Y.-C. Tseng,"CityEye: A Cooperative Lane-Level Traffic Control System Based on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2013-08. Miaoli, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Demo Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and W.-T. Kuo,"An Intelligent File Transfer System for Mobile Devices Based on Augmented Reality and Cloud Computing ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2013-08. Miaoli, Taiwan (Demo Session) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, P. Sharma, Y.-C. Tseng, and C.-C. Chang,"Lane-Level Dynamic Traffic Control for Fairness and Throughput Optimization Based on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), 2013-08. Miaoli, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award) [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-F. Ho, and W.-T. Kuo,"FileYou: An Intelligent File Transfer Framework Based on Augmented Reality and Cloud Computing ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2013-08. Miaoli, Taiwan [NSC-102-2221-E-035-031-MY3] . -
L.-W. Chen*, C.-C. Chang, P. Sharma, J.-H. Cheng, C.-C. Wu, and Y.-C. Tseng,"A Lane-Level Dynamic Traffic Control System for Driving Efficiency Optimization Based on Vehicular Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2013-03. San Diego, California, USA [NSC-101-2221-E-035-090] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Evacuation Time Analysis and Optimization for Distributed Emergency Guiding Based on Wireless Sensor Networks ," ACM/IEEE/IFAC/TRB International Conference on Connected Vehicles & Expo (ICCVE), 2012-12. Beijing, China [NSC-101-2221-E-035-090] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Design, Analysis, and Implementation of Load-Balancing Emergency Guiding Based on Wireless Sensor Networks ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2012-08. New Taipei, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award) [NSC-101-2221-E-035-090] . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, Y.-C. Tseng, L.-C. Kuo, J.-C. Chiang, and W.-J. Lin,"LEGS: A Load-balancing Emergency Guiding System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2012-03. Lugano, Switzerland . -
C.-C. Wu*, L.-W. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Cooperative Localization for Power Saving in Vehicular Long-thin Networks ," National Computer Symposium (NCS), 2011-12. Chiayi, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, J.-H. Cheng, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Design and Analysis of Emergency Guiding and Monitoring with Load Balancing by Wireless Sensor Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), 2011-09. Hsinchu, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, P. Sharma, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Eco-Sign: A Load-Based Traffic Light Control System for Environmental Protection with Vehicular Communications ," ACM International Conference on Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM),, 2011-08. Toronto, Canada (Demo Session) . -
L.-W. Chen*, K.-Z. Syue, Y.-C. Tseng, and J.-H. Cheng,"Surveillance On-the-Road: Suspicious Vehicle Tracking and Reporting Based on V2V Communications ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2011-06. Kaoshiung, Taiwan . -
C.-C. Wu*, L.-W. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Design and Implementation of a Bicycle Tour Logging System Based on Smart Phones ," Digital Content and Multimedia Applications Conference, 2011-05. Miaoli, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-H. Peng, and Y.-C. Tseng,"An Augmented Reality Based Group Communication System for Bikers Using Smart Phones ," IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom), 2011-03. Seattle, USA . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-H. Peng, and Y.-C. Tseng,"GoBike: A Group Communication System for Bikers Based on Smart Phones ," ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), 2010-09. Chicago, USA (Demo Session) . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-H. Peng, Y.-C. Tseng, D.-C. Chang,"Efficient Data Collection and Distribution in Two-tier Vehicular Long-thin Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN), 2010-09. Taipei, Taiwan (Recipient of Best Paper Award) . -
L.-W. Chen*, K.-Z. Syue, and Y.-C. Tseng,"An Implementation of a Vehicular Surveillance and Sensing System for Car Security Applications ," IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Vehicular Communications Joint Telematics Workshop (WiVeC), 2010-05. Taipei, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, K.-Z. Syue, and Y.-C. Tseng,"A Vehicular Surveillance and Sensing System for Car Security and Tracking Applications ," ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 2010-04. Stockholm, Sweden . -
L.-W. Chen*, K.-Z. Syue, and Y.-C. Tseng,"VS3: A Vehicular Surveillance and Sensing System for Security Applications ," IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), 2009-10. Macau SAR, P.R.C. (Recipient of Outstanding Demo Award) . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-S. Chou, and Y.-C. Tseng,"Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks: Techniques and Applications ," Asia-Pacific Engineering Education Congress (APEEC), 2009-04. Taipei, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen* and Y.-C. Tseng,"Design and Analysis of Contention-based Request Schemes for Best-Effort Traffics in IEEE 802.16 Networks ," Cross-Strait Information Technology Conference (CSIT), 2008-02. Jhongli, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen*, Y.-C. Tseng, D.-W. Wang, and J.-J. Wu,"Exploiting Spectral Reuse in Resource Allocation, Scheduling, and Routing for IEEE 802.16 Mesh Networks ," IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 2007-09. Baltimore, MD, USA . -
Y.-C. Tseng, W. Chu*, L.-W. Chen, and C.-M. Yu,"Route Throughput Analysis for Mobile Multi-Rate Wireless Ad Hoc Networks ," IEEE Broadband Wireless Networking Symposium (BroadNets), 2004-10. San Jose, California, USA . -
L.-W. Chen and J.-J. Wu*,"Parallel I/O Scheduling for Cluster Systems ," Workshop on Complier Techniques for High-Performance Computing (CTHPC), 2003-03. Taipei, Taiwan . -
L.-W. Chen and J.-J. Wu*,"Efficient Parallel I/O Scheduling for Clusters ," International Computer Symposium (ICS), 2002-12. Hualien, Taiwan . -
M.-H. Yang*, L.-W. Chen, Y.-C. Tseng, and J.-P. Sheu,"A Traveling Salesman Mobility Model and Its Location Tracking in PCS Networks ," International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2001-04. Phoenix (Mesa), Arizona, USA . -
M.-H. Yang*, L.-W. Chen, and Y.-C. Tseng,"The Location Tracking Problem Based on a Traveling Salesman Moving Model ," Mobile Computing Workshop, 2000-03. Taichung, Taiwan .
- 陳烈武, 鄭任翔, 曾煜棋/車載隨意網路短距離專用通訊協定/無線網路:通訊協定、感測網路、射頻技術與應用服務/ 基峰資訊股份有限公司/2011-08-01/11-1至11-18頁/ISBN 978-986-276-309-4
- 技術報告/T.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Tseng, W. Tam, L.-W. Chen/Resource Planning and Packet Forwarding in Multi-radio, Multi-mode, Multi-channel, Multi-rate (M4)/ National Chiao Tung University/中華民國/2006-08-01/None/ /
- 基於iBeacon佈署密度之自適應精準定位/2020-07~2021-02/ 109-2813-C-035-027-E/主持人
- 整合室內外定位技術之校園關懷導尋系統/2017-07~2018-02/ 106-2813-C-035-075-E/主持人
- 以物聯網為基礎之幼童動作警示與走失協尋系統/2018-07~2019-02/ 107CFD0600032/主持人
- 以行動雲端運算為基礎之智慧物品查詢系統/2015-07~2016-02/ 104-2815-C-035-007-E/主持人
- 以行動裝置為基礎之多螢幕自適應顯示系統/2022-07~2023-02/ 111-2813-C-035-039-E/主持人
- 以物聯網為基礎之行動自行車監測與協尋技術/2023-07~2024-02/ 112-2813-C-035-070-E/主持人
- 基於物聯網之個人狀態監測與異常警示協尋系統/2024-07~2025-02/ 113-2813-C-035-130-E/主持人
- 以iBeacon室內定位技術為基礎之智慧導引跟隨系統/2016-07~2017-02/ 105-2815-C-035-095-E/主持人
- 基於車聯網之車道等級定位技術與應用(1/3)/2017-08~2018-07/ MOST106-2221-E-035-019-MY3/主持人
- 基於車聯網之車道等級定位技術與應用(2/3)/2018-08~2019-07/ MOST106-2221-E-035-019-MY3/主持人
- 基於車聯網之車道等級定位技術與應用(3/3)/2019-08~2020-07/ MOST106-2221-E-035-019-MY3/主持人
- 以擴增實境與雲端計算為基礎之智慧社群即享系統/2014-07~2015-02/ 103-2815-C-035-056-E/主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-智慧停車場管理系統/2016-06~2017-05/ MOST105-2622-E-035-008-CC3/共同主持人
- 基於深度學習預測公共空間人潮密度之緊急逃生導引系統/2019-07~2020-02/ 108-2813-C-035-017-E/主持人
- 以車載網路為基礎之協同式行車效率最佳化技術(1/3)/2013-08~2014-07/ NSC102-2221-E-035-031-MY3/主持人
- 以車載網路為基礎之協同式行車效率最佳化技術(2/3)/2014-08~2015-07/ MOST102-2221-E-035-031-MY3/主持人
- 以車載網路為基礎之協同式行車效率最佳化技術(3/3)/2015-08~2016-07/ MOST102-2221-E-035-031-MY3/主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-駕駛行為監測與警示系統之開發/2016-11~2017-10/ MOST105-2622-E-035-017-CC3/主持人
- 以車聯網為基礎之下世代車道等級智慧運輸系統(1/3)/2020-08~2021-07/ MOST109-2221-E-035-062-MY3/主持人
- 以車聯網為基礎之下世代車道等級智慧運輸系統(2/3)/2021-08~2022-07/ MOST109-2221-E-035-062-MY3/主持人
- 以車聯網為基礎之下世代車道等級智慧運輸系統(3/3)/2022-08~2023-07/ NSTC109-2221-E-035-062-MY3/主持人
- 運用車聯網強化行車效率之自適應車道等級智慧運輸系統/2023-08~2024-07/ NSTC112-2221-E-035-032-/主持人
- 智慧交通控制與安全巨量資料整合服務平台開發與應用/2016-07~2017-06/ MOST105-2634-E-035-001-/共同主持人
- 基於車聯網增進行車安全與效率之協同式車道等級智慧運輸系統(1/3)/2024-08~2025-07/ NSTC113-2221-E-035-073-MY3/主持人
- 以車載隨意網路為基礎最佳化行車效率之動態交通控制與路況估算技術/2012-08~2013-07/ NSC101-2221-E-035-090-/主持人
- (廠配)永廷科技有限公司(應用型)產學合作計畫-駕駛行為監測與警示系統之開發/2016-11~2017-10/ MOST105-2622-E-035-017-CC3/主持人
- 無線通訊快速過磅系統/2015-05~2016-02/ 共同主持人
- 行車資通安全整合系統開發案/2015-07~2016-06/ 主持人
- 行車資通安全整合系統開發案/2016-07~2017-06/ 主持人
- (註銷)泰盛物聯網平台開發專案/2015-01~2015-12/ 共同主持人
- 可適性多錄像即時雲端儲存與影像串接技術開發與系統整合/2016-03~2018-02/ 共同主持人
- 113/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第28屆行動計算研討會(MC-2024)/ 2024-08-26/本人與指導學生黃唯筑、賴錡(全國性,台北市)
- 113/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第19屆無線、隨意與感測網路研討會(WASN 2024)/ 2024-08-26/本人與指導學生時昱安、蔡育岑(全國性,台北市)
- 113/Top 0.5% Scholar /ScholarGPS/ 2024-08-01/本人(國際性,洛杉磯)
- 112/資訊組「特優獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2024/ 2024-07-28/指導學生王定偉(全國性,高雄市)
- 112/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第29屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2023)/ 2023-11-01/本人與指導學生呂宥融(全國性,台北市)
- 112/大專學生研究創作獎 /國科會/ 2023-10-01/指導學生李璦妮(全國性,台北市)
- 112/優良論文獎(Excellent Paper Award) /第18屆無線、隨意與感測網路研討會(WASN 2023)/ 2023-08-28/本人與指導學生卓俊佑(全國性,基隆市)
- 111/資訊組「特優獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2023/ 2023-07-28/指導學生李璦妮、蔡明憲(全國性,屏東縣)
- 111/友達場域創新應用組「第一名」 /第27屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽2022/ 2022-11-05/指導學生時昱安、李璦妮、黃唯筑、卓俊佑(全國性,台北市)
- 111/數位永續科技組「第三名」 /全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽2022/ 2022-10-23/指導學生時昱安、李璦妮、蔡育岑、黃秉泓(全國性, 桃園市)
- 111/111年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 /研究發展處/ 2022-10-15/
- 110/資訊組「特優獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2022/ 2022-06-18/指導學生李璦妮(全國性,屏東縣)
- 110/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第23屆全國計算機會議(NCS 2021)/ 2021-12-10/本人與指導學生翁嘉駿、卓俊佑(全國性,台中市)
- 110/資訊應用組「第三名」 /第26屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽2021/ 2021-11-13/指導學生卓俊佑、黃唯筑、廖浚崴、時昱安(全國性, 台北市)
- 110/110年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /產學合作處/ 2021-10-15/
- 110/最佳實作展示獎(Best Demo Award) /第25屆行動計算研討會(MC-2021)/ 2021-08-23/本人與指導學生黃唯筑(全國性,台中市)
- 110/佳作論文獎(Merit Paper Award) /第16屆無線、隨意與感測網路研討會(WASN 2021)/ 2021-08-23/本人與指導學生黃唯筑(全國性,台中市)
- 109/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2021/ 2021-06-26/指導學生黃皓偉、李璦妮(全國性,屏東縣)
- 109/軟體應用類「佳作獎」 /第18屆育秀盃創意獎2021/ 2021-04-16/指導學生黃唯筑、廖浚崴、卓俊佑、時昱安(全國性, 台北市)
- 109/數位永續科技組「值得注目獎」 /全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽2020/ 2020-10-25/指導學生黃唯筑、曹致晟、翁嘉駿、古庭崧(全國性, 桃園市)
- 109/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2020/ 2020-08-27/指導學生呂宥融(全國性,台北市)
- 108/軟體應用類「佳作獎」 /第17屆育秀盃創意獎2020/ 2020-04-28/指導學生曹致晟、翁嘉駿、蔡雨修、黃唯筑、黃皓偉(全國性, 台北市)
- 108/體感互動科技組「第三名」 /全國大專校院智慧創新暨跨域整合創作競賽2019/ 2019-11-06/指導學生曹致晟、翁嘉駿、黃唯筑、蔡雨修(全國性, 桃園市)
- 108/ACM Senior Member /國際計算機協會/ 2019-09-26/本人(國際性)
- 108/潛力商品組「銀牌」 /2019資訊應用服務創新創業新秀選拔競賽/ 2019-09-25/指導學生曹致晟、翁嘉駿、陳俋儒(全國性,台北市)
- 108/傑出論文獎(Outstanding Paper Award) /第25屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2019)/ 2019-09-25/本人與指導學生曹致晟(全國性,高雄市)
- 108/優良論文獎(Excellent Paper Award) /第24屆行動計算研討會(MC-2019)/ 2019-08-26/本人與指導學生劉俊顯(全國性,台南市)
- 108/優良實作展示獎(Excellent Demo Award) /第24屆行動計算研討會(MC-2019)/ 2019-08-26/本人與指導學生曹致晟(全國性,台南市)
- 108/優良論文獎(Excellent Paper Award) /第15屆無線、隨意與感測網路研討會(WASN 2019)/ 2019-08-26/本人與指導學生王冠霖(全國性,台南市)
- 107/智慧空間應用組「佳作獎」 /第1屆智慧聯網專題實務競賽Intelligent IoT Project Competition 2019/ 2019-07-16/指導學生翁嘉駿、陳琮斌、曹致晟、陳俋儒(全國性,雲林縣)
- 107/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2019/ 2019-05-31/指導學生陳琮斌、黃皓偉(全國性,台北市)
- 107/智慧零售組「佳作獎」 /第23屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽2018/ 2018-11-03/指導學生翁嘉駿、曹致晟(全國性,台北市)
- 107/資訊應用組「佳作獎」 /第23屆全國大專校院資訊應用服務創新競賽2018/ 2018-11-03/指導學生翁嘉駿、曹致晟(全國性,台北市)
- 107/最佳口頭報告獎(Best Presentation Award) /第24屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2018)/ 2018-10-24/本人與指導學生陳琮斌、林建志、陳俊宇、鄭宇哲(全國性,桃園市)
- 107/優良論文獎(Excellent Paper Award) /第23屆行動計算研討會(MC-2018)/ 2018-08-26/本人與指導學生陳麒仁(全國性,桃園市)
- 106/實品競賽類「佳作獎」 /2018創意軟體競賽Creative Software System Contest/ 2018-07-26/指導學生陳琮斌、翁嘉駿、林俊耀(全國性,新北市)
- 106/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2018/ 2018-05-25/指導學生陳琮斌(全國性,台中市)
- 106/軟體應用類「佳作獎」 /第15屆育秀盃創意獎2018/ 2018-05-03/指導學生翁嘉駿、陳琮斌、劉俊顯、陳咸閔(全國性,台北市)
- 106/Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award (終身成就獎) /Marquis Who's Who (馬奎斯世界名人錄)/ 2018-02-08/本人獲獎
- 106/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第22屆行動計算研討會(MC-2017)/ 2017-08-27/本人與指導學生陳大恩(全國性,高雄市)
- 106/最佳報告獎(Best Presentation Award) /第22屆行動計算研討會(MC-2017)/ 2017-08-27/本人與指導學生陳大恩(全國性,高雄市)
- 106/大專學生研究創作獎 /科技部/ 2017-08-14/指導學生蔡明原(全國性,台北市)
- 106/106年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /產學合作處/ 2017-08-01/
- 105/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2017/ 2017-05-27/指導學生蔡明原、陳琮斌(全國性,台中市)
- 105/最佳碩士論文獎(Master Thesis Award) /中華民國資訊學會/ 2017-03-11/指導學生何宇凡(全國性,台北市)
- 105/實作組「佳作獎」 /行動與智慧終端創新應用競賽2016/ 2016-12-23/指導學生蔡明原、廖浤鈞、劉承鑫、游鈞硯(全國性,台南市)
- 105/構想組「優勝獎」 /行動與智慧終端創新應用競賽2016/ 2016-12-23/指導學生蔡明原、廖浤鈞、劉承鑫、游鈞硯(全國性,台南市)
- 105/實作組「優勝獎」 /行動與智慧終端創新應用競賽2016/ 2016-12-23/指導學生陳大恩、劉俊顯、陳咸閔、陳麒仁、王冠霖、李詠恩(全國性,台南市)
- 105/構想組「特優獎」 /行動與智慧終端創新應用競賽2016/ 2016-12-23/指導學生陳大恩、劉俊顯、陳咸閔、陳麒仁、王冠霖、李詠恩(全國性,台南市)
- 105/應用開發組「第二名」 /第7屆資旺盃行動裝置程式設計競賽2016/ 2016-12-16/指導學生劉俊顯、陳咸閔、蔡明原(全國性,台北市)
- 105/實作組「第三名」 /智慧終端與人機互動軟體創作專題競賽2016/ 2016-12-09/指導學生陳麒仁、王冠霖、李詠恩、陳大恩(全國性,高雄市)
- 105/大專學生研究創作獎 /科技部/ 2016-08-02/指導學生李詠恩(全國性,台北市)
- 104/資訊組「佳作獎」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2016/ 2016-06-01/指導學生李詠恩(全國性,台北市)
- 104/資訊組「第二名」 /第7屆逢甲大學資電學院專題競賽2016/ 2016-03-18/指導學生李詠恩、陳星宇、吳振霆
- 104/IEEE Senior Member /國際電機電子工程師學會/ 2016-03-01/本人(Fewer than eight percent of the more than 429000 IEEE members)
- 104/實作組「第二名」 /4G無線寬頻校園應用程式競賽2015/ 2015-12-17/指導學生劉俊顯、陳咸閔、何宇凡、陳大恩(全國性,台北市)
- 104/實作組「企業獎」 /第7屆Mobileheroes通訊大賽2015智慧城市應用服務設計競賽/ 2015-12-16/指導學生何宇凡、陳咸閔、劉俊顯(全國性,台北市)
- 104/創新創意組「佳作」 /全國大專院校智慧電子與資通應用創新創意競賽2015/ 2015-12-15/指導學生陳咸閔、劉俊顯、何宇凡、陳大恩(全國性,高雄市)
- 104/潛力商品組「銀牌」 /第3屆資訊應用服務創新創業新秀選拔競賽2015/ 2015-12-01/本人與指導學生何宇凡、李詠恩、張如伶、趙昱翔(全國性,台北市)
- 104/兩岸交流組「第三名」 /第20屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2015/ 2015-10-31/指導學生劉俊顯、陳咸閔、陳大恩、王冠霖(全國性,台北市)
- 104/佳作獎 /第1屆精誠盃APP創意競賽2015/ 2015-08-28/指導學生劉俊顯、何宇凡、葉軒、潘詠霖、陳啟瑞(全國性,台中市)
- 103/資訊組「第二名」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2015/ 2015-05-19/指導學生李詠恩(全國性,台北市)
- 103/最佳實作展示獎(Best Demo Award) /IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom/ 2015-03-25/本人與指導學生何宇凡(國際性,美國)
- 103/創意應用組「佳作」 /第1屆校園風雲榜APP創意競賽2015/ 2015-03-17/指導學生何宇凡、李詠恩(全國性,台南市)
- 103/創意整合組「第三名」 /第5屆資旺盃Android程式設計競賽2014/ 2014-12-18/指導學生施翔偉、陳咸閔(全國性,台北市)
- 103/應用開發組「第三名」 /第5屆資旺盃Android程式設計競賽2014/ 2014-12-18/指導學生劉俊顯、鍾鎮州(全國性,台北市)
- 103/優等獎 /第6屆Mobileheroes通訊大賽2014聯發科穿戴式暨物聯網裝置競賽/ 2014-12-03/指導學生施翔偉、陳咸閔、周泊均(全國性,台北市)
- 103/兩岸交流組「第三名」 /第19屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2014/ 2014-11-08/指導學生何宇凡、李詠恩(全國性,台北市)
- 103/資訊技術應用組「佳作」 /第19屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2014/ 2014-11-08/指導學生何宇凡、李詠恩(全國性,台北市)
- 103/佳作論文獎(Merit Paper Award) /第20屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2014)/ 2014-10-22/本人與指導學生何宇凡、李詠恩(全國性,高雄市)
- 103/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第10屆無線隨意及感測網路研討會(WASN 2014)/ 2014-08-26/本人與指導學生周泊均(全國性,台南市)
- 102/資訊組「第一名」 /中國工程師學會學生工程論文競賽2014/ 2014-05-19/指導學生何宇凡、郭威廷(全國性,台北市)
- 102/應用服務組「第一名」 /第4屆中部地區資訊專題競賽2014/ 2014-05-02/指導學生何宇凡、郭威廷
- 102/電腦系統組「第一名」 /第4屆中部地區資訊專題競賽2014/ 2014-05-02/指導學生陳咸閔、陳昱凱
- 102/十速科技組「佳作」 /第1屆十速科技專題競賽2014/ 2014-05-01/指導學生陳咸閔、陳昱凱
- 102/十速科技組「優勝」 /第1屆十速科技專題競賽2014/ 2014-05-01/指導學生何宇凡、郭威廷
- 102/資訊組「第一名」 /第5屆逢甲大學資電學院專題競賽2014/ 2014-05-01/指導學生陳咸閔、陳昱凱
- 102/軟體應用類「佳作獎」 /第11屆育秀盃創意獎2014/ 2014-04-18/指導學生何宇凡、郭威廷、鍾鎮州(全國性,台北市)
- 102/創意整合組「佳作獎」 /第4屆資旺盃Android程式設計競賽2013/ 2013-12-20/指導學生周泊均、施翔偉、鍾鎮州(全國性,台北市)
- 102/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第19屆全國計算機會議(NCS 2013)/ 2013-12-13/本人與指導學生鄭任翔、周泊均(全國性,台中市)
- 102/系統整合實作組「佳作獎」 /第3屆經濟部科專技術搶鮮大賽2013/ 2013-12-03/指導學生周泊均、郭紀暐(全國性,台北市)
- 102/系統整合實作組「優秀獎」 /第3屆經濟部科專技術搶鮮大賽2013/ 2013-12-03/指導學生張家甄、吳建澄(全國性,台北市)
- 102/兩岸交流組「第三名」 /第18屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2013/ 2013-11-09/指導學生周泊均、施翔偉、鍾鎮州(全國性,台北市)
- 102/最佳展示獎(Best Demo Award) /第18屆行動計算研討會(MC-2013)/ 2013-08-27/本人與指導學生張家甄、普若內(全國性,苗栗縣)
- 102/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第9屆無線隨意及感測網路研討會(WASN 2013)/ 2013-08-27/本人與指導學生普若內、張家甄(全國性,苗栗縣)
- 101/全球創新實作組「Stars Prize」 /第9屆伽利略創新大賽(ESNC 2012)/ 2012-11-15/本人與指導學生普若內、鄭任翔、吳建澄(國際性,台灣)
- 101/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第17屆行動計算研討會(MC-2012)/ 2012-08-29/本人與指導學生鄭任翔(全國性,新北市)
- 100/青年論文獎「第三名」 /中國電機工程學會2011/ 2011-12-16/協助指導學生彭昱豪(全國性,台北市)
- 100/Audience Award「2nd Prize」 /第8屆伽利略創新大賽(ESNC 2011)/ 2011-11-18/本人與指導學生普若內、鄭任翔、吳建澄(國際性,台灣)
- 100/全球創新實作組「傑出表現獎」 /第8屆伽利略創新大賽(ESNC 2011)/ 2011-11-18/本人與指導學生普若內、鄭任翔、吳建澄(國際性,台灣)
- 100/公共服務創新應用組「優選」 /第16屆全國大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2011/ 2011-11-05/指導學生張家甄、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 100/優等獎 /第3屆Mobileheroes通訊大賽2011/ 2011-10-14/指導學生鄭任翔、吳建澄(全國性,台北市)
- 99/銅獎 /兩岸三地安利盃大學生計算機作品賽2011/ 2011-06-26/指導學生彭昱豪、鄭任翔、張家甄(國際性,海南島)
- 99/評審特別獎 /第8屆育秀盃創意獎2011/ 2011-04-08/指導學生彭昱、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/Mobile組佳作 /第8屆育秀盃創意獎2011/ 2011-04-08/指導學生彭昱豪、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/嵌入式系統組「台灣區決賽佳作」 /微軟潛能創意盃2011/ 2011-03-27/協助指導學生普若內、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/整合應用組「主題獎」 /第15屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2010/ 2010-12-04/協助指導學生彭昱豪、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/整合應用組「第一名」 /第15屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2010/ 2010-12-04/協助指導學生彭昱豪、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/Google企業創新應用組「第一名」 /第15屆大專校院資訊服務創新競賽2010/ 2010-12-04/協助指導學生彭昱豪、鄭任翔(全國性,台北市)
- 99/最佳論文獎(Best Paper Award) /第6屆無線隨意與感測網路研討會(WASN 2010)/ 2010-09-02/本人與指導學生彭昱豪(全國性,台北市)
- 99/產學合作組「最佳趣味/實用獎」 /遠傳S市集校園盃軟體開發競賽2010/ 2010-08-11/協助指導學生彭昱豪(全國性,新竹市)
- 99/展望未來2020組「第一名」 /微軟潛能創意盃2010/ 2010-08-10/協助指導學生普若內(國際性,波蘭)
- 98/傑出實作展示獎 /Outstanding Demo Award at IEEE MASS 2009/ 2009-10-15/本人與指導學生薛坤澤(國際性,澳門)
- 86/中華民國斐陶斐榮譽會員 /中華民國斐陶斐榮譽學會/ 1998-06-01/本人
- 113/113年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵/逢甲大學/ 2024-11-26/
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Multi-Screen Adaptive Displaying with Augmented Reality Manipulation Based on the Internet of People
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Time Series Feature Extraction Using Transfer Learning Technology for Crop Pest Prediction
- 112/112年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵/逢甲大學/ 2023-12-12/
- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Time-Dependent Visiting Trip Planning with Crowd Density Prediction Based on Internet of Things Localization
- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Challenging Artificial Intelligence with Multi-Opponent and Multi-Movement Prediction for the Card Game Big2
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎/逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Navigation Flow Modeling as a Basis for the Automatic Generation of Android APPs
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Risk-Aware and Collision-Preventive Cooperative Fleet Cruise Control Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Mobile Crowdsourced Guiding and Finding with Precise Target Positioning Based on Internet of Things Localization
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Exploring Spatiotemporal Mobilities of Highway Traffic Flows for Precise Travel Time Estimation and Prediction Based on Electronic Toll Collection Data
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Smart Machinery Monitoring System with Reduced Information Transmission and Fault Prediction Methods Using Industrial Internet of Things
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Driver Behavior Monitoring and Warning with Dangerous Driving Detection Based on the Internet of Vehicles
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎/逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Intelligent Item Searching with Gesture-Based Interfaces through Mobile Cloud Computing
- 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Cyber-Physical Ubiquitous Cycling with Fuzzy-Controlled Panorama Manifestation Based on Internet of Things Technologies
- 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Time-Efficient Indoor Navigation and Evacuation with Fastest Path Planning Based on Internet of Things Technologies
- 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Crowdsourced Children Monitoring and Finding with Holding Up Detection Based on Internet of Things Technologies
- 109/109年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵/逢甲大學/ 2020-10-15/
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Centimeter-Grade Metropolitan Positioning for Lane-Level Intelligent Transportation Systems Based on the Internet of Vehicles
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Instant Social Networking with Startup Time Minimization Based on Mobile Cloud Computing
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Smart Campus Care and Guiding with Dedicated Video Footprinting through Internet of Things Technologies
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Cooperative Sensing Data Collection and Distribution with Packet Collision Avoidance in Mobile Long-Thin Networks
- 108/108學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵/逢甲大學/ 2019-09-01/
- 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Mobility-Aware and Congestion-Relieved Dedicated Path Planning for Group-Based Emergency Guiding Based on Internet of Things Technologies
- 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎/逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/Cooperative Traffic Control with Green Wave Coordination for Multiple Intersections Based on the Internet of Vehicles
- 107/107年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵/逢甲大學/ 2018-08-01/
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Next update:2025-3-5, 9 a.m.