


  • 國立清華大學 資訊工程研究所 博士
  • 國立清華大學 數學系應用數學組 學士


  • 分散式系統
    Distributed System
  • 網路安全
    Network Security
  • 自我穩定系統
    Self-Stabilizing System
  • 大數據分析
    Big Data Analysis


  • 教學科技組 組長
  • 系統維運組 組長
  • 資源管理中心 主任
  • 資訊工程學系 副教授
  • 資訊工程學系 助理教授
  • 資訊工程學系 教授
  • 資訊處 研究員
  • 資訊處 資訊長
  • 資通安全研究中心 主任
  • 資通安全研究中心 副主任


  • 工研院 電通所 設計工程師
  • 國立清華大學 資工系 兼任講師


  1. Tzong-Jye Liu, "Adversarial Attacks on Network Intrusion Detection Systems Using Flow Containers," The Computer Journal, Volume 67, Issue 2, Pages 728–745 (DOI: bxad014, https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxad014), 2023-03. (SCIE)
  2. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Tze-Shiun Lin and Ching-Wen Chen, "An Ensemble Machine Learning Botnet Detection Framework Based on Noise Filtering," Journal of Internet Technology, Volume 22, No.6, 1347-1357, 2021-11. (SCIE)
  3. Ching-Wen Chen, An Hsia, Wong-Wei Zhan, Tzong-Jye Liu, "Energy-Efficient Hybrid Coherence Protocol for Multicore Processors," Cluster Computing, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 1521–1541, 2018-09. (SCIE,EI)
  4. An Hsia, Ching-Wen Chen*, Chang-Jung Ku, Tzong-Jye Liu, "A Cost- and Energy-Efficient Embedded System Design Based on Instruction Execution Frequencies," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 39 Issue 4 pp. 473-483, 2016-04. (SCIE,EI)
  5. An Hsia, Ching-Wen Chen*, Tzong-Jye Liu, "Energy-Efficient Synonym Data Detection and Consistency for Virtual Cache," Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 40, Issue C, Pages 27-44, 2016-02. (SCIE,EI)
  6. Chia-Lin Lee and Tzong-Jye Liu*, "A Self-Stabilizing Distance-2 Edge Coloring Algorithm," The Computer Journal, Vol. 57, No. 11, pp. 1639-1648, 2014-11. (SCIE)
  7. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Cheng-Nan Wu, Chia-Lin Lee and Ching-Wen Chen, "A Self-Adaptable Image Spam Filtering System," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 517-528, 2014-04. (SCIE,EI)
  8. Ching-Wen Chen*, Chang-Jung Ku, Tzong-Jye Liu, "Efficient Trace File Compression Design with Locality and Address Difference," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 5, 2013-09. (SCIE,EI)
  9. Li, J. H., Lee, W. B., Ye, D., Liu, T. J., and Qin, C., "Adaptive Secret Sharing for Color Images," International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, Vol.4, No. 5, PP. 797~805, 2011-09. (SCIE,EI)
  10. Lih-Chyau Wuu, Tzong-Jye Liu and Kuo-Ming Chen, "A Longest Prefix First Search Tree for IP Lookup," Computer Networks, 51(12), PP. 3354~3367, 2007-08. (SCIE)
  11. Tzong-Jye Liu and Chia-Lin Lee, "State-optimal alternator for uniform synchronous rings," The Computer Journal, 50(3), PP. 341~347, 2007-05. (SCIE)
  12. Tzong-Jye Liu and Lih-Chyau Wuu, "Randomized Three-State Alternator for Uniform Rings," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 66(10), PP. 347~1351, 2006-10. (SCIE,EI)
  13. Shing-Tsaan Huang, Tzong-Jye Liu and Su-Shen Hung, "Asynchronous Phase Synchronization in Uniform Unidirectional Rings," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 15(4), PP. 378~384, 2004-04. (SCIE,EI)
  1. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Tzu-Wei Huang and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"Data Labeling with Novel Decision Module of Tri-training ," 2020 2nd International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet (ICCCI), pp. 82 - 87, 2020-06. Nagoya .
  2. Yuan-Chin Lee, Chuan-Mu Tseng, and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"A HTTP Botnet Detection System Based on Ranking Mechanism ," The Twelfth International Conference on Digital Information Management, 115-120, 2017-09. Kyushu University,Fukuoka, Japan. .
  3. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Guo-Tai Huang and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"P2P traffic classification using clustering technology ," The 2016 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp. 174-179, 2016-12. Sapporo, Japan .
  4. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Yu-Si Yang and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"Identify Encrypted P2P Traffic Using Edge ," 2015 The Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, 401-410, 2015-11. Japan .
  5. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Jheng-Rong Ciou, and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"A cluster-based data deduplication technology ," The Second International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR 2014), pp. 226 - 230, 2014-12. Shizuoka, Japan .
  6. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Ling-Yao Chao and Tzong-Jye Liu*,"P2P Streaming Traffic Detection in Encrypted Tunnel ," 2013 First International Symposium on Computing and Networking, pp. 208-212, 2013-12. Matsuyama, Japan .
  7. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Tzong-Jye Liu*, Yu-Wen Li,"A Weight Based Backbone Construction Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network ," The 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2013), 746-750, 2013-08. Bali, Indonesia .
  8. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Chi-Bin Chou and Chuan-Mu Tseng,"P2P Traffic Classification in Encrypted Tunnels ," The 19th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2013), 597-602, 2013-08. Bali, Indonesia .
  9. Chuan-Mu Tseng, Tzong-Jye Liu*, Han-Gong Chen,"File Replication Management by Using Aceess Growth Trend ," The 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology, 432-437, 2012-12. Seoul, Rep. of Korea .
  10. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Wen-Chun Tseng,"An Energy-Efficient Distributed File System ," The 7th International Conference on Computing and Convergence Technology, 426-431, 2012-12. Seoul, Rep. of Korea .
  11. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Wei-Chan Wang and Chuan-Mu Tseng,"Organize Metadata Servers by Using Quorum System ," 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2011), 1125-1130, 2011-12. Kyoto, Japan .
  12. Tzong-Jye Liu*,Hung-Wei Shen, Chia-Lin Lee,"An Energy-Aware Backbone Construction Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks ," The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (IEEE ICSESS 2011), Vol. 01, pp. 43-46, 2011-07. Beijing, China .
  13. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Chun-Yan Chung, Chia-Lin Lee,"A High Performance and Low Cost Distributed File System ," The 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (IEEE ICSESS 2011), Vol. 01, pp. 47-50, 2011-07. Beijing, China .
  14. Tzong-Jye Liu*, Wen-Liang Tsao, Chia-Lin Lee,"A High Performance Image-Spam Filtering System ," The 9th International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, 445-449, 2010-08. Hong Kong .
  15. Hsiang-Ching Chao, Tzong-Jye Liu, Kuong-Ho Chen and Chyi-Ren Dow,"A seamless and reliable distributed network file system utilizing webspace ," The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2008), 2008-10. Beijing, China .
  16. Lih-Chyau Wuu, Tzong-Jye Liu and Jyun-Yan Yang,"IP Traceback Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem ," The Sixth IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet, and Information Technology, 2007-07. Banff, Alberta, Canada .
  17. Ko We Huang and Tzong Jye Liu,"A Case Study for XML Attack Prevention System ," Symposium on Applications of Information, Management and Communication Technology (2007資通技術管理與應用會議), 2007-06. 樹德科技大學 .
  18. Hsiang-Lun Huang, Tzong-Jye Liu, Kuong-Ho Chen, Chyi-Ren Dow, Lih-Chyau Wuu,"A Polymorphic Shellcode Detection Mechanism in the Network ," The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, 2007-06. Suzhou, China .
  19. Tzong-Jye Liu,Chuan-Mu Tseng,"An anonymous secure communication protocol in the wireless ad-hoc network ," Proceedings of Mobile Computing Workshop 2006, 2006-03. Feng Chia University, Taichung .
  20. Tzong-Jye Liu, Chia-Lin Lee, Chyi-Ren Dow, Wei-Bin Lee and Hsing-Bai Chen,"Self-Stabilization Neighborhood Synchronizer for Uniform Rings ," the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (IMCSE PDPTA’05), 346-352, 2005-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA .
  21. Lih-Chyau Wuu,Kuo-Ming Chen and Tzong-Jye Liu,"A longest prefix first search tree for IP lookup ," 2005 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2005), Vol. 2, 989-993, 2005-05. Korea .
  22. Tzong-Jye Liu and Chia-Lin Lee,"2-state alternator for uniform rings with arbitrary size ," The IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2005), Vol. 1, 847 - 852, 2005-03. Tamkang University .
  1. (2/3)4i工程人才培育研究計畫-以跨領域設計學院加速跨域工程人才培育(跨領域工程教育人才培育與研究計畫/2017-12~2018-11 /MOST105-2511-S-035-009-MY3 /共同主持人
  2. (3/3)CDIO架構之跨領域創新工程領域人才培育計畫-智慧城市與智慧生活的構思、設計、實施及運作(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2017-11~2018-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-003-MY3 /共同主持人
  3. 基於訊息量分析之惡意流量偵測之研究/2017-08~2018-07 /MOST106-2221-E-035-011- /主持人
  4. (1/3)4i工程人才培育研究計畫-以跨領域設計學院加速跨域工程人才培育(跨領域工程教育人才培育與研究計畫)/2016-12~2017-11 /MOST105-2511-S-035-009-MY3 /共同主持人
  5. (2/3)CDIO架構之跨領域創新工程領域人才培育計畫-智慧城市與智慧生活的構思、設計、實施及運作(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2016-11~2017-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-003-MY3 /共同主持人
  6. 基於群集技術之異常流量偵測問題之研究/2016-08~2017-07 /MOST105-2221-E-035-066- /主持人
  7. (1/3)CDIO架構之跨領域創新工程領域人才培育計畫-智慧城市與智慧生活的構思、設計、實施及運作(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2015-11~2016-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-003-MY3 /共同主持人
  8. 加密通道中串流資料偵測之研究/2014-08~2015-07 /MOST103-2221-E-035-056- /主持人
  9. 多層次即時流量分類技術之研究/2012-08~2013-07 /NSC101-2221-E-035-079- /主持人
  10. 一個節能的雲儲存系統之研究/2011-08~2012-07 /NSC100-2221-E-035-068- /主持人
  11. 具自我調整能力之圖像垃圾郵件過濾系統之研究/2010-08~2011-07 /NSC99-2628-E-035-051- /主持人
  12. 一個低成本的分散式檔案系統之研究/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC98-2221-E-035-034- /主持人
  13. 可延展性入侵偵測與防禦系統之研究/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-071- /主持人
  14. 可延展性網路環境下安全管理之研究/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-025- /主持人
  15. SSL-VPN 之研究與設計/2004-08~2005-07 /NSC93-2213-E-035-019- /主持人
  1. 票券保管結算交割系統二代轉換顧問案 /2024-04~2025-04 /顧問
  2. 教育部臺灣學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運服務(113年) /2024-01~2024-12 /主持人
  3. 教育部臺灣學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運服務(112年 ) /2023-01~2023-12 /主持人
  4. 資安服務 /2023-01~2023-12 /共同主持人
  5. 資安服務 /2022-01~2022-12 /共同主持人
  6. 111年度學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運計畫 /2022-01~2022-12 /主持人
  7. 「資安服務」專案 /2021-01~2021-12 /共同主持人
  8. 學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運計畫 /2021-01~2021-12 /主持人
  9. 學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運計畫 /2020-01~2020-12 /主持人
  10. 資安服務專案 /2019-01~2019-12 /共同主持人
  11. 學術網路資訊分享與分析暨縣市網資訊安全維運計畫 /2019-01~2019-12 /主持人
  12. 資安服務專案 /2018-01~2018-12 /主持人
  13. A-ISAC暨 Mini-SOC服務與維運計畫 /2018-01~2018-12 /主持人
  14. 資安服務專案 /2017-01~2017-12 /主持人
  15. A-ISAC暨Mini-SOC維運與服務計畫 /2017-01~2017-12 /主持人
  16. A-ISAC暨Mini-SOC維運與服務計畫 /2016-01~2016-12 /主持人
  17. 資安服務專案 /2015-11~2016-10 /主持人
  18. A-ISAC暨Mini-SOC維運與服務-性能提升暨可用性強化計畫 /2015-08~2016-02 /主持人
  19. 欣銓科技-「104年主機弱點掃描服務專案」 /2015-01~2015-12 /主持人
  20. A-ISAC暨MiniSOC-維運與服務計畫 /2015-01~2015-12 /主持人
  21. 資安服務專案 /2014-10~2015-10 /主持人
  22. 資訊安全服務專案計畫 /2014-05~2014-12 /共同主持人
  23. 資料庫安全稽核系統整合 /2012-01~2012-12 /共同主持人
  24. 資安服務專案 /2011-10~2012-09 /顧問
  25. 大台中地區路口監視系統結合警勤e化機制與資通安全架構之研究 /2010-01~2010-04 /主持人
  26. 教育部97年度校園安全應用RFID協助學生安全建置計畫 /2008-12~2009-12 /共同主持人
  27. 資通訊人才培育先導型計畫_教材發展:「車際通訊網路與協定」 /2007-09~2008-03 /共同主持人
  28. 96年大專校院校園保護智慧財產權訪視計畫 /2007-03~2007-09 /協同/顧問
  29. CVPM進行企業分散式企業系統基礎平台建立 /2006-12~2007-07 /主持人
  30. 現行電子發票交易系統/網路交易付款系統 /2006-05~2006-07 /共同主持人
  31. 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-與Intel合作通訊網路課程案 /2006-01~2006-12 /主持人
  32. 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-網路應用與服務教學推動中心 /2005-01~2005-12 /主持人
  1. 97/協助教育部辦理「96年度校園保護智慧財產權訪視計畫」 /逢甲大學/人事室/ 2009-04-20/辦理「96年度校園保護智慧財產權訪視計畫」,執行校園智慧財產權保護工作,備極辛勞
  1. 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/An Ensemble Machine Learning Botnet Detection Framework Based on Noise Filtering
  2. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Energy-Efficient Hybrid Coherence Protocol for Multicore Processors
  3. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Energy-Efficient Synonym Data Detection and Consistency for Virtual Cache
  4. 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Cost- and Energy-Efficient Embedded System Design Based on Instruction Execution Frequencies
  5. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Self-Adaptable Image Spam Filtering System
  6. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/A Self-Stabilizing Distance-2 Edge Coloring Algorithm
  7. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Efficient Trace File Compression Design with Locality and Address Difference
  8. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Adaptive Secret Sharing for Color Images
  9. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/A Longest Prefix First Search Tree for IP Lookup
  10. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/State-optimal alternator for uniform synchronous rings
  11. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Randomized Three-State Alternator for Uniform Rings
  12. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/ZERO-Conflict: A grouping-based approach for automatic generation of IPSec/VPN security policies
  1. e化校園的管理與應用/中央大學 電子計算機中心/2017-05
  2. 資訊安全面面觀/宜寧中學/2014-07
  3. e-portfolio 建置與推動經驗分享/南開科技大學/2011-09
  4. 淺談企業資訊安全管理/大塚資訊科技/2010-07
  5. 網路存取控制/大同台中分公司資訊系統業務處/2009-11
  6. 網路安全與管理/中正大學電機工程學系/2009-04
  7. 網路倫理與安全-教師學生e起來/台中縣立中港高級中學/2009-03
  8. 車載資通訊簡介/修平技術學院/2008-01
  9. A Grouping-based Approach for Generating IPSecVPN Policies/東吳大學資訊科學系/2007-11
  10. A Grouping-based Approach for Generating IPSecVPN Policies/高雄師範大學資訊教育研究所/2007-04
  11. Policy-based network management/暨南大學通訊系/2006-03
  12. Policy-based network management/中央大學資訊工程學系/2005-09
  13. Policy Based Network and Security Policies Issues/教育部「通訊科技教育改進計畫」/2005-06
  14. Introduction to Policy-based Network Management/教育部「通訊科技教育改進計畫」/2004-10
  1. K. H. Chen, Y. S. Liu, T. J. Liu and C. R. Dow/ZERO-Conflict: A grouping-based approach for automatic generation of IPSec/VPN security policies/LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 4269 - LARGE SCALE MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS /SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN /2006-10-01/ pp. 197-208
  1. Spiral string matching method/發明 /7,359,895 /2008-04~ 2025-01
  2. 螺旋字串比對方法/發明 /第I 292122 號 /2008-01~ 2025-05
最後更新時間:2024-10-18, 9:05 a.m. 下次更新時間:2024-10-19, 9 a.m.