資訊系國際學生新春聚餐 2021 New Year Party for International Students

COVID-19 全球疫情延燒,今年寒假要請大家待在台灣,暫時不要回去自己國家,避免染疫風險與出境入境後的漫長隔離,而影響到校上課的重要權益。
The COVID-19 global epidemic is spreading. Please stay in Taiwan, do not go back to your country to avoid the risk of infection and the long isolation.

我們預計在 1/28 星期四中午 11:00 舉辦簡單的餐會,邀大家放假前聚一聚,分享學習的想法,以及想要跟系上反應的一些建議,詳細行程如下,請大家務必於1/26之前回覆,以利餐點訂購,謝謝。
New Year Party will held on 1/28 11:00, sharing learning, and provide suggestions. Please reply before 1/26. Thank you.


線上報名(1/26之前回填) Online registration (Before 1/26)


Date 餐會日期:2021/01/28 Thursday
Time 餐會時間:【大學部 Bachelor】11:00~14:00/【研究所 PhD &. Master】12:00~14:00
Location 餐會地點:【大學部 Bachelor】資電102~103教室 Classroom IEE 102~103/【研究所 PhD &. Master】資電203教室 G-Print Lab (IEE 203)
Participant 參加對象:國際學生(台灣學生勿填) International Students (Not Taiwan Student)

【大學部時間 Bachelor】
11:00 報到 Check in
11:30 師長祝賀 Teachers talk
11:45 開始用餐 Enjoy your food
12:15 下學期選課與課務事項宣傳 School matters publicity
12:45 同學分享學習的心路歷程 Sharing learning
13:15 同學提出相關學習建議給系上 Provide suggestions
14:00 餐會結束 Go home/dorm and stay safe

【研究所時間 PhD &. Master's degree】
12:00 報到 Check in
12:10 師長祝賀 Teachers talk
12:15 開始用餐 Enjoy your food
12:30 下學期選課與課務事項宣傳 School matters publicity
12:45 同學分享學習的心路歷程 Sharing learning
13:15 同學提出相關學習建議給系上 Provide suggestions
14:00 餐會結束 Go home/dorm and stay safe


In order to cooperate with the government's epidemic prevention measures, body temperature and alcohol disinfection of hands will be taken before entering the venue.

Please also wear masks to enter the venue and maintain proper social distance during meals to maintain your health.

Contact 聯絡人:資訊工程學系 吳振宇 助教
(04)2451-7250 分機 3704
LINE ID:wucy.iphone