William W Koo
William W Koo
Research Interest:
- 鄭錫錡、謝信芳、顧偉倫, "Using Web Service to Integrate the Procurement Systems--A Case Study of Semiconductor Industry in Taiwan," Twelfth electronic business management theory and practical workshop, 01 , 2011-05. 大業大學.
- C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, J. Liao, H. W. Yang, W. L. Koo, "A Location-based Mobile Advertisement Publishing System for Vendors," 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations , pp. 24-29 , 2011-04. Lasvegas, U.S.A..
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫、余進丁, "Building an Energy-Efficient Server System Based on Watchlan Technology,"Globalization, Localization and creativity in the humanities and Information Science conference , pp.23 ~ 33 , 2010-12. Tainan.
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫、王建閎, "Using eD2k Technology to Build a Secure P2P E-Commerce System - A Case Study of Plain People Music Website," Gloalization, Localization and Creativity in the Humanities and Information Science Conference , pp.42 ~ 53 , 2010-12. Tainan.
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫、楊溢瑞, "Using TANX Standards to Integrate the ERP Order Management System - A Case Study of Bicycle Industry in Taiwan," 2010 seminar on information management and communication technology , pp.260-271 , 2010-10. Kaohsiung.
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫、陳志明, "Using AJAX Technology to Design a Collaborative Product Commerce System - A Case Study of Aerospace Industry in Taiwan," The 13th Conference on Electronic Commerce(EC2010) , pp. 98-108 , 2010-03. Taipei.
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫、陳家慶, "Design of Virtual Reality Online Board Games - A Case Study of Taiwan's Ma-Jiang," 2009年資訊服務與創新應用 , pp. 457-470 , 2009-12. Taipei.
- 謝信芳、顧偉倫,郭立綱, "An Oneline Learning Performance Evaluating System Using Moodle as the Platform: A Case Study with Fourth Grade," 2009 電腦與網路科技在教育上的應用研討會 , pp. 69 , 2009-11. 新竹.
- 專業書籍/謝信芳、樂以虎、顧偉倫/資料結構-使用C++語言/ 高立圖書有限公司/中華民國/2004-10-01/580/ 原著/
- 專業書籍/柯佳吟 王綺亞 顧偉倫/計算機概論與windows應用/ 松崗電腦圖書/中華民國/2004-08-01/400/ 原著/isbn957-22-2289-9
- 85/松崗電腦圖書資料股份有限公司/計算機概論與Windows應用/ 柯佳吟、王綺亞、顧偉倫、林財寶/複合教材
Last update:2025-1-21, 9:02 a.m.
Next update:2025-1-22, 9 a.m.