畢業於國立中央大學資訊工程系博士班,主要研究領域為軟體工程,特別是軟體設計與軟體測試系統領域。曾任逢甲大學資訊處系統發展組組長、資電學院學士班及資工系系主任、台灣軟體工程學會及中華開放教育聯盟的理事長,致力於軟體工程與資訊教育的推廣。在校內主要講授程式語言、軟體工程、網頁系統設計及軟體品質等課程,除了在校內外開設線上課程,鼓勵學生的自我學習外,亦建置 OpenEdu 系統,是台灣主要的線上學習系統之一。

Nien-Lin Hsueh, Hsuen-Jen Lin, Lien-Chi Lai, "Applying Large Language Model to User Experience Testing," Electronics, 13(23):4633, 2024-11. (SCIE) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Lien-Chi Lai and Wei-Hsiang Tseng, "Design of an Online Programming Platform and a Study on Learners’ Testing Ability," Electronics, 12(22), 4597, 2023-10. (SSCI) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Zeng Hung Xuan, Daramsenge Bilegjargal, "Design and Implementation of Gamified Learning System for Mutation Testing," International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 10.18178/IJIET, 2023-07. (EI) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Jun-Lie Wang, Daramsene Bilegjargal, "Building a Learning Analysis System with GQM Methodology and ELK Stack," Journal of Internet Technology, 24(2):379-387, 2023, 2023-03. (SCIE) -
Hsi-Min Chen, Nguyen Bao-An, Chyi-Ren Dow, Nien-Lin Hsueh, An-Chi Liu, "Exploring time-related micro-behavioral patterns in a Python programming online course," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 6, 2022-11. (SCIE) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Daramsenge Bilegjargal, Lien-Chi Lai, "Exploring the influence of students’ modes of behavioral engagement in an online programming course using the partial least squares structural equation modeling approach," Journal of Information Technology Education:Research, v21, pp. 403-423, 2022-08. (EI) -
Daramsenge Bilegjargal and Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Understanding Students’ Acceptance of Online Judge System in Programming Courses: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach," IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 152606-152615, 2021-11. (SCIE) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Design Pattern Analysis with Software Evolution Data," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 36(1):53-73, 2020-01. (SCIE) -
Der-Hong Ting, Nien-Lin Hsueh*, Chao-Tung Yang, Chin-Hung Chang, "A Cloud Service Implementation for Evaluating Design Pattern in Software Evolution.," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 31 No. 3, 2015-04. (SCIE) -
I-Ching Hsu*, Der-Hong Ting, Nien-Lin Hsueh, "MDA-based visual modeling approach for resources link relationships using UML profile," Computer Standards and Interfaces, 36(3) 648–656, 2014-03. (SCIE) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Der-Hong Ting, Wen-Hsiang Shen, Wen-Tin Lee, "A Configurable and Extensible Middleware design for Mobile Application Integration," Journal of software engineering, 8:1-13, 2014-03. (EI) -
Chorng-Shiuh Koong,Chihhsiong Shih, Pao-Ann Hsiung, Hung-Jui Lai, Chih-Hung Chang, William C. Chu, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Chao-Tung Yang, "Automatic testing environment for multi-core embedded software—ATEMES," Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 85, Issue 1, pp 43-60, 2012-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Peng-Hua Chu, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Hong-Hsiang Chen and Chien-Hung Liu, "A Test Case Refactoring Approach for Pattern-based Software Development.," Software Quality Journal, 20(1): 43-75, 2012-01. (SCIE) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Peng-Hua Chu, Pao-Ann Hsiung, Min-Ju Chuang,William Chu,Chih-Hung Chang, Chorng-Shiuh Koong, Chihhsiong Shih, Chao-Tung Yang, "A Pattern-based Refactoring Approach for Multi-core System Design," International Journal of Advancements in Computing Technolog, 3(9): 196-209, 2011-11. (ECONLIT) -
W.H. Shen, Nien-Lin Hsueh and P.H. Chu, "Measurement-based Software Process Modeling," Journal of Software Engineering, 5(1): 20-37, 2011-05. (EI) -
Wen-Hsiang Shen, Nien-Lin Hsueh and Wei-Mann Lee, "Assessing PSP effect in training disciplined software development: A Plan-Track-Review model," Information and Software Technology, 53/2, PP. 137~148, 2011-02. (SCIE,EI) -
C.S. Lin, P.A. Hsiung, S.W. Lin, Y.R. Chen, C.H. Lu, S.Y. Tong, W.T. Su, W.C. Chu, C.H. Shih, N.L. Hsueh, C.H. Chang, C.S. Koong, "VERTAF Multi-Core: A SysML-based Application Framework for Multi-Core Embedded Software Development," Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 32/7, PP. 985~991, 2009-08. (SCIE) -
C.C. Lin, S.P. Yang, Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Reversible Data Hiding Based on Three-Circular Pixel Difference Expansion," Fundamenta Informaticae, 91(3-4), PP. 581~595, 2009-05. (SCIE,EI) -
Nien Lin Hsueh, Jong Yih Kuo, and Ching-Chiuan Lin, "Object-Oriented Design: A Goal-Driven and Pattern-Based Approach," Software and System Modeling, 8/1, PP. 67~84, 2009-02. (SCIE) -
C.C. Lin, S.C. Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Adaptive Embedding Techniques for VQ-Compressed Images," Information Sciences, 179(1/2), PP. 140~149, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Ching-Chiuan Lin, Nien Lin Hsueh and W.H.Shen, "Adaptively Embedding Binary Data in an Image," Fundamenta Informaticae, 84/3-4, PP. 391~402, 2008-05. (SCIE,EI) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, W.H. Shen, Z.W. Yang, D.L. Yang, "Applying UML and Software Simulation for Process Definition, Verification and Validation," Information and Software Technology, 50, PP. 897~911, 2008-05. (SCIE,EI) -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, P.H. Chu, William Chu, "A Quantitative Approach for Evaluating the Quality of Design Patterns," Journal of Systems and Software, 81, PP. 1430~1439, 2008-05. (SCIE,EI) -
Ching-Chiuan Lin, Nien Lin Hsueh and W.H. Shen, "High-Performance Reversible Data Hiding," Fundamenta Informaticae, 82/1-2, PP. 155~169, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Ching-Chiuan Lin and Nien Lin Hsueh, "A lossless data hiding scheme based on three-pixel block differences," Pattern Recognition, 41, PP. 1415~1425, 2008-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Ching-Chiuan Lin and Nien Lin Hsueh, "Hiding Data Reversibly in an Image via Increasing Differences between Two Neighboring Pixels," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E90-D/12, PP. 2053~2059, 2007-12. (SCIE,EI) -
Ming-Chuan Hung, Man-Lin Huang, Don-Lin Yang, and Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Efficient approaches for materialized views selection in a data warehouse," Information Sciences, 177/6, PP. 1333~1348, 2007-03. (SCIE,EI) -
Nien Lin Hsueh, Don Lin Yang, Lu Mei Wang and Peng Hua Chu, "Software Process Improvement at Feng Chia University- An Experience Report," Journal of Software Engineering Studies, 1/1, PP. 30~37, 2006-09. -
J. Lee, S.P. Ma, L.F. Lai, N.L. Hsueh, and Y.Y. Fanjiang, "University timetabling through conceptual modeling," International Journal Of Intelligent Systems, 20(11), PP. 1137~1160, 2005-11. (SCIE,EI) -
Jong Yih Kuo, S.J. Lee and C.L. Wu, N.L. Hsueh, J. Lee, "Evolutionary Agents for Intelligent Transport Systems," International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 7(2), PP. 85~93, 2005-08. (EI) -
J. Lee, J.Y. Kuo and N.L. Xue., "A Note on Current Approaches to Extending Fuzzy Logic to Object-Oriented Modeling," International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 16(7): 807-820., 2001-06. (SSCI,ECONLIT) -
J. Lee, N.L. hsueh and K.Y. Kuo, "Structuring Requirements Specifications with Goals.," Information and Software Technology, 43:121-135, 2001-03. (SSCI,ECONLIT) -
J. Lee, N.L. Hsueh, K.H. Hsu and S.J.H. Yang., "Modeling Imprecise Requirements with Fuzzy Objects," Information Sciences: an International Journal., 118:101-119, 1999-10. (SCIE,EI) -
J. Lee and N.L Hsueh, "Analyzing User Requirements by Use Cases: A Goal-Driven Approach," IEEE Software, 16(4): 92-101, 1999-09. (SCIE,EI) -
J. Lee, J.I. Pan, N.L. Hsueh and W.T. Huang., "An Integrated Combination of JSD and Formal Notations," In Proceedings of the National Science Council, 22(2), 1998-03.
王薇婷, 薛念林,"基於 LangChain 架構之學習歷程查詢系統之開發與評估 ," 2024 台灣軟體工程研討會, 1, 2024-07. 臺北科技大學 . -
林軒任, 薛念林,"應用大型語言模型於網頁使用者體驗測試 ," 2024 台灣軟體工程研討會, 1, 2024-07. 臺北科技大學 . -
薛佾展, 薛念林,"人工智慧輔助程式學習系統之設計與實作 ," 2024 台灣軟體工程研討會, 1, 2024-07. 臺北科技大學 . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh and Ruei-Zih Chien,"DevOps Learning System Development ," 2023 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL 2023), 2023, 2023-08. Porto Palácio Hotel . -
薛念林, 曾偉翔, 賴漣錡, 白莉佳,"程式練習平台之設計與學生測試能力之研究 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會, 100-102, 2023-06. 遠雄飯店 . -
Lien-Chi Lai, Nien-Lin Hsueh,"Correlation Analysis of the Online Courses Video Style and Video Watching Rate ," 9th International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2023 (ICASI 2023), -, 2023-04. Makuhari Messe . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh*, Zeng Hung Xuan, Bilegjargal Daramsenge,"Design and Implementation of Gamified Learning System for Mutation Testing ," 2023 4th European Advanced Educational Technology Conference (EAET 2023), -, 2023-03. University of Westminster . -
Daramsenge Bilegjargal, Nien-Lin Hsueh and Lien-Chi Lai,"Analyzing Students’ Learning Engagements Using PLS-SEM: A Case Study in A Small Private Online Programming Course ," 6th International Conference on Education and E-Learning (ICEEL 2022), 2022, 2022-11. Online . -
曾弘軒、薛念林,"變異測試之遊戲化學習系統設計與實作 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會, -, 2022-06. 政治大學(線上) . -
簡瑞梓、薛念林,"DevOps 輔助學習系統之設計與實作 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會, -, 2022-06. 政治大學 (線上) . -
Bao-An Nguyen, Hsi-Min Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh, An-Chi Liu, and Chyi-Ren Dow,"Exploring time-related behavioral patterns in MOOCs: The Example of Python Courses ," 2021台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE 2021), N/N, 2021-07. 靜宜大學 . -
賴璉錡、薛念林,"線上課程影片風格與影片觀看率關聯度之分析 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會, -, 2021-07. 靜宜大學(線上) . -
林囿佑、薛念林,"基於滯後序列分析之線上程式學習行為分析 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會, -, 2021-07. 靜宜大學(線上) . -
薛念林、王中穎,"學習資料分析的物件框架 ," Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2020), -, 2020-07. 嘉義大學 . -
封智翔, 薛念林,"Designing an Online Coding System based on Learning Analytics ," Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (TCSE 2020), -, 2020-07. 嘉義大學 . -
Shang-Pin Ma, I-Hsiu Liu, Chun-Yu Chen, Jiun-Ting Lin, and Nien-Lin Hsueh.,"Version-based Microservice Analysis, Monitoring, and Visualization. ," In Proceedings of the 26th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2019), -, 2019-12. Zenith Hotel . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh and Ju-Guang Yeh,"Video Watching Behavior Analysis in MOOC Course by Clustering Approach ," International Joint Conference of TCSE, JASPIC and SEA, -, 2019-07. 千葉工業大學 . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh and Hsi-Min Chen,"Teaching Python Programming in Different Themes: An Experience Report ," eLearning forum Asia 2019, N/A, 2019-05. Chulalongkorn University . -
Nien Lin HSUEH and Hsi-Min CHEN,"Using Online Judge System in an e-Learning and Programming Education ," eLearning Asia Forum 2019, -, 2019-05. Chulalongkorn University . -
薛念林, 莫剛, 陳錫民,"建立於影片觀看分析之磨課師學習歷程分析 ," 2018台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE 2018), n/n, 2018-07. 成功大學 . -
施智翔, 薛念林, 陳錫民,"使用者視覺化規格轉換測試程式碼之自動化工具 ," 2018台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE 2018), n/n, 2018-07. 成功大學 . -
Hsi-Min Chen*, Tsung-Chi Lin, Jun-Yong Huang, Nien-Lin Hsueh,"MDA-Based Android APP Generation By Using Screen Navigation Flows ," International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES (NETs 2018), N/A, 2018-04. SunPort Hall Takamatsu . -
薛念林, 陳錫民,"MOOCs Video Watch Pattern Analysis and Application ," The 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium, -, 2017-07. 香港中文大學 . -
薛念林, 莫剛, 陳錫民,"OpenEdu磨課師系統學習資料分析報告 ," 2017 台灣軟體工程研討會, 42-47, 2017-07. 逢甲大學 . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Zih Fang Huang,"A framework for design pattern testing ," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017), NA, 2017-05. Sapporo . -
Hsi-Min Chen*, Wei-Han Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Chi-Chen Lee, Chia-Hsiu Li,"ProgEdu - An Automatic Assessment Platform for Programming Courses ," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2017), NA, 2017-05. Sapporo . -
Shang-Pin Ma, Chi-Chia Li, Chen-Yuan Fan, Wen-Tin Lee, and Nien-Lin Hsueh,"MASA: A Cross-Platform Component Architecture for Building Mobile Applications with Service Caching ," The 13th IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering, NA, 2016-11. 澳門 . -
Hsi-Min Chen*, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Yi-Chung Chen, Xuan-Ye Yang, and Yang-Syuan Chen,"Towards a Monitoring Framework for Microservices Applications Using Software Agents and ELK Stack ," International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2016), n/n, 2016-07. 大阪 . -
Ming-Wei Kat, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Yi-Chung Chen, Shi-Chuen Hwang,"An Opinion Mining Approach Based on Localized Social Group and Query Expansion ," 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016), n/n, 2016-07. 海洋大學 . -
Xin-Hung Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh,"A Systematic Approach for Web Testing with Page Object Pattern Application and Enhancement ," 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016), n/n, 2016-07. 海洋大學 . -
陳仰萱, 薛念林, 陳錫民,"磨課師學習分析框架-以 OpenEdu 為例 ," 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016), n/n, 2016-07. 海洋大學 . -
陳錫民*,薛念林,陳奕中,李霽烝,陳仰萱,"針對Microservices 應用程式之以代理人為基底的監控機制 ," 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016), n/n, 2016-07. Keelung,Taiwan . -
邱勝敏, 陳奕中*, 楊東麟, 薛念林, 陳錫民,"基於倒傳遞模糊類神經網路之快速天際線朋友尋找演算法 ," 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016), 99:1-5, 2016-07. Keelung,Taiwan . -
Y.S. Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh*, A.C. Liu and Hsi-Min Chen,"An Analysis Framework for MOOCs Learning-A Case Study in OpenEdu ," eLearning Forum Asia 2016, -, 2016-06. 上海,中國 . -
Yu-Ting Sun, Chun-Jhong Wang, Yi-Chung Chen*, Yu-Liang Hsu, Heng-Yi Su,"A Neural-based Skyline Identifier for Finding Similar Users in Social networks ," International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, n/n, 2015-10. Kaohsiung,Taiwan . -
Nien Lin Hsueh,"AN ALLIANCE-BASED TERM PROJECT IN SOFTWARE QUALITY COURSES: A LESSON LEARNED ," International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs 2015), 2015, 2015-07. Tokyo, Japan . -
徐琨閔、薛念林*、黃溪春,"一個整合於磨課師之 Java 程式語言學習環境 ," 2015台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE), n/n, 2015-07. 雲林古坑 . -
郭哲均, 薛念林*, 黃溪春, 徐國勛,"以註解重整之方法改善樣式為基礎之軟體可維護性 ," 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 167-172, 2014-06. 南投日月潭 . -
盧威辰, 陳映如, 鄭兆廷, 薛念林*,"應用設計樣式輔助軟體的開發與實作──以象棋系統為例 ," 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), pp. 237-242, 2014-06. 日月潭大飯店 . -
薛念林,"以聯盟式專題為導向之軟體測試課程設計 ," 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), pp. 138-142, 2014-06. 日月潭大飯店 . -
吳耿豪, 薛念林*, 張志宏, 徐國勛,"以問卷為基礎之健康照護應用程式框架 ," 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), pp.263-269, 2014-06. 日月潭大飯店 . -
郭哲均, 薛念林*, 黃溪春, 徐國勛,"以註解重整之方法改善樣式為基礎之軟體可維護性 ," 2014 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), pp.167-172, 2014-06. 日月潭大飯店 . -
G.H. Wu, N.L Hsueh*, and C.H. Chang,"A Framework for Questionnaire-based Healthcare Application Development ," The First International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications, unknow, 2014-06. 台中科技大學 . -
J.J. Guo , N.L. Hsueh* , W.T. Lee , and S.C. Hwang,"Improving Software Maintenance for Pattern-Based Software Development: A Comment Refactoring Approach ," The First International Conference on Trustworthy Systems and Their Applications, unknow, 2014-06. 台中科技大學 . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh*, Chen Pei-Sheng, Chao-Tung Yang, Chih-Wei Lu, Chih-Hung Chang,"A Mobile Centered and Web Service Integrated Approach for legacy eHealth Web Migration ," The 13th International Conference on Quality Software 2013, -, 2013-07. Nanjing, China . -
TC Hsu, CH Chang, WC Chu, SY Ho, NL Hsueh and WB Lee,"Applying Cloud Computing Technologies to Gerontology and Geriatrics Health Care System (GGHCS) ," Quality Software (QSIC), 2013 13th International Conference on, -, 2013-07. Najing, China . -
朱正忠、楊朝棟、盧志偉、張志宏、薛念林,"具服務品質保證之企業雲端計算架構 ," 2013 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), unknown, 2013-07. 高雄應用科技大學 . -
李允中、薛念林、劉立頌,"台灣軟體工程教育改善:國際參與、企業接軌、向下扎根 ," 2013 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 100, 2013-07. 高雄師範大學 . -
薛念林,范遠暉,"以模型為基礎的雲端儲存應用方法 ," 2013 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), 100, 2013-07. 高雄師範大學 . -
呂蘊宸*,沈學慶,彭語柔,孫維嶸,薛念林,"應用擴增實境技術實作行動平台3D電子寵物遊戲 ," 2013 台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE), unknown, 2013-07. 高雄應用科技大學 . -
Pao-Ann Hsiung*, Chorng-Shiuh Koong, Chih-Hung Chang, Nien-Lin Hsueh,"The architecture mapping support of a real time multi-core embedded software design tool development framework ," The 7th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systeme (CISIS 2013), ?, 2013-07. Taichung . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Ju-Yun Wang and Der-Hong Ting,"A Cloud Service Design for Quality Evaluation of Design Patterns ," 2012 6th International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, pages 1-6, 2012-08. Kitakyushu, Japan . -
Yi-Syuan Su and Nien-Lin Hsueh,"A Pattern-based framework for mobile application design: an example of android implementation ," 2012 International conference on Internet Studies, 1-15, 2012-08. Bangkok, Tailand . -
謝忠哲、薛念林、黃溪春,"可配置與可擴充式之行動中介軟體設計 ," 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 1-6, 2012-07. 台北科技大學 . -
薛念林、沈文祥、陳沛昇,"軟體測試課程授課經驗分享 ," 2012 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering, 1-4, 2012-07. 台北科技大學 . -
薛念林, 吳俊諺, 黃溪春,"A Mind Map Based Modeling Approach for Mobile Application ," 2011 National Computer Symposium, 151-162, 2011-12. 嘉義大學 . -
C.Y. Shih, M.C. Li, C.S. Lin, P.A. Hsiung, C.H. Chang, W.C. Chu, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Chihhsiong Shih, C.T. Yang, C.S. Koong.,"Adaptive Performance Monitoring for Embedded Multicore Systems ," 40th Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW), pages 222-228, 2011-09. Taipei, Taiwan . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Lin-Chieh Wen, Der-Hong Ting, Chu, W., Chih-Hung Chang, Chorng-Shiuh Koong.,"An Approach for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Design Patterns in Software Evolution ," 34th IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2011), 315 - 320, 2011-07. Murich, German . -
李建慶, 薛念林, 熊博安, 朱正忠, 黃溪春, 張志宏, 石志雄, 孔崇旭, 楊朝棟,"Model-driven and Pattern Support Approach for Multi-core Software Design ," 2011 Join Conference on Object-Oriented Technology Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE), Pages 40-46, 2011-07. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan . -
黃昶佑, 薛念林,"Design a requirements tutor for facilitating requirements specification ," 2011 Join Conference on Object-Oriented Technology Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE), 12-20, 2011-07. Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan . -
Peng-Hua Chu, Nien-Lin Hsueh, Chien-Ching Lee, Min-Ju Chuang, Pao-Ann Hsiung, William Chu,"A Pattern-based Verification Approach for a Multi-Core System Development ," 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 49-53, 2011-03. Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan . -
N.L. Hsueh, P.H. Chu, P.A. Hsiung, M.J. Chuang, W. Chu, C.H. Chang, C.S. Koong, C.H. Shih,"Supporting Design Enhancement by Pattern-based Transformation ," 34th IEEE Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC2010), 2010-07. Seoul, South Korea . -
Koong, C.S.; Lai, H.J.; Chang, C.H.; Chu, C.W.; Hsueh, N.L.; Hsiung, P.A.; Shih, C.H.; and Yang, C.T.,"Supporting Tool for Embedded Software Testing ," 10th International Conference on Quality Software, 2010-07. 中國大陸 . -
Chang, C.H.; Lu, C.W.; Chu, C.W.; Shih, C.H.; Hsiung, P.A.; Yang, C.T.; Hsueh, N.L.; and Koong, C.S,"SysML-based Requirement Modeling Environment for Multicore Embedded System ," 25th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2010-03. 瑞士 . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Ting-Yuan Tung,"A Software Framework Design for Vehicle Monitoring and management System ," National Computer Symposium, 2009-11. National Taipei University . -
莊旻儒, 薛念林, 朱鵬化, 熊博安, 朱正忠, 黃溪春, 張志宏, 石志雄, 孔崇旭,"Using MDA Approach in Design Pattern Specification and Transformation ," 2009第二十屆物件導向技術及應用研討會, 2009-11. 東海大學 . -
C.S. Shih, P.A. Hsiung, N.L. Hsueh, C.H. Chang, C.S. Koong, William C. Chu,"A Model-Driven Multicore Software Development Environment for Embedded System ," 3rd IEEE International Workshop Quality-Oriented Reuse of Software (IEEE QUORS'09), 2009-07. Seattle . -
薛念林,田杰,林國貴,"支援Java軟體品質控管的數位學習系統 ," 第五屆軟體工程研討會, 2009-06. 長榮大學 . -
薛念林,楊東麟,"逢甲大學軟體工程學程執行報告 ," 第五屆軟體工程研討會, 2009-06. 長榮大學 . -
P.A. Hsiung, C.S. Lin, S.W. Lin, Y.R. Chen, C.H. Lu, S.Y. Tong, W.T. Su, C.H. Shih, C.S. Koong, Nien-Lin Hsueh, C.H. Chang, William C. Chu,"VERTAF/Multi-Core: A SysML-based Application Framework for Multi-Core Embedded Software Development ," International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing 2009 (ICA3PP 2009), 2009-06. Taipei . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Kee-Wun Lee and Shi-Chuen Hwang,"Requirements Trade-off Analysis for Test-First Development. ," International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, 2009-04. Taipei . -
C.H. Chang, C.W. Lu, William C. Chu, N.L. Hsueh, C.S. Koong,"A Case Study of Pattern-based Software Framework to Improve the Quality of Software Development ," 24th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2009-03. Hawaii, USA . -
Nien-Lin Hsueh, Peng-Hua Chu, Hong-Hsiang Chen and Chih-Hung Chang,"A semi-automatic Approach for Test Case Traceability in a Test-Driven Development ," Workshop on Accountability and Traceability in Global Software Engineering, 2008-12. Beijing, China . -
None,"第十四屆亞太軟體工程研討會 ," 第十四屆亞太軟體工程研討會, 2007-12. 日本 . -
T.C. Ho, William C. Chu, C.Shih, N.L. Hsueh, C.H. Chang,"Re-engineering a Legacy EDI system into SOA System: A Case Study ," APSEC 2007 SOA Workshop, 2007-12. Japan . -
N.L. Hsueh, P.H. Chu, J.Lee and W. Chu,"A Quality Verification Model for Design Patterns ," 31st Annual IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (EI), 2007-07. Beijing, China . -
彭興國、薛念林、賴聯福,"A WBEM-Based Architecture for Performance Testing and Monitoring ," The Third Taiwan Conference of Software Engineering, 2007-06. 逢甲大學 . -
N.L. Hsueh, Chia Chun Kuo, Lien-Fu Lai and Jong-Yih Kuo,"A Light-Weight CMMI Assessment Approach by Sequential Pattern Mining ," International Computer Symposium (ICS06), 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan . -
L.F. Lai, N.L. Hsueh, L.T. Huang and T.C. Chen,"An artificial intelligence approach to course timetabling ," IEEE 18th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI'06), 2006-11. Washington D.C., USA . -
Jong Yih Kuo, Ming Lan Tsai and N. L. Hsueh,"Goal Evolution based on Adaptive Q-learning for Intelligent Agent ," 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC06), 2006-10. The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan. . -
Wen-Hsiang Shen, Nien-Lin Hsueh and Peng-Hua Chu,"An Experience Report of Applying the Personal Software Process Methodology ," The 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'06), 2006-06. USA . -
N.L. Hsueh, J.Y. Kuo, Y.C. Cheng, J. Lee and P.H. Chu,"Supporting CMMI-Based Process Improvement with Advanced Software Engineering Technologies ," The 36th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering Challenges for Advanced Technology Industries, 2006-06. Howard Hotel, Taipei . -
彭興國,張晉源,薛念林,"以HAVi多媒體網路整合於OSGi家用閘道器之設計與實作 ," 2005 全國計算機會議, 2005-12. 崑山科技大學 . -
彭興國,陳弘翔,鄭玉茹,張晉源,薛念林,"HAVi 在支援Jini Community家用閘道器上之代理機制設計與實作 ," The 16th Workshop on object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 2005-09. 朝陽科技大學 . -
J.Y. Kuo and N.L. Hsueh,"Incorporating Fuzzy Logic in Ontology-Based Agent System Design ," The Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 193-198, 2005-07. Taipei, Taiwan . -
N.L. Hsueh, P.H. Chu and J.Y. Kuo,"Verification of Design Patterns with Object-Oriented Quality Models ," The Seventeenth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 199-204, 2005-07. Taipei, Taiwan . -
薛念林,楊智瑋,"運用UML與流程模擬以協助流程改善 ," The First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, 26-31, 2005-06. 台北圓山 . -
蔡坤憲,薛念林,林慶全,"以規則基為基礎之OWL-S服務組合之方法 ," The First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference, 158-164, 2005-06. 台北圓山 . -
N.L. Hsueh and W.S. Shen,"Handling Nonfunctional and Conflicting Requirements with Design Patterns ," 11th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 2004-12. Korea . -
J. Lee, N.L. Hsueh, J. Chen, K.S. Tsai and P.H. Chu,"A Rule-Based Approach to Dynamic Web Service Composition ," The 15th Workshop on Object Oriented Technology and Application, 2004-09. Chung Lung Christian University . -
N.L.Hsueh and P.H. Chu,"A Goal-Driven Approach to Applying Design Patterns ," National Computer Symposium, no page number, 2003-12. Feng-Chia University . -
L.F. Lai and N.L. Hsueh,"A Knowledge Engineering Approach for Knowledge Management ," IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems ICICS, 1890-1896, 2003-12. I-Shu University . -
N.L. Hsueh,"A Systematic Approach for Application of Design Patterns ," IEEE International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems ICICS, 1877-1883, 2003-12. I-Shu Univesity . -
N.L. Hsueh, L.F. Lai and S.J. Chang,"Achieving MVC Achitecture With Design Patterns: A Case Study. ," The 14th Workshop on Object Oriented Technology and Application, 228-235, 2003-09. Yuan Ze University . -
F.L. Hong and N.L. Hsueh,"A Pattern-Based Approach To Facilitate Requirement Elicitation In Internet Environment ," The 14th Workshop on Object Oriented Technology and Application., 128-135, 2003-09. Yuan Ze University . -
N.L. Hsueh, L.F. Lai and S.J. Chang,"Designing A Flexible Chess Application With Design Patterns ," Symposium on Application and Development of Information Technologies, 163-169, 2003-06. National Pingtung Institute of Commerce . -
N.L. Hsueh and J.Y. Kuo,"Distributed Requirement Elicitation by Using Patterns ," International Conference of Modeling, Identification and Control, 359-364, 2003-02. Innsbruck, Austria .
- 專業書籍/郭忠義,薛念林,馬尚彬,黃為德/現代軟體工程/ 博碩 /2015-03-01/ /
- 技術報告/朱正忠、楊朝棟、盧志偉、張志宏、薛念林/朱正忠教授等「具服務品質保證之企業雲端計算」/ 科技部工程推廣中心/ 中華民國 /2014-04-01/6/ /
- 技術報告/薛念林、楊東麟/逢甲大學軟體工程學程執行報告/ 逢甲大學、台灣軟體工程學會/ 中華民國 /2007-06-01/4/ /
- 專業書籍/李廷圭、林易泉、薛念林/JAVA程式設計/ 儒林出版社/ 中華民國 /2003-02-01/420/ /
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- 111/111年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 /研究發展處/ 2022-10-15/
- 113/113年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-26/
- 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Design of an Online Programming Platform and a Study on Learners’ Testing Ability
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- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Design Pattern Analysis with Software Evolution Data
- 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Cloud Service Implementation for Evaluating Design Pattern in Software Evolution.
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Test Case Refactoring Approach for Pattern-based Software Development.
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- 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/VERTAF Multi-Core: A SysML-based Application Framework for Multi-Core Embedded Software Development
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- Software Engineering and Pattern Design/台北市立大學/2018-01
- 軟體測試工作坊 (2)/寶成工業/2017-12
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- 設計樣式之武俠世界與研究/弘光科技大學/2017-10
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- MOOCs 學習資料分析/東海大學/2016-03
- 磨課師數位學習平台發展介紹/僑光科技大學/2015-09
- Pattern-based Software Engineering/嘉義大學資工系/2015-06
- 軟體品質與軟體測試/嶺東科技大學資工系/2015-06
- 磨課師數位學習平台發展介紹/成功大學/2015-04
- 磨課師數位學習平台發展介紹/台中軟體園區辦公室/2015-04
- 軟體工程概論與實際應用/東海大學資工系(高中營)/2015-02
- 軟體測試課程/大銀微/2014-05
- 軟體測試工作坊/大銀微公司/2014-05
- 軟體工程概論與實際應用/嶺東科技大學資工系/2014-05
- 新一代數位學習系統同儕審查機制介紹/淡江大學磨課師研討會/2014-04
- 軟體工程概論與實際應用/成功大學資工系/2013-05
- 行動校園設計/高雄師範大學軟體工程系/2013-05
- 漫談軟體開發與專題製作/弘光科技大學資工系/2013-05
- 校園行動應用程式開發分享/亞洲大學資工系/2013-01
- 軟體測試短期課程/台北科技大學資工系/2013-01
- 漫談軟體開發與專題製作/僑光科技大學/2012-12
- 軟體品質與軟體測試/朝陽科技大學/2012-11
- 軟體測試工作坊/修平科技大學/2012-11
- 行動 App 介紹/明道中學/2011-11
- 行動逢甲介紹/真理大學/2011-11
- 軟體測試短期課程/台科大資管系/2011-06
- 軟體流程改善經驗分享/中山大學資管系/2010-09
- N世代的衝擊/扶輪社/2010-08
- Object-Oriented Design: A Goal-Driven and Pattern-Based Approach/台北科技大學資工系/2010-05
- Introduction to Service oriented software engineering/臺北科技大學/2009-11
- 軟體設計對軟體品質之影響/中央大學/2009-06
- 軟體開發成功的要素-設計能力與流程成熟度/台中教育大學資工系/2007-12
- 軟體開發成功的要素-設計能力與流程成熟度/台北科技大學資工系/2007-11
- Object-Oriented Design:A Goal-Driven and Pattern-Based Appro/台北科技大學資工系/2007-11
- 系統測試與迴歸測試實務(教育訓練)/台灣軟體工程學會/2007-11
- 軟體開發成功的要素-設計能力與流程成熟度/僑光技術學院資管系/2007-11
- 軟體開發成功的要素-設計能力與流程成熟度/東海大學/2007-10
- 軟體系統測試介紹(教育訓練)/資策會/2007-08
- 軟體回歸測試介紹(教育訓練)/資策會/2007-08
- 軟體專業工程師認證(CSDP)介紹(教育訓練)/資策會/2007-04
- 軟體設計樣式介紹(教育訓練)/科盛科技股份有限公司/2007-03
- 系統測試與迴歸測試實務(教育訓練)/軟體工程學會/2007-01
- CMMI簡介/彰師大資工系/2006-12
- 軟體元件設計/東海大學資工系/2005-12
- CMMI導入實務/輔仁大學資工系/2005-10
- Handling Nonfunctional Requirements with Design Patterns/彰化師大資訊工程系/2004-11
- Pattern-based development approach/輔仁大學資工系/2003-12
- J. Lee, N.L. Hsueh. S.P. Ma, A. Liu, Y.C. Cheng, Y.H. Kuo./Software Engineering Education: from Dysfunction to Core Competency./ In Engineering Education: Curriculum, pedagogy and didactic aspects /Chandos, UK. /2014-02-01/ - /
- J. Lee and N.L. Hsueh*./Fuzzy Object/On Fuzziness- Homage to Lotfi A. Zadeh /Springer /2013-02-01/ Vol. 1, pp 373-378. /ISBN:978-3-642-35641-4
- J. Lee, Y.J. Kuo and N.L. Hsueh/Trade-Off Analysis in Software Engineering./Software Engineering With Computational Intelligence /Springer Verlag /2003-05-01/ unknown /ISBN: 3540004726
- 學界科專(93-EC-17-A-02-S1-029)服務導向之資訊整合機制四年計畫分項計畫(service composition)主持人/Jan. 1, 2004/Dec. 31, 2004
最後更新時間:2025-2-8, 9:02 a.m.
下次更新時間:2025-2-9, 9 a.m.