
Associate Professor

Chih-Hung Chang received his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Feng Chia University in 2004. His research interests include Deep Learning, Software Engineering, Cloud Services, and Healthcare Systems. Prof. Chang has more than 10 principal investigators from MOST/NSCT and many projects Co-PIs from MOE/NSCT. His research results have been published in the “Engineering Science and Technology Bulletin” twice. Prof. Chang is also actively involved in related research services, such as serving as a CS team, a judge of the Ministry of Education's IMBD, and a teacher of the Intelligent Manufacturing Industry Innovation and Enhancement Talent Cultivation Program textbook compiler. He is also a judge/district judge of the National Skill Competition of the Ministry of Labor, a reviewer of the Forward-Looking Digital Project of the MOE, etc. He has been a member of many international conferences, such as the program committee of TANET, ACM SAC Software Engineering Track, and co-chair of the IEEE SCA Workshop. In industry-academia cooperation, Prof. Chang is currently collaborating with Taichung Veterans General Hospital, Changhua Christian Hospital, Tung’s Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital, Netbirdge, and Any Door Technology, etc., on practical applications such as AI, LLM, and energy management. For example, Long Covid-19 analysis, diagnosis of rare diseases in orthopedics, epilepsy detection, and healthcare robots. Prof. Chang received the Best Paper Award in TANET 2021 and 2017 and the Best Paper Award in NCS 2017. Prof. Chang has published over 30 journal articles and 100 seminar papers on AIoT, cloud computing, and software engineering in recent years.


  • Ph.D, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University
  • Master, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University
  • Bachelor, Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University

Research Interest:

  • Software Engineering
  • Cloud Service
  • Deep Learing
  • Smart Healthcare
  • Big Data
  1. Chang, C.H.; Weng, J.Y.; Uen, N.Y.; and Yang, C.T.*, "Using the Ceph File System and RADOS Gateway to Construct an Integrated Shared Storage," Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, https://doi.org/10.22967/HCIS.2024.14.012, 2024-02. (SCIE)
  1. 專業書籍/張志宏、詹毓偉、簡廷軒、楊靜怡、簡立仁/Python程式設計輕鬆學/ 普林斯頓/中華民國/2023-01-01/307/ /
  2. 專業書籍/楊朝棟、張志宏著,彭勝龍審閱/EEC雲端服務規劃CSL特訓教材/ 電腦技能基金會/碁峰/松崗/中華民國/2015-09-01/212/ /
  3. 技術報告/張志宏、朱正忠、陳文敬、謝志明、翁碩駿、盧志偉/支援老年醫學健康照護之巨量資料處理與資訊倉儲設計與實作/ 科技部工程推廣中心/中華民國/2015-04-01/6/ /
  4. 技術報告/朱正忠、楊朝棟、盧志偉、張志宏、薛念林/朱正忠教授等「具服務品質保證之企業雲端計算」/ 科技部工程推廣中心/中華民國/2014-04-01/6/ /
  1. (靜宜)支援邊雲人工智慧模型操作與服務管理系統/2024-08~2025-07/ NSTC113-2221-E-035-077-/主持人
  2. 多核心嵌入式軟體之模型驅動整合開發環境-總計畫/2008-08~2009-07/ NSC97-2218-E-035-003-/共同主持人
  3. (靜宜)基於大語言模型之感染照護衛教聊天機器人開發與實作/2024-08~2025-07/ NSTC113-2221-E-035-076-/主持人
  1. 生成式AI與其在智慧醫療應用/台中榮民總醫院感染科/2025-01
Last update:2025-2-23, 午夜 Next update:2025-2-23, 9 a.m.