


  • 國立交通大學 資訊工程研究所 博士
  • 國立交通大學 計算機工程系 學士


  • 雲端運算
    Cloud Computing
  • 生物資訊
  • 人工智慧
  • 醫學影像
    Biomedical Imagimg


  • 3D列印研究發展中心 主任
  • 會計學系 兼任副教授
  • 生物資訊研究中心 主任
  • 生醫資訊暨生醫工程碩士學位學程 主任
  • 生醫資訊暨生醫工程碩士學位學程(籌備) 籌備主任
  • 產業研發碩士專班 執行長 
  • 美國加州舊金山州立大學資訊工程雙學士學位學程 主任
  • 美國加州舊金山州立大學資訊工程雙學士學位學程 籌備主任
  • 蘋果公司區域教育培訓中心 主任
  • 資訊工程學系 教授
  • 資訊工程學系 系主任
  • 資訊電機學院 秘書
  • 逢甲大學帆宣智慧城市5G實驗室 研究員


  • 台中健康暨管理學院 生物資訊學系 教授兼系主任
  • 台中健康暨管理學院 資訊科技學系 教授兼系主任
  • 靜宜大學 會計學系 教授
  • 靜宜大學 計算機及通訊中心 主任
  • 靜宜大學 會計學系 副教授


  1. Taukir Alam, Wei-Cheng Yeh, Fang Rong Hsu*, Wei-Chung Shia, A. Robert Singh, Taimoor Hassan, Wenru Lin, Hong-Ye Yang and Tahir Hussain, "An Integrated Approach using YOLOv8 and ResNet, SeResNet & Vision Transformer (ViT) Algorithms based on ROI Fracture Prediction in X-ray Images of the Elbow," Current Medical Imaging, Vol. 20, 2024-10. (SCIE)
  2. Yi-Ling Fan, Ching-Han Hsu, Fang-Rong Hsu and Lun-De Liao, "Exploring the use of deep learning models for accurate tracking of 3D zebrafish trajectories," Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1461264, 2024-09. (SCIE)
  3. Wei-Chun Kao, Yi-Ling Fan, Fang-Rong Hsu, Chien-Yu Shen, Lun-De Liao, "Next-Generation Swimming Pool Drowning Prevention Strategy Integrating AI and IoT Technologies," HELIYON, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e35484, 2024-07. (SCIE)
  4. Wei-Chung Shia, Yu-Hsun Kuo, Fang-Rong Hsu, Joseph Lin, Wen-Pei Wu, Hwa-Koon Wu, Wei-Cheng Yeh and Dar-Ren Chen, "Evaluating the Margins of Breast Cancer Tumors by Using Digital Breast Tomosynthesis with Deep Learning: A Preliminary Assessment," Diagnostics, https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics14101032, 2024-05. (SCIE)
  5. Min‐Chang Liu*, Fang‐Rong Hsu, Chua‐Huang Huang, "Coating process control in lithium‐ion battery manufacturing using cumulative sum charts," Production Engineering Research and Development, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11740-024-01281-3, 2024-05. (EI)
  6. Min‐Chang Liu* , Fang‐Rong Hsu, Chua‐Huang Huang, "Complex event recognition and anomaly detection with event behavior model," Pattern Analysis and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-024-01275-y, 2024-04. (SCIE)
  7. Yi-Ling Fan, Fang-Rong Hsu, Yuhling Wang, and Lun-De Liao, "Unlocking the Potential of Zebrafish Research with Artificial Intelligence: Advancements in Tracking, Processing, and Visualization," Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11517-023-02903-1, 2023-08. (SCIE)
  8. Taukir Alam, Wei-Chung Shia, Fang-Rong Hsu, and Taimoor Hassan, "Improving Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis through Semantic Segmentation Using the Unet3+ Deep Learning Framework," Biomedicines, https://doi.org/10.3390/biomedicines11061536, 2023-05. (SCIE)
  9. Fang-Rong Hsu,Sheng-Tong Dai,Chia-Man Chou,Sheng-Yang Huang, "The application of artificial intelligence to support biliary atresia screening by ultrasound images: A study based on deep learning models.," PLOS ONE, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0276278, 2022-10. (SCIE)
  10. Wei-Chung Shia, Fang-Rong Hsu, Seng-Tong Dai, Shih-Lin Guo and Dar-Ren Chen, "Semantic Segmentation of the Malignant Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Lexicon on Breast Ultrasound Images by Using DeepLab v3+," Sensors, https://doi.org/10.3390/s22145352, 2022-07. (SCIE)
  11. Yung-Hsien Hsieh, Fang-Rong Hsu, Seng-Tong Dai, Hsin-Ya Huang, Dar-Ren Chen, and Wei-Chung Shia*, "Incorporating The Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Lexicon With A Fully Convolutional Network For Malignancy Detection On Breast Ultrasound," Diagnostics, 2022,12(1):66, 2022-01. (SCIE)
  12. Feng-Cheng Lin*, Shou-Jin She, Huu-Huy Ngo, Chyi-Ren Dow, and Fang-Rong Hsu, "A Wearable Embedded System for Assisting Cognition of Visually Impaired People by Street Scene Description," Journal of Computers, Vol. 32, No. 1, PP. 102-119, 2021-02. (EI)
  13. F. R. Hsu*, Y. H. Kuo, S. Y. Wei, Y. H. Hsieh, and D. C. Nguyen, "A Study of User Interface with Wearable Devices Based on Computer Vision," IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, Vol. 9, Issue 1, pp. 43-48, 2020-01. (SCIE)
  14. Ming-Fong Tsai, Thanh-Nam Pham, Bo-Cai Hu, Fang-Rong Hsu, "Improvement in UWB Indoor Positioning by Using Multiple Tags to Filter Positioning Errors," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 677-688., 2019-05. (SCIE)
  15. Dinh-Chien Nguyen, Thai-Son Nguyen*, Fang-Rong Hsu, Hsieh-Yung Hsien, "A Novel Steganography Scheme for Video H.264/AVC without Distortion Drift," Multimedia Tools and Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018-6976-3, 2018-12. (SCIE)
  16. Nguyen, D. C., Nguyen T. S.*, Chang, C. C., Hsueh, H. S., and Hsu, F. R., "High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Sequences without Intraframe Distortion Drift," Security and Communication Networks, Vol. 2018, pp. article id 2029869, 2018-08. (SCIE)
  17. Wei-Chung Shia, Dar-Ren Chen, Yu-Len Huang, Hwa-Koon Wu and Fang-Rong Hsu, "The Feasibility of utilizing Vascularity Characteristics in Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasonography to Predict Complete Responses in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy," Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences, 2017; 2(2): 555582. DOI: 10.19080/CTBEB.2017.02.555582, 2017-03.
  18. Chia Yang Cheng, Chia-Han Chu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Chuan Yi Tang, Wen-Ching Wang, Hsing-Jien Kung and Pei-Ching Chang, "An improved ChIP-seq peak detection system for simultaneously identifying post-translational modified transcription factors by combinatorial fusion, using SUMOylation as an example," BMC Genomics, 15(Suppl 1):S1, 2014-01. (SCIE,EI)
  19. Fang Rong Hsu1, Wei-Chung Shia, Wei Cheng Hsueh, "The Deployment and Implementation of Two Spliced Alignment Tools in a Grid Environment," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 14 No. 5, P.787, 2013-09. (SCIE,EI)
  20. Y.T. Chen, H.L.Peng, W.C. Shia,F.R.Hsu, C.F. Ken, Y.M. Tsao, C. H. Chen,C. Y. Tang, T.H. Ku*, "Whole-genome sequencing and identification of Morganella morganii KT pathogenicity-related genes," BMC Genomics, 13(Suppl 7):S4, 2012-12. (SCIE)
  21. P.C. Shih,Y.C. Chung, K.C. Li, C.T. Yang, C.H. Hsu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, C.H. Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu, "Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System," Accepted byInformation - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012-06. (SCIE)
  22. W.C. Shia, T.H. Ku, Y.M. Tsao, C.H. Hsia, Y.M. Chang, C.H. Huang, Y.C. Chung,S.L.Hsu,K.W.Liang and F.R. Hsu*, "Genetic Copy Number Variants in Myocardial Infarction Patients with Hyperlipidemia,," BMC Genomics, 2011-12. (SCIE)
  23. Fang Rong Hsu*, M. C. Lee, Nai Wan Hsiao, and Wei Chung Shia, ""ATTdb: A Tumor and Tissue Specific Natural Antisense Transcripts Database," Journal of Computers,, 21/4, PP. 53~60, 2011-01. (EI)
  24. Fang Rong Hsu, Wei-Chung Shia, Jer Fong Chen, and Fang Ming Hsu, "Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Mapping Using Multi-Layer Unique Markers," Journal of Computers, 18/3, PP. 3~12, 2007-08.
  25. Y.T,Tsai, Y.L.Lin, and F.R.Hsu, "Efficient Algorithms for the Minimum Connected Domination on Trapezoid Graphs," Information Sciences, 177, PP. 2405~2417, 2007-06. (SCIE,EI)
  26. Chia-Hung Liu, Fang Rong Hsu, Hwan-You Chang, Wei-Chung Shia, Hui-Ling Peng, Ying Tsong Chen, Yaw-Lin Lin, Yin-Te Tsai, "Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Events in Human and Mouse," WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on INFORMATION SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS, 9, PP. 1172~1176, 2006-09. (EI)
  27. F. R. Hsu, M. K. Shan, H. S. Chao and R. C. T. Lee, "Some Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Shortest Path Related Problems on Interval and Circular-arc Graphs," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 3, PP. 627~642, 2005-05. (SCIE,EI)
  28. F.R. Hsu, H.Y. Chang, Y.L. Lin, Y.T. Tsai, H.L. Peng,Y.T. Chen, C.Y. Cheng,M.Y. Shih, C.H. Liu,and C.F. Chen, "AVATAR: A database for genome-wide alternative splicing event detection using large scale ESTs and mRNAs," Bioinformation, Vol.1 No.1, PP. 16~18, 2005-04.
  29. Hsun-Chang Chang, Po-Shun Yu, Tze-Wei Huang, Fang-Rong Hsu, Yaw-Ling Lin, "The Application of Alternative Splicing Graphs in Quantitative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Form from EST Database," International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, Vol.22 No.1, PP. 14~22, 2005-04. (EI)
  30. Shaio-Yan Huang, F.R. Hsu, Hsueh-Ju Chen, Su-Ling Huang,, "Establish a XBRL Taxonomy for Taiwan's Business Income Tax Return," Accounting and Corporate Governance, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 39~66, 2004-12.
  31. F. R. Hsu, M. K. Shan, H. L. Peng and F. M. Hsu,, "Fault-Tolerant Pattern Mining of Exon Skipped Sequences from Alternative Splicing Database," Journal of Computers, 4, PP. 6~19, 2004-12.
  32. Shaio Yan Huang, Fang Rong Hsu, Kuang-Hsun Shih, and Mei-Chi Wu, "Establish the XBRL Taxonomy for Taiwan's General Ledger," Chung Yuan Management Review, Vol.2, No.1, PP. 41~64, 2004-08.
  33. F. R. Hsu,and M. K. Shan, "Parallel Algorithms for Finding the Center of Interval and Circular-arc Graphs," IEICE transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communica, Vol. E86-A, No. 10, PP. 2704~2709, 2003-08. (SCIE,EI)
  34. Y. T. Tsai, Y. L. Lin, and F. R. Hsu, "The On-Line First-Fit Algorithm for Radio Frequency Assignment Problems," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 84, No. 4, PP. 195~199, 2002-06. (SCIE,EI)
  35. F.R. Hsu, and M.K. Shan, "Parallel Algorithms for Connected Domination Problem on Interval and Circular-arc Graphs," WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol.1 No.2, PP. 83~88, 2002-01.
  36. Bor-Kuan Lu, Fang-Rong Hsu and Chuan Yi Tang, "Finding the Shortest Boundary Guard of a Simple Polygon," Theoretical Computer Sciences, Vol. 263, No. 1-2, PP. 113~121, 2001-10. (SCIE,EI)
  37. H. S. Chao, F. R. Hsu and R. C. T. Lee, "An Optimal Algorithm for Finding the Minimum Cardinality Dominating Set on Permutation Graphs," Discrete Applied Mathematics, Vol. 102, PP. 159~173, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI)
  38. Bor-Kuan Lu, Fang-Rong Hsu and Chuan Yi Tang, "Guarding in a Simple Polygon," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 75, PP. 153~158, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI)
  39. H. S. Chao, F. R. Hsu and R. C. T. Lee, "An Optimal EREW Parallel Algorithm for Computing Breadth-First Search Trees on Permutation Graphs," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 61, PP. 311~316, 1997-08. (SCIE,EI)
  40. F. R. Hsu, R.C. Chang and R. C. T. Lee, "Optimal Parallel Preprocessing Algorithms for Testing Weak Visibility of Polygons from Segments," Journal of Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 1, PP. 83~98, 1993-08.
  41. F. R. Hsu, R.C. Chang and R. C. T. Lee, "Parallel Algorithms for Computing the Closest Visible Vertex Pair between two Polygons," Int. Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 135~162, 1992-08.
  42. F. R. Hsu, R.C.T. Lee and R. C. Chang, "Special Subgraphs of Weighted Visibility Graphs," Information Processing Letters, Vol. 43, PP. 69~75, 1992-08.
  1. Yi-Ling Fan, Fang-Rong Hsu, Jing-Yaun Lu, Min-Jie Chung and Tzu-Ching Chang,"The application of artificial intelligence to support behavior recognition by zebrafish: A study based on deep learning models ," International Conference on Frontier Computing 2023, pp. 1-10, 2023-07. Ariake Central Tower Hall & Conference .
  2. Fang-Rong Hsu*, Hsin-Yu Liang, Ze-Sheng Chen, Chen-Wei Ling, Chia-Mei Wang,"Application of Z-score Model for financial early warning of listed companies and verification of the effect of m-score model ," The Information Technology and Application Conference, pp1-10, 2022-03. 中國科技大學 .
  3. Fang-Rong Hsu, Shou-Jin She and Feng-Cheng Lin*,"Image Semantic Segment on Embedded System Implementation - Street View Feedback as Example ," International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2019, ICMS_2019_paper_201, 2019-07. HOTEL MYSTAYS SHIN OSAKA CONFERENCE CENTER .
  4. Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang* and Fang Rong Hsu,"An Effective Mining Algorithm for Profit Mining ," International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C), pp. 106-110, 2012-06. Taichung, Taiwan .
  5. 董燕文、林明言、許芳榮,"人類基因中外顯子跳躍事件的頻繁內隱子片段與循序樣式探勘 ," 2011 National Computer Symposium, p, 2011-12. 嘉義, Taiwan .
  6. Po-Chi Shih, Yeh-Ching Chung, Kuan-Ching Li, Chao-Tung Yang, Ching-Hsien Hsu*, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Hsien Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu,"Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System ," International Workshop on U-Healthcare Technologies and Services (U-Healthcare), 2010-12. Gwangju, Korea .
  7. Yeh-Ching Chung, Po-Chi Shih, Kuan-Ching Li, Chao-Tung Yang, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Hsien Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu,"Medicare-Grid: new trends on the development of E-Health System based on Grid Technology ," Proceedings of the First IMIA/IFIP Joint Symposium, E-Health 2010, Held as Part of World Computer Congress 2010, pp. 148-159, 2010-09. Brisbane, Australia .
  8. None,"第12屆國際計算生物會議 ," 第12屆國際計算生物會議, 2008-03. 新加坡 .
  9. Fang-Rong Hsu, Chao-Jung Chen, Min-Chieh Kuo, Wei-Chung Shia, and Hwan-You Chang,"Comparative analysis of alternative splicing events in humans, mice and rats ," 2007 IAENG International Conference on Bioinformatics, pp.273-278, 2007-03. 香港 .
  10. Fang Rong Hsu, Hsien Chun Lin,and Hwan-You Chang,"Discovery the Relationship Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Alternative Splicing Events ," 2006 International conference on biomedical engineering, 556-559, 2006-12. Kuala Lumpur .
  11. F. R. Hsu and Shu Ying Sue,"Aligning ESTs to Genome Using Low Frequency High Density Index ," the 2006 International Computer Symposium, 1267-1271, 2006-12. Taipei .
  12. Chia-Hung Liu, Fang Rong Hsu, Hwan-You Chang, Wei-Chung Shia, HUI-LING PENG, YING TSONG CHEN, Yaw-Lin Lin, Yin-Te Tsai,"ANALYSIS OF EXON SKIPPING EVENTS IN HUMAN AND MOUSE ," the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Biology & Chemistry, 34-37, 2006-06. Cavtat, Croatia .
  13. Fang-Rong Hsu, Jiun-Tang You, and W. C. Shia,"Gene Structure Assembly Through Analysis OF Large-scale ESTs ," 2005 National Computer Symposium, 2005-12. 台南 .
  14. Chin-Feng Chen, Wei-Chung Shia, Fang-Ming Hsu, Wei-Ru Yang, and Fang-Rong Hsu,"The Design and Implementation of Updating and Monitoring Alternative Splicing Database ," 2005 National Computer Symposium, 2005-12. 台南 .
  15. Fang Rong Hsu, Wei-Chung Shia, J. F. Chen, and Fang Ming Hsu,"Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Mapping Using Multi-Layer Unique Markers ," 2005 Workshop of Science and Artificial, 2005-12. 花蓮 .
  16. Tien-hsiung Ku, and Fang Rong Hsu,"Finding Development Specific Alternative Splicing Using EST Database ," 13th Annual International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2005), 2005-06. Detroit, USA .
  17. F.R Hsu, and W.C Shia,"EMSA: A Multiple Spliced Alignment Algorithm ," 13th Annual International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2005), 2005-06. Detroit, USA .
  18. F. R. Hsu, Hwan-You Chang, Yaw-Lin Lin, Yin-Te Tsai, Hui-Ling Peng, Ying Tsong Chen, Che Feng Chen,, Chia Yang Cheng, Chia-Hung Liu, Min Yao Shih,"Genome-wide alternative splicing events detection through analysis of large scale ESTs ," the IEEE 4th symposium on bioinformatics and bioengineering (BIBE2004), 310-318, 2004-05. Taichung .
  19. Hsun-Chang Chang, Tze-Wei Huang, Po-Shun Yu, Yaw-Ling Lin, Fang-Rong Hsu,,"The Application of Alternative Splicing Graphs in Quantitative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Form from EST Database ," the IEEE 4th symposium on bioinformatics and bioengineering (BIBE2004), 293-300, 2004-05. Taichung .
  20. Fang Rong Hsu, Chia Yang Cheng,"Discovery of Tumor-Specific Alternative Splicing Sites ," the 8th Annual International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology (RECOMB2004), 71-72, 2004-03. USA .
  21. F. R. Hsu, Ying Tsong Chen, Hwan-You Chang, Yaw-Lin Lin, Yin-Te Tsai, Hui-Ling Peng, Min Yao Shih, Chia-Hung Liu, and Jer Feng Chen,,"Avatar: a value added transcriptome database ," the 6th Conference on Engineering Technology and Chinese/Western Medicine Applications, 196-201, 2003-09. 台中 .
  22. 許芳榮、黃紹彥、陳雪如、黃素玲,"台灣營利事業所得稅可延伸企業報告語言分類標準之建立 ," 2003年電子商務經營管理研討會, 531-536, 2003-06. 台中 .
  1. 專業書籍/季延平、許芳榮等/管理資訊系統/ 旗標出版股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2004-08-01/525/ /
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  23. 以生物資訊方法研究RNA編輯對選擇性剪裁之調控/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC98-2221-E-035-073- /主持人
  24. 藉由分析大量表現序列標籤研究SNP與RNA編輯/2008-08~2009-07 /NSC97-2221-E-035-083- /主持人
  25. 探索分支點與選擇性剪裁之關連性/2007-08~2008-07 /NSC96-2221-E-035-092- /主持人
  26. 以生物資訊方法分析選擇性剪裁之機轉/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-095- /主持人
  27. 以生物資訊方法探索選擇性剪裁與疾病之關係/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2218-E-035-012- /主持人
  28. 研究單一核 酸多型性和選擇性裁切事件/2005-07~2006-02 /NSC94-2815-C-035-026-E /主持人
  29. 應用於基因與訊號檢測之比較基因體方法 - (子計畫三)人類及老鼠之訊息核醣核酸選擇性裁剪之收集與比較分析(3/3)/2004-05~2005-04 /NSC93-3112-B-035-001 /主持人
  1. 107年度人工智慧技術與應用領域系列課程計畫—應用人工智慧技術於生物資訊、醫學工程、社群分析領域 /2018-12~2020-07 /協同主持人
  2. 偉穎科技服務股份有限公司申請投資設立於南部科學園區之諮詢顧問案 /2018-12~2018-12 /共同主持人
  3. 107年度「扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫」 /2018-08~2019-07 /主持人
  4. 107年度教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫—「A類:智慧終端與人機互動」 /2018-02~2019-01 /主持人
  5. 106年度教育部扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 /2017-08~2018-07 /主持人
  6. 影像電子簽章App(iOS)系統開發計畫 /2017-07~2017-12 /主持人
  7. 「3D列印產業推動計畫中部推廣活動」委託服務契約書 /2017-05~2017-10 /主持人
  8. 106年度資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫─A類:「智慧終端與人機互動」 /2017-02~2018-01 /主持人
  9. 行動寬頻尖端技術課程推廣計畫「嵌入式系統導論智慧聯網應用」 /2016-12~2018-02 /主持人
  10. 行動寬頻尖端技術課程推廣計畫「資料挖掘 (105 下)/資料倉儲與巨量資料 (106 上)」 /2016-12~2018-02 /主持人
  11. 105年度扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 /2016-08~2017-07 /主持人
  12. 105提升校園行動應用服務研發及內容設計人才培育計畫 /2016-05~2017-08 /主持人
  13. 自行車暨健康科技先進技術與服務模式精進計畫 /2016-05~2016-07 /主持人
  14. 第十一屆盛群盃HOLTEK MCU創意大賽 /2016-04~2017-01 /主持人
  15. 105年度資通訊軟體創新人才推升推廣計畫「A類:智慧終端與人機互動」 /2016-02~2017-01 /主持人
  16. 103學年度大學校院推動課程分流計畫─推動「智慧聯網產業學院」課程分流與產業連結計畫 /2014-12~2015-11 /主持人
  17. 103學年度教育部補助大學校院推動課程分流計畫「推動『智慧聯網產業學院』課程分流與產業鏈結計畫」 /2014-12~2015-11 /主持人
  1. 94/Asia/Pacific Who's Who /Rifacimento, International/ 2006-01-01/
  2. 94/國科會績優研究團隊 /國科會/ 2005-08-01/自由軟體計畫
  3. 94/第三屆Linux黃金企鵝獎 /台北市電腦商業同業公會/ 2005-08-01/「表現序列標籤資料庫分析工具自由軟體之開發與研究」獲研發創新獎
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  2. 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Unlocking the Potential of Zebrafish Research with Artificial Intelligence: Advancements in Tracking, Processing, and Visualization
  3. 113/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-15/Improving Breast Cancer Detection and Diagnosis through Semantic Segmentation Using the Unet3+ Deep Learning Framework
  4. 112/112年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2023-12-12/
  5. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Incorporating The Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Lexicon With A Fully Convolutional Network For Malignancy Detection On Breast Ultrasound
  6. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/The application of artificial intelligence to support biliary atresia screening by ultrasound images: A study based on deep learning models.
  7. 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Semantic Segmentation of the Malignant Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System Lexicon on Breast Ultrasound Images by Using DeepLab v3+
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  12. 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/A Novel Steganography Scheme for Video H.264/AVC without Distortion Drift
  13. 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/An improved ChIP-seq peak detection system for simultaneously identifying post-translational modified transcription factors by combinatorial fusion, using SUMOylation as an example
  14. 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/The Deployment and Implementation of Two Spliced Alignment Tools in a Grid Environment
  15. 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Whole-genome sequencing and identification of Morganella morganii KT pathogenicity-related genes
  16. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Genetic Copy Number Variants in Myocardial Infarction Patients with Hyperlipidemia,
  17. 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/"ATTdb: A Tumor and Tissue Specific Natural Antisense Transcripts Database
  18. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Efficient Algorithms for the Minimum Connected Domination on Trapezoid Graphs
  19. 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Mapping Using Multi-Layer Unique Markers
  20. 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Events in Human and Mouse
  21. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Some Optimal Parallel Algorithms for Shortest Path Related Problems on Interval and Circular-arc Graphs
  22. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/AVATAR: A database for genome-wide alternative splicing event detection using large scale ESTs and mRNAs
  23. 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/The Application of Alternative Splicing Graphs in Quantitative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Form from EST Database
  1. 後基因體時代生物資訊研究議題/玉山醫務暨健康管理學會/2011-12
  2. 雲端計算及其應用/中山大學/2010-06
  3. Using a Bioinformatics Approach to search Splice Sites Regulated by RNA editing/亞洲大學/2010-05
  4. 破解DNA密碼/東平國小/2009-12
  5. 認識意識會談/鹿港國小/2008-09
  6. Indexing genomic sequences/台灣師大/2008-07
  7. Analysis of Alternative Splicing Events in human, rat, mouse/東海大學資訊工程系/2006-03
  8. Constructions and Applications of Alternative Splicing DBs/彰化師範大學生科系/2005-12
  9. Introduction to Bioinformatics/僑光技術學院資管系/2005-12
  10. Mugup: an experience of bioinformatics application in Linux/國科會/2005-08
  11. Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing in Human & Mice/陽明大學生物資訊所/2004-12
  12. Comparative Analysis of Alternative Splicing in Human & Mice/淡江大學資訊工程系/2004-11
  13. Indexing genomic sequences/國家理論科學研究中心/2004-08
最後更新時間:2025-3-12, 9:02 a.m. 下次更新時間:2025-3-13, 9 a.m.