Bonnie Lu * , Chao-Li Meng * and Chyi-Ren Dow, "A Posture Training System Based on Therblig Analysis and YOLO Model—Taking Erhu Bowing as an Example," Sensors, 25(3), 674, 2025-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Hsi-Min Chen, Bao-An Nguyen, You-Wei Chang, Chyi-Ren Dow, "A gamified method for teaching version control concepts in programming courses using the Git Education Game," Electronics, https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13244956, 2024-12. (SCIE) -
Bao-An Nguyen, Hsi-Min Chen*, Chyi-Ren Dow, "Identifying nonconformities in contributions to programming projects: From an engagement perspective in improving code quality," Behaviour & Information Technology, Vol. 42, No. 1, 2023-01. (SSCI,SCIE) -
Hsi-Min Chen, Nguyen Bao-An, Chyi-Ren Dow, Nien-Lin Hsueh, An-Chi Liu, "Exploring time-related micro-behavioral patterns in a Python programming online course," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 6, 2022-11. (SCIE) -
Hsi-Min Chen, Bao-An Nguyen, Chyi-Ren Dow, "Code-quality evaluation scheme for assessment of student contributions to programming projects," Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 188 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2022.111273), 2022-07. (SCIE,EI) -
Bao-An Nguyen , Hsi-Min Chen*, Chyi-Ren Dow, Yan-Ting Chen, Hoang-Thanh Duong, "Identification and Validation of Web Themes: A DOM-structure Matching Approach," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 38 No. 2, 2022-03. (SCIE,EI) -
Nhut-Lam Nguyen, Ming-Hung Wang, and Chyi-Ren Dow, "Learning to Recognize Sockpuppets in Online Political Discussions," IEEE Systems Journal, PP(99):1-12, DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2021.3117815, 2021-11. (SCIE) -
Feng-Cheng Lin*, Huu-Huy Ngo, Chyi-Ren Dow, Ka-Hou Lam, and Hung Linh Le, "Student Behavior Recognition System for the Classroom Environment Based on Skeleton Pose Estimation and Person Detection," Sensors, 21(16), 5314, https://doi.org/10.3390/s21165314, 2021-08. (SCIE) -
Nhut-Lam Nguyen, Ming-Hung Wang*, Yu-Chen Dai and Chyi-Ren Dow, "Understanding Malicious Accounts in Online Political Discussions: A Multilayer Network Approach," Sensors, 21(6), 2183, 2021-03. (SCIE,EI) -
Feng-Cheng Lin*, Shou-Jin She, Huu-Huy Ngo, Chyi-Ren Dow, and Fang-Rong Hsu, "A Wearable Embedded System for Assisting Cognition of Visually Impaired People by Street Scene Description," Journal of Computers, Vol. 32, No. 1, PP. 102-119, 2021-02. (EI) -
Hsi-Min Chen*, Bao-An Nguyen, Yi-Xiang Yan, Chyi-Ren Dow, "Analysis of Learning Behavior in an Automated Programming Assessment Environment: a Code Quality Perspective," IEEE Access, Vol. 8, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3024102, 2020-09. (SCIE,EI) -
V. T. Bui, C. R. Dow, Y. C. Huang, P. Liu and V. D. Thai, "A Canopen-Based Gateway and Energy Monitoring System for Electric Bicycles," Energies, 13(15), 3766, 2020-08. (SCIE) -
Huu-Huy Ngo, Feng-Cheng Lin*, Yang-Ting Sehn, Mengru Tu, and Chyi-Ren Dow, "A Room Monitoring System Using Deep Learning and Perspective Correction Techniques," Applied Sciences, https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134423, 2020-06. (SCIE) -
Ming-Hung Wang*, Nhut-Lam Nguyen, Shih-chan Dai, Po-Wen Chi, and Chyi-Ren Dow, "Understanding Potential Cyber-Armies in Elections: A Study of Taiwan," Sustainability, 12(6), 2248, 2020-03. (SSCI,SCIE,EI) -
Feng-Cheng Lin*, Huu-Huy Ngo, and Chyi-Ren Dow, "A cloud-based face video retrieval system with deep learning," The Journal of Supercomputing, 76 (11), pp. 8473–8493 (2020), 2020-01. (SCIE) -
S. F. Hwang, W. C. Chen, C. R. Dow and N. L. Nguyen, "Efficient RSU Placement Schemes in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of Information Science & Engineering, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 1045-1060, 2019-09. (SCIE) -
C. R. Dow, H. H. Ngo, L. H. Lee, P. Y. Lai, K. C. Wang and V. T. Bui, "A Crosswalk Pedestrian Recognition System by Using Deep Learning and Zebra ‐Crossing Recognition Techniques," Software: Practice and Experience, pp. 1–15, 2019-08. (SCIE,ECONLIT) -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, S. F. Hwang and V. T. Bui, "An Efficient Mobile Grid Scheme for Service Tracking in VANETs," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 220-229, 2018-07. (SCIE) -
C. R. Dow, D. B. Nguyen, S. Cheng, P. Y. Lai, S. F. Hwang, "VIPER: An Adaptive Guidance and Notification Service System in Internet of Vehicles.," World Wide Web, pp. 1-29, 2018-06. (SCIE) -
C. R. Dow, D. B. Nguyen, M. F. Tsai, Z. H. Lin, S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Crowdsourcing Search Scheme and Aggregation Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.," Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 341-348, 2018-05. (SCIE) -
D. B. Nguyen, C. R. Dow and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Traffic Congestion Monitoring System on Internet of Vehicles.," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, pp. 1-17, 2018-05. (SCIE) -
Po-Yu Lai, Chyi-Ren Dow, Yu-Yun Chang, "Rapid-Response Framework for Defensive Driving Based on Internet of Vehicles Using Message-Oriented Middleware," IEEE ACCESS, pp. 18548-18560., 2018-02. (SCIE) -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Duc-Binh Nguyen, Hsi-Chung Chen and Shiow-Fen Hwang, "An Adaptive and Hotspot Aware Taxi Zone Queuing System on Internet of Vehicles," International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, vol. 13, no.3, pp. 89-106, 2017-09. (SCIE) -
Chyi-Ren Dow*, Duc-Binh Nguyen, Ming-Fong Tsai, Zi-How Lin and Shiow-Fen Hwang, "An Efficient Crowdsourcing Search Scheme and Aggregation Techniques in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks," Accepted byJournal of Internet Technology, Volume PP, Issue 99, pp. 1-9, 2016-01. (SSCI,EI) -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, V. T. Bui and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Mobile Grid Scheme for Service Tracking in VANETs," Accepted byInternational Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 10.1504/IJAHUC.2016.10001948, 2016-01. (SCIE) -
Chyi-Ren Dow*, Duc-Binh Nguyen, Shr-Chen Wang, Shiow-Fen Hwang and Ming-Fong Tsai, "A Geo-aware Taxi Carrying Management System by Using Location Based Services and Zone Queuing Techniques on Internet of Things," Mobile Information Systems, Volume 2016, 2016-01. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow*, P. Y. Lai and J. H. Ye, "A moving context-aware and location-based paratransit system," International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 3, 2015-12. (EI) -
Thanh-Nam Pham, Ming-Fong Tsai, Duc-Binh Nguyen, Chyi-Ren Dow and Der-Jiunn Deng, "A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking System Based on Internet of Things Technologies," IEEE Access, Volume 3,pp. 1581-1591, 2015-09. (SCIE,ECONLIT) -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, and R. Y. Hu, "Adaptive SWE and SNMP-based Sensor Management for Environmental Monitoring," International Journal of Communication Networks and Distribu, Volume 13 Issue 3/4, 2014-09. (EI) -
Y. H Lee, C. R. Dow, C. Y. Chueh, and S. F. Hwang, "TWIST: a Tree-based Web Service Indication Scheme for Service Tracking in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2014-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, and R. Y. Hu, "Adaptive SWE and SNMP-based Sensor Management for Environmental Monitoring," Accepted byInternational Journal of Communication Networks and Distribu, n, 2014-01. (EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, Y. H. Lee, Y. C. Lin and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Geo-Aware Peer-to-Peer Resource Discovery and Sharing Scheme in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 14, No. 4,, 2013-12. (SCIE) -
S.-F.Hwang*, H.-H.Lin, C.-R.Dow, "An Energy-Efficient Data Dissemination Scheme in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks.," International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, Vol.5, No.3, 2013-07. (EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin*, S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient k-level Traffic Control Scheme with Congestion Awareness in Wireless Mesh Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2013-03. (SCIE,EI) -
S.-F. Hwang*, K.-H. Lu, L.-R. Yang, C.-R. Dow, and C.-W. Chen, "Energy-Efficient Data Reporting with Sink Mobility Support in Object Tracking Sersor Networks.," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.10, No.3, 2012-12. (SCIE) -
Shiow-Fen Hwang*, Kun-Hsien Lu, Liang-Ren Yang, Chyi-Ren Dow, and Ching-Wen Chen, "Energy-Efficient Data Reporting with Sink Mobility Support in Object Tracking Sensor Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol.10 ,No.3, 2012-12. (SCIE,EI) -
J. C. Chiu, C. R. Dow, C. M. Lin, J. H. Lin and H. W. Hsieh, "A Watershed-based Debris Flow Early Warning System using Sensor Web Enabling Techniques in Heterogeneous Environments," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation, Vol. PP, Iss. 99,, 2012-08. (SCIE) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient k-level Traffic Control Scheme with Congestion Awareness in Wireless Mesh Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, DOI:10.1504, 2012-08. (SCIE) -
Y.-Y. Su, S.-F. Hwang*, K.-H. Lu, and C.-R. Dow, "A Cluster-Based Multicast Scheme with Asymmetric Link Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, Vol. 9,No. 3, 2012-05. (SCIE,EI) -
J. C. Chiu, C. R. Dow, C. M. Lin, J. H. Lin, and H. W. Hsieh, "A Watershed-based Debris Flow Early Warning System using Sensor Web Enabling Techniques in Heterogeneous Environments," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation, Volume: PP, Issue:99, 2012-02. (SCIE,EI) -
CHYI-REN DOW, LU-HUI HUANG, "Context-Aware and LBS Learning Systems Using Ubiquitous Teaching Assistant (u-TA): A Case Study for Service-Learning Courses," Computer Applications in Engineering Education, DOI 10.1002/cae.2155, 2011-12. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, S. C. Chen and S. F. Hwang, "An efficient anycast scheme for discovering k services in cluster-based mobile ad hoc networks," WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND MOBILE COMPUTING, Vol. 11, Iss. 9, pp. 1287-1301, 2011-09. (SCIE,EI) -
C.-R. Dow J.-C. Chiu P. Hsuan K.-H. Chen S.-J. Gaun, "Efficient transit planning framework using service composition and hierarchical aggregation schemes," IET Intelligent Transport Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 175-182, 2011-09. (SCIE,EI) -
P. Hsuan, C. R. Dow, K. C. Lai, P. J. Lin, and S. F. Hwang, "A Capacity-aware and Multipath-supported Traffic Control Framework in Wireless Mesh Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E94-B, No. 5, pp. 1323-1331, 2011-05. (SCIE) -
P. J. Lin, C. R. Dow, P. Hsuan, and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Traffic Control System Using Dynamic Thresholding Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks," International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 24, Iss. 3, pp. 325-346, 2011-03. (SCIE,EI) -
S.-F. Hwang*, Y.-Y. Su, K.-H. Lu and C.-R. Dow, "A Cluster-Based Approach for Efficient Multi-Source Multicasting in MANETs," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 57, No. 2, PP. 255~275, 2011-03. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow*, Y. H. Li, L. H. Huang, and P. Hsuan, "Development of Activity Generation and Behavior Observation Systems for Distance Learning," Computer Applications in Engineering Education, DOI: 10.1002/cae.205, 2011-03. (SCIE) -
K.-H. Lu, S.-F. Hwang*, Y.-Y. Su, H.-N. Chang, and C.-R. Dow, "Hierarchical Ring-Based Data Gathering for Dense Wireless Sensor Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.64, No.2, 2010-11. (SCIE,EI) -
P. J. Lin, C. R. Dow1, P. Hsuan1, S. F. Hwang, "An efficient traffic control system using dynamic thresholding techniques in wireless mesh networks An efficient traffic control system using dynamic thresholding techniques in wireless mesh networks," Accepted byInternational Journal of Communication Systems, 2010-06. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, S. C. Chen, J. H. Lin, S. F. Hwang, "Recent developments and experimental guidelines in mobile ad-hoc networks," International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing, Volume 4 Issue 2, 2010-05. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, S. C. Chen, J. H. Lin, and S. F. Hwang, "Recent Developments and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks," International Journal on Wireless and Mobile Computing (IJWM, Vol. 4, No. 2, PP. 105~115, 2010-05. (EI) -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow*, C. W. Yang, and W. C. Chiang, "BEVOR: An NTCIP-based Interoperable Framework for Emergency Vehicle Preemption System Using Web Service and STMF," Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Vol. 26, No. 3, PP. 801~816, 2010-05. (SCIE,EI) -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow*, S. C. Chen, Y. S. Lee, and S. F. Hwang, "HarpiaGrid: A Geography-Aware Grid-based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of Information Science and Engineering (JISE), Vol. 26, No. 3, PP. 817~832, 2010-05. (SCIE,EI) -
S.-F. Hwang*, C.-W. Lee, Y.-Y. Su, C.-R. Dow, "Energy Efficient Event-Driven Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2010-05. (EI) -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, S. C. Chen, and S. F. Hwang, "An Efficient Anycast Scheme for Discovering K Services in Cluster-based Mobile Ad-hoc Networks," Accepted byWireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010-02. (SCIE,EI) -
S.-F. Hwang*, K.-H. Lu, Y.-Y. Su, C.-S. Hsien, and C.-R. Dow, "Hierarchical Multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks," Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2010-01. (SCIE,EI) -
Y. H. Li, C. R. Dow, C. M. Lin, and P. J. Lin, "A Transparent and Ubiquitous Access Framework for Networking and Embedded System Laboratories," Accepted byComputer Applications in Enginee, 2009-08. (SCIE,EI) -
Y. H. Li, C. R. Dow, C. M. Lin, and F. W. Hsu, "A Systematic Framework of Virtual Laboratories Using Wrapping, Mobile Agent and Design Pattern Technologies," International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 3, PP. 26~43, 2009-07. (EI) -
S. C. Chen, C. R. Dow, R. D. Wang, Y. H. Li, and S. F. Hwang, "A Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Recovery Points and FEC in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 48, No. 3, PP. 441~462, 2009-02. (SCIE) -
S.-F. Hwang, Y.-Y. Su, K.-H. Lu, Y.-Y. Lin, and C.-R. Dow, "A Cluster-Based Coverage-Preserved Scheduling Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, PP. 43~50, 2009-01. (SCIE,EI) -
S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, T.-H. Chang, and C.-R. Dow, "Hierarchical Data Gathering Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks," Int.Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (JPCC), Vol. 4, No. 3, PP. 299~321, 2008-10. -
Y.-Y. Su, S.-F. Hwang, and C.-R. Dow, "An Efficient Cluster-Based Routing Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, No. 5, PP. 1409~1428, 2008-09. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, R.C. Chiu, P. Hsuan, K.H. Chen, and S. J. Guan, "An Efficient Transit Planning Framework Using Service Composition and Hierarchical Aggregation Schemes," Accepted byIET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2008-08. (SCIE) -
P. Hsuan, C. R. Dow, S. C. Chen, S. F. Hwang, and S. W. Chen, "Design and Implementation of IPv6-based Anycast System for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2008-08. (SCIE,EI) -
Cheng-Min Lin, Chyi-Ren Dow, Khong-Ho Chen, and Tsen-Fen Lai, "Models of Assistant Agents for Older Adults," Journal of Computers, 18/1, PP. 89~100, 2007-08. -
C. R.Dow, L. H. Huang, K. H. Chen, J. C. Chiu, and C. M. Lin, "WSGB: A Web Service-Based Growing Book," International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 4/4, PP. 69~87, 2006-10. (EI,INSPEC - IEE) -
C. M. Lin, J. C. Chiu, T. W. Ko, and C. R. Dow, "An Extendable Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Using Only Slave/ Slave Bridges," Journal of Science and Engineering Technology, 2/3, PP. 1~7, 2006-09. -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Li, and J. Y. Bai, "A Virtual Laboratory for Digital Signal Processing," International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, 4/2, PP. 31~43, 2006-04. (EI,INSPEC - IEE) -
林士斌、廖國列、林正敏、竇其仁, "新一代的網路模擬器─NS2," e科技, 58, PP. 23~30, 2005-10. -
C. R. Dow, J. H. Lin, K. T. Chen, S. C. Chen, and S. F. Hwang, "A Scalable and Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, 34/4, PP. 335~357, 2005-09. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, J. S. Chen, and Y. H. Li, "An Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Channel Set Allocation Algorithm for Microcell/ Macrocell Cellular Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, 33/2, PP. 197~212, 2005-04. (SCIE,EI) -
竇其仁,林志鴻,陳聖章, "設計與實作一個在Ad hoc無線網路上解決叢集建置、隱藏式終端干擾與繞路問題的整合架構," 工程科技通訊, 電機類, 74, 2004-06. -
J. H. LIN, C. R. DOW and S. F. HWANG, "A Distributed Virtual Backbone Development Scheme for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, 27, PP. 215~233, 2003-12. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow and J. S. Chen, "A Distributed Fault-tolerant Resource Planning Scheme for Wireless Networks," Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. 24, No. 3, PP. 429~445, 2003-02. (SCIE,EI) -
T. K. Shih, G. D. Antoni, T. Arndt,D. Asirvatham, S. K. Chang, Y. S. Chee, C. R. Dow, J. C. Hung, Q. Jin, I. Jung, H. V. Leong,, "A Survey of Distance Education Challenges and Technologies," International Journal of Distance Education Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 1~21, 2003-01. -
C. R. Dow, J. H. Lin, S. F. Hwang, and Y. W. Wang, "An Efficient Distributed Clustering Scheme for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, E85-B. No. 8, PP. 1561~1571, 2002-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C.R.Dow, C.M.Lin, Shih-Sung Chen, "The Development of a Virtual Digital Circuit Laboratory Using VDSL," the Journal of Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 9/3, PP. 251~257, 2002-08. (EI) -
C.R.Dow, J. S. Chen, M.C.Hsieh, "Checkpointing MPI Applicatons on Symmetric Multiprocessor Machines Using SMPCkpt," Journal of Systems and Software, 63/2, PP. 137~150, 2002-08. (SCIE,EI) -
J. S. Chen, C. R. Dow, "Fixed Channel Allocation Scheme Performance Enhancement for Cellular Mobile Syst," IEE Proceedings on Communications, 149/4, PP. 232~236, 2002-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C.R. Dow, J.H. Lin, S.F.Hwang, Y.W.Wang, "An Efficient Distributed Clustering Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks," The IEICE Transactions on Communications, E85-B/8, PP. 1561~1571, 2002-08. (SCIE,EI) -
D.C. Su,S.F. Hwang,C.R. Dow,Y. W. Wang, "An Efficient K-hop Clustering Routing Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks," Internet Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, PP. 139~146, 2002-04. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, C. Y. Lin, C. C. Shen, J. H. Lin, and S. C. Chen, "A Virtual Laboratory for Macro University Using Mobile Agent Techniques," International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Lan, 15/01, PP. 1~18, 2002-03. -
C. M. Lin,C. R. Dow, "PQPCkpt: An Efficient Three Level Synchronous Checkpointing Scheme in Mobile Computing Systems," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E84-B/ No. 11, PP. 1556~1567, 2001-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow,J. S. Chen, "Efficient PCS Information Retrieval and Visualization Using SimPCS," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 2/ No. 4, 2001-08. -
竇其仁,林志鴻,陳聖章,沈建忠, "行動代理人技術與教育應用," 資訊與教育, No. 86, PP. 34~40, 2001-08. -
C. R. Dow,J. S. Chen,Y. F. Hwang, "PLOW: An Adaptive Channel Allocation Strategy for Large-Scale Mobile Cellular Networks," Internet Technology, Vol. 3/ No. 2, PP. 89~98, 2001-08. (EI) -
C.R. Dow,J.H. Lin,S.F. Hwang,Y.W. Wang, "An Efficient Distributed Clustering Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks," IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2001-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow,J. S. Chen,M. C. Hsieh, "Checkpointing MPI Applications on Symmetric Multiprocessor Machines Using SMPCkpt," Systems and Software, 2001-08. (SCIE,EI) -
J. S. Chen,C. R. Dow, "Fixed Channel Allocation Scheme Performance Enhancement for Cellular Mobile Systems," IEE Proceedings on Communications, 2001-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C.R. Dow,C.M. Lin,S. S. Chen, "The Development of a Virtual Digital Circuit Laboratory Using VDSL," Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, 2001-08. (EI) -
竇其仁,許富為,白晉宇, "宏觀大學實驗室之建置與應用," 資訊與教育, 2001-08. -
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Yeh-Ching Chung, Don-Lin Yang and Chyi-Ren Dow, "A Generalized Processor Mapping Technique for Array Redistribution," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 7, PP. 743~757, 2001-07. (SCIE,EI) -
C.R.Dow and C.M.Lin, "Adaptive Distributed Breakpoint Detection and Checkpoint Space Reduction in Message Passing Programs," the Computer and Artificial Intelligence Journal, Vol. 19, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow, D. W. Fan, and C. M. Lin, "Avoidance of Hidden Termaianl Interference in Cluster-based Wireless Network Using Efficient Two-level Code Assignment Schemes," IEICE Transactions on Communication, Vol. E84-B/ No. 2, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow, "Efficient Checkpoint-based Failure Recovery Technique in mobile Computing Systems," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI) -
Ching-Hsien Hsu, Yeh-Ching Chung, and Chyi-Ren Dow, "Efficient Methods for Multidimensional Array Redistribution," Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 17/ No. 1, PP. 23~46, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI) -
C. R. Dow and J. S. Chen, "Efficient PCS Information Retrieval and Visualization Using SimPCS," the Journal of Internet Technology, 2000-08. (EI) -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow, "Efficient Techniques for Adaptive Independent Checkpointing in Distributed Systems," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E83-D/ No. 8, PP. 1642~1653, 2000-08. (SCIE,EI) -
陳石松、林正敏、竇其仁, "VDSL:一個虛擬數位電路實驗室," 遠距教育季刊, No. 15, 2000-08.
Bao-An Nguyen, Hsi-Min Chen, Nien-Lin Hsueh, An-Chi Liu, and Chyi-Ren Dow,"Exploring time-related behavioral patterns in MOOCs: The Example of Python Courses ," 2021台灣軟體工程研討會 (TCSE 2021), N/N, 2021-07. 靜宜大學 . -
黃秀芬*;吳東隆;竇其仁,"三維車載網路之繞徑機制 ," 第26屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET2020), p144-p149, 2020-10. 國立臺灣大學綜合體育館 . -
C. R. Dow, V. T. Bui, Y. C. Huang, P. Liu and D. T. Vu,"A Controller Area Network-based Gateway and Monitoring System for e-Bikes ," 2019 19th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT 2019), NIL, 2019-10. Xi'an . -
C. R. Dow, W. K. Wang, H. H. Ngo and S. F. Hwang,"An Advising System for Parking Using Canny and K-NN Techniques ," 2019 Computer Science & Information Technology (CS & IT), NIL, 2019-05. Hotel . -
Ming-Hung Wang, Nhut-Lam Nguyen, Chyi-Ren Dow,"Detecting Potential Cyber Armies of Election Campaigns Based on Behavioral Analysis ," The 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications (Complex Networks 2018), 2018-12. Cambridge, U.K. . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Shun-Ming Chang, Van-Tung Bui and Pei Liu,"A Vibration Reduction System for e-bikes ," The 9th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference, pp 1-4, 2018-11. University of British Columbia . -
黃秀芬*; 陳冠廷; 竇其仁,"軟體定義異質車載網路之群播機制 ," 第24屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET2018), 74, 2018-10. 中央大學 . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Liang-Hsuan Lee, Ngo Huu Huy and Kuan-Chieh Wang,"A Human Recognition System for Pedestrian Crosswalk ," International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 443-447, 2018-07. Caeser Palace . -
Yu-Yun Chang, Chyi-Ren Dow, Po-Yu Lai and Shiow-Fen Hwang,"An Efficient Alert System on Internet of Vehicles Using Hybrid MOM Technologies ," 2017 the 3rd International Conference on Communication and Information Processing, pp. 32, 2017-11. Takeda Hall (5F), Takeda Building in Asano campus of University of Tokyo . -
黃秀芬*; 吳貫瑋; 竇其仁,"軟體定義異質車載網路之有效資料傳遞機制 ," 第23屆台灣網際網路研討會(TANET2017), 66, 2017-10. 東海大學 . -
C. R. Dow, V. T Bui, C. Y Chen and S. F. Hwang,"An Energy Management System for E-Bike ," The 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON 2017), pp. 1-3, 2017-10. University of British Columbia . -
黃秀芬*; 曾煜恒; 竇其仁,"在都市車載網路中以行車路線為基礎之有效群播機制 ," 第十三屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會(WASN 2017), 18, 2017-08. 義守大學 . -
黃秀芬*; 柯柏強; 竇其仁,"在混合軟體定義網路中以叢集為基礎之流量工程研究 ," 第22屆行動計算研討會(MC2017), 20, 2017-08. 義守大學 . -
S.-F. Hwang*, Guan-Yu Chen, and C.-R. Dow,"Context-Aware Service Discovery in the Internet of Things ," 2017 The Third International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2017), 61-68, 2017-07. Takamatsu Sunport Hall Building . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Zhe-Rong Lin and Kuan-Chieh Wang,"A Visualization System for Traffic Violation Using H2O Random Forests. ," International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 550-554, 2017-07. Vancouver Convention Centre . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Yaun-Zone Wu, Bonnie Lu, Shiow-Fen Hwang and Fongray Frank Young,"An Adaptive Sensor Management System ," 14th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, pp. 253-256, 2017-04. Tuscany Suites . -
C.R. Dow,"Telematics and Advanced Transportation Services ," International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 5, 2016-12. Nguyen University . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Syuan Cheng, Shiow-Fen Hwang,"A MQTT-based guide and notification service system ," 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), pp. 1-4, 2016-10. University of British Columbia . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Yaun-Zone Wu, Bonnie Lu and Shiow-Fen Hwang,"A Sensor Management and Alert Service System ," International Conference on Internet Studies (NETs2016), 2016-07. Osaka, Japan . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Yu-Yun Chang, Chiao-Wen Chen and Po-Yu Lai,"A Mobile Group Tour Tracking and Gathering System ," 13th International Conference on Information Technology- New Generations, Part III, pp 293-302, 2016-04. Nevada, USA . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Van-Tung Bui, Yu-Chi Huang, Cheng-Min Lin and Duc-Thai Vu,"A Power and Management System for E-bike using CANopen ," The 2nd International Joint Conference on Convergence (IJCC 2016), pp.31-32, 2016-01. Hanoi, Vietnam . -
C. R. Dow, H. C. Chen and S. F. Hwang,"A Hotspot Aware Taxi Zone Queuing System ," The 6th International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON 2015), pp. 1-4, 2015-10. University of British Columbia . -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, S. C. Wang, and S. F. Hwang,"A Context-Aware Paratransit System ," 12 th International Conference on Infomateion Technology, pp. 3-7, 2015-04. Las Vegas, Nevada . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Yu-Hong Lee, Shr-Chen Wang, and Shiow-Fen Hwang,"A Geo-aware Location Based Taxi Carrying System ," 11th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, pp. 53-58, 2014-04. Naveda, USA . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Yu-Hong Lee, Tsung-Lin Hsieh, and Zi-How Lin,"An Efficient Sensor Configuration for Environment Monitoring ," Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology, 1-6, 2013-08. Tokyo . -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, W. T. Hsiao, and S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Data Sharing Scheme using Mobile Grid Sequence in Vehicular Sensor Networks ," The FTRA 9th International Symposium on Wireless Sensor Network Technologies and Applications for Smart Space, 1-10, 2013-08. Korea . -
Chyi-Ren Dow, Chih-Yu Chueh, Yu-Hong Lee, and Shiow-Fen Hwang,"Tree-based Web Service Indication Scheme for Service Tracking in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks ," International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 1-5, 2013-04. LasVegas . -
Shiow-Fen Hwang, Hsin-Hui Lin, Chyi-Ren Dow,"An Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks with Holes ," The Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, 2012-07. Phuket, Thailand . -
Y. H. Lee, C. R. Dow, L. H. Huang, Y. C. Lin, S. F. Hwang, and W. B. Lee,"An Efficient Geo-aware Peer-to-Peer Resource Discovery and Sharing Scheme in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks ," International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 54-59, 2012-04. LasVegas . -
C. R. Dow, M. H. Ho, Y. H. Lee, S. F. Hwang,"Design and Implementation of a DSRC based Vehicular Warning and Notification System ," 2011 IEEE 13th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, pp. 960-965, 2011-09. Banff, Canada . -
黃秀芬, 林祐竹, 竇其仁,"具行動匯集點的無線感測網路上之省能的資料散佈機制 ," The Seventh Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, 2011-09. 國立交通大學 . -
Shiow-Fen Hwang, Nai-Han Liang, Kun-Hsien Lu, and Chyi-Ren Dow,"Energy-Efficient Voronoi-Based Manycast in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks ," 3rd International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications, 2011-07. Haikou, China . -
黃秀芬, 梁乃翰, 呂坤憲, 竇其仁,"在具行動匯集點之無線感測網路上以Voronoi架構為基礎之省能manycast機制 ," the 16th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2011-06. 國立中山大學 . -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Lee, J. Liao, H. W. Yang, W. L. Koo,"A Location-based Mobile Advertisement Publishing System for Vendors ," 2011 Eighth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, pp. 24-29, 2011-04. Lasvegas, U.S.A. . -
C.R. Dow, P.Hsuan,Y.H. Lee,Y.T. Lee and C.Y.Huang,"An Efficient Data Circulation and Discovery Scheme in VANETs Using Public Transportation Systems ," Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference Network and Service Management, 2010-10. Canada . -
C. M. Lin, J. H. Lin, C. R. Dow, W. X. Chang, C. W. Yang, and J. C. Chiu,"Onboard Unit Framework Implementation for Vehicle Telematics Applications ," Cross Strait Four-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology, PP.1-6, 2010-08. taiwan . -
S.-F. Hwang, C.-H. Yang, Y.-Y. Su and C.-R. Dow,"Energy Efficient Hole Bypassing Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, pp.576-580, 2010-07. Chengdu, China . -
黃秀芬, 楊佳瑄, 蘇奕宇, 竇其仁,"無線感測網路中具省能之避洞繞徑機制 ," the 15th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2010-05. Taichung, Taiwan . -
J.H. Lin,C.R. Dow,Y.C. Chen,S.F.Hwang,"An Efficient Multicast Scheme in WiMAX Mesh Network Using Dynamic Scheduling Techniques for Concurrent Transmissions ," Proceedings of the 15th mobile Computing Workshop, 2010-05. Taichuang . -
Y.H.Li,L.H.Huang,C.R.Dow,P.Hsuan,and W.L.Koo,"A Prompt Response Monitoring System for the Guiding Support of Learning Activities ," International Conference on Information Technology, 2010-04. USA . -
S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, Z.-Y. Huang, and C.-R. Dow,"Multi-Chain Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks ," 2009 National Computer Symposium (NCS2009), 2009-11. Sanshia, Taiwan . -
C.R. Dow, K. H. Chen,H. Y. Yang, C. W. Chuang,P.L.Lee, and W.Y.Chang,"Walk-walk:a Location-based Mobile AD/Voucher System for Night Market Strolling ," Proceedings of the 2009 National Computer Symposium, 2009-11. Taipei . -
P.J.Lin,C.R.Dow,C.Y.Chang,P.Hsuan,and S.F. Hwang,"A Dynamic Traffic Control System in Wireless Mesh Networks ," Proceedings of the 2009 National Computer Symposium, 2009-11. Taipei . -
C.R. Dow and Y.H. Li,"A Transparent Framework of Distance Laboratory: A Case Study on Networking and Embedded Systems ," Proceedings of the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education, 2009-10. Canada . -
P.Hsuan,C.R.Dow,P.J.Lin,and K.C.Lai,"ACapacity-Aware and Multipath-Supported Traffic Control Framework in Wireless Mesh Networks ," Proceeding of the 10th International Symposium on Pervasive System, Algorithms and Networks, 2009-10. Kaohsiung . -
Y.-Y. Su, S.-F. Hwang, and C.-R. Dow,"A Cluster-Based Multicast Scheme with Asymmetric Link Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ," the 5th Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2009), 2009-09. Hsinchu, Taiwan . -
S.-F. Hwang, W.-C. Lin, K.-H. Lu, and C.-R. Dow,"Energy Efficient Localization Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 14th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2009-06. Ilan, Taiwan . -
S.-F. Hwang, C.-W. Lee, Y.-Y. Su, and C.-R. Dow,"Energy Efficient Event-Driven Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 14th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2009-06. Ilan, Taiwan . -
J. H. Lin, C. C. Chen, C. R. Dow, S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Multicast Scheme in WiMax Mesh Networks Using Distributed Clustering Techniques ," 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008), pp. 118-123, 2008-11. Taipei, Taiwan . -
S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, Y.-S. Wang, and C.-R. Dow,"An Efficient Data Reporting Scheme in Large Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks ," 2008 International Computer Symposium (ICS 2008), pp. 212-218, 2008-11. Tamsui, Taiwan . -
J.H. Lin, C.C. Chen, C.R. Dow, S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Multicast Scheme un WiMax Mesh Networks Using Distributed Clustering Techniques ," Proceedings of 2008 International Computer Symposium, 2008-11. None . -
S. C. Chen, C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, and S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Multicast Protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Using Forward Error Correction Techniques ," the Fifth ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (ACM PE-WASUN-2008 in conjunction with ACM MSWiM2008), pp. 38-41, 2008-10. Vancouver, Canada . -
P. J. Lin, C. R. Dow, S. C. Chen, C. J. Li, and S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Anycast Scheme for Discovering K Services in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ," the Fifth ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (ACM PE-WASUN-2008 in conjunction with ACM MSWiM2008), pp. 33-37, 2008-10. Vancouver, Canada . -
S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, L.-R. Yang, and C.-R. Dow,"Efficient Data Reporting for Object Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks ," the 14th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, pp. 1-5, 2008-10. Tokyo, Japan . -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow, D. J. Lin, C. W. Yang, and W. C. Chiang,"An NTCIP-based Semantic ITS Middleware for Emergency Vehicle Preemption ," the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2008), pp. 363-368, 2008-10. Beijing, China . -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow, and S. J. Guan,"NimbleTransit: Public Transportation Transit Planning Using Semantic Service Composition Schemes ," the 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2008), pp. 723-728, 2008-10. Beijing, China . -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow, and Y. S. Lee,"HarpiaGrid: A Reliable Grid-Based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks ," 11th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2008), pp. 383-388, 2008-10. Beijing, China . -
Hsiang-Ching Chao, Tzong-Jye Liu, Kuong-Ho Chen and Chyi-Ren Dow,"A seamless and reliable distributed network file system utilizing webspace ," The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Web Site Evolution (WSE 2008), 2008-10. Beijing, China . -
S.-F. Hwang, C.-S. Hsien, and C.-R. Dow,"在具行動匯集點之無線感測網路的階層式群播 ," the 4th Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN2008), 2008-09. Tainan, Taiwan . -
C. M. Lin, C. R. Dow, C. W. Yang, J. H. Lin, and H. J. Shih,"The Implementation of Multiplexing Diagnostic System Using Bluetooth Scatternet for Intelligent Vehicles ," 2007 National Computer Symposium(NCS), 2007-12. Wufeng, Taichung County, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, W. J. Lin, K. H. Chang, and P. Hsuan,"A Lab-based Virtual Teaching Assistant- Using Network PPP Laboratory as an Example ," 20th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE '07), 2007-11. San Francisco, California, USA . -
Y.-W. Huang, S.-F. Hwang, and C.-R. Dow,"A Railroad-Based Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 3rd Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks (WASN2007), pp. 27-36, 2007-09. Tamsui, Taiwan . -
[4] C. M. Lin, C. R. Dow, M. C. Hsieh, and J. C. Chiu,"A Scheduling Algorithm with Guaranteed Bandwidth Services for Bluetooth Scatternets ," the Fourth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2007-07. Singapore . -
Hsiang-Lun Huang, Tzong-Jye Liu, Kuong-Ho Chen, Chyi-Ren Dow, Lih-Chyau Wuu,"A Polymorphic Shellcode Detection Mechanism in the Network ," The Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems, 2007-06. Suzhou, China . -
K. H. Chen, C. R. Dow, Y. Y. Chen, and Y. H. Li,"A Ubiquitous Teaching Assistant Using Knowledge Retrieval and Adaptive Learning Techniques ," IEEE International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS '07), 2007-04. Waltham, Massachusetts, USA . -
Y. H. Li, C. R. Dow, K. H. Chang, and K. H. Chen,"Design and Implementation of an Open Sourced Location Service System for the Aglets Mobile Agent System ," IEEE International Conference on Integration of Knowledge Intensive Multi-Agent Systems (KIMAS '07), 2007-04. Waltham, Massachusetts, USA . -
L.-R. Yang, S.-F. Hwang, and C.-R. Dow,"在匯集點可移動的無線感測網路上有效的物體追蹤與回報機制 ," the 13th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2007-04. Changhua, Taiwan . -
T.-H. Chang, S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, and C.-R. Dow,"Hierarchical Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 12th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 424-431, 2006-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
W.-C. Huang, S.-F. Hwang, Y.-Y. Su, and C.-R. Dow,"Efficient Convergecast Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks ," the 12th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 31-39, 2006-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C.-R. Dow, C.-J. Li, S.-C. Chen, and S.-F. Hwang,"An Efficient Anycast Scheme for Discovering K Services in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks ," the 12th Mobile Computing Workshop, 281-286, 2006-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, P. Hsuan and S. F. Hwang,"Design and Implementation of Anycast Protocols for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ," The 8th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT2006), 2006-02. Gangwon-Do, Korea . -
Shiow-Fen Hwang, Kun-Hsien Lu and Chyi-Ren Dow,"A Grid-Based Manycast Scheme for Large Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ," the International Conference on Information Networking, 2006-01. Sendai, Japan . -
C. R. Dow, K. H. Chen, Y. P. Huang, J. A. Tu, and Y. S. Wang,"A Recommender-based Knowledge Support System for Senior Project Design ," The 11th Conference on Information Management and Implementation, 2005-12. Taipei, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, S. C. Chen, R. D. Wang, J. H. Lin, and S. F. Hwang,"A Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Recovery Points in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ," the Second International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (Mobility Conference 2005), 2005-11. Guangzhou, China . -
Yi-Yau Lin, Yi-Yu Su, Shiow-Fen Hwang, Chyi-Ren Dow,"A Cluster-Based Coverage-Preserving Scheduling Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks ," Workshop on Wireless, Ad Hoc, and Sensor Networks(WASN 2005), pp. 457-462, 2005-08. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan . -
Yi-Yu Su, Shiow-Fen Hwang, Chyi-Ren Dow,"An Efficient Multi-Source Multicast Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ," ICPADS-2005, pp. 8-14, 2005-07. Fukuoka, Japan . -
C. R. Dow, J. C. Chiu, K. H. Chen and C. M. Lin,"A Multi-lingual Paradigm Switching Framework for SCORM-based Digital Contents ," 4th International Conference on Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, pp. 81-86, 2005-07. Beijing, China . -
Wei-Bin Lee, Hsing-Bai Chen, and Chyi-Ren Dow,"Remote User Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity ," the 2005 International Conference on Security and Management (WCAC SAM’05), 412-418, 2005-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
Wei-Bin Lee, Jia-Hong Li, and Chyi-Ren Dow,"Efficient Date-Constraint Hierarchical Key Assignment Scheme ," the 2005 International Conference on Security and Management (WCAC SAM’05), 51-57, 2005-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
Tzong-Jye Liu, Chia-Lin Lee, Chyi-Ren Dow, Wei-Bin Lee and Hsing-Bai Chen,"Self-Stabilization Neighborhood Synchronizer for Uniform Rings ," the 2005 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (IMCSE PDPTA’05), 346-352, 2005-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
T. N. Chang, S. F. Hwang, K. H. Lu, and C. R. Dow,"An Efficient Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks ," 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2005-03. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan . -
S. R.. Rou and C. R. Dow,"Design and Implementation of a Message Coordination System Based on Mobile Agent Framework ," 11th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2005-03. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, P. J. Lin, S. C. Chen, J. H. Lin, and S. F. Hwang,"A Study of Recent Research Trends and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks ," IEEE 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan . -
C. M. Lin, C. R. Dow, C. M. Chiu, T. W. Ko, and C. Y. Yu,"Power-efficient and QOS-aware Scheduling Algorithm for Various Traffic Loads in Bluetooth Scatternet ," IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2005), 2005-02. Innsbruck, Austria . -
C. M. Lin, C. R. Dow, T. W. Ko, C. M. Chiu, and K. L. Liao,"Bluetree++: A Novel Scatternet Formation Scheme ," IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2005), 2005-02. Innsbruck, Austria . -
S. C. Chen, C. R. Dow, S. K. Chen, J. H. Lin, and S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Anycasting Scheme in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," 2004 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2005), 2005-01. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
J. H. Lin, C. R. Dow, Y. H. Li, C. M. Lin, and T. C. Huang,"An Efficient Channel Allocation Scheme in Cell Overlapping Systems ," 2004 IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC2005), 2005-01. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
C. R. Dow, K. H. Chen, C. Y. Pong, C. F. Lu and W. C. Lin,"Trend Analysis of Senior Project Design Using an e-Portfolio System ," 10th Conference on Information Management and Implementation, 2004-12. Taichung, Taiwan . -
S. F. Hwang, J.-J. Lin, K. H. Lu, and C. R. Dow,"A Scalable Cluster-based Manycast in Ad Hoc Networks ," International Computer Symposium (ICS2004), pp. 833-838, 2004-12. Taipei, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, W. B. Lee, and K. H. Chen,"SPDP: A Versatile Electronic Portfolio System for Senior Project Design Assessment ," 2004 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2004-12. Singapore . -
W. B. Lee, C. R. Dow, H. C. Lin, C. C. Fang, and K. H. Chen,"An Assisant Approach to Accomplish Institutional Self-Assessment ," 2004 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, pp. 258-263, 2004-12. Singapore . -
W. B. Lee, C. R. Dow, C. C. Fang, H. C. Lin, and K. H. Chen,"An Efficient Method for Involving Faculty in the Self-Assessment Process ," 2004 International Conference on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, pp. 230-234, 2004-12. Singapore . -
T. C. Huang, C. K. Liao and C. R. Dow,"Zone-based hierarchical routing in two-tier backbone ad hoc networks ," 12th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2004), pp. 650-654, 2004-11. Singapore . -
Y. H. Li, C. R. Dow, F. W. Hsu, C. M. Lin and T. C. Huang,"Design and Implementation of Virtual Laboratories Using Wrapping and Agent Techniques ," the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI2004), pp. 450-455, 2004-11. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
S. C. Chen, C. R. Dow, T. K. Yang, J. Y. Bai, and C. M. Lin,"An Instant Messaging-based Multi-agent Coordination System ," 2004 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI2004), pp. 456-461, 2004-11. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA . -
C. R. Dow, Y. H. Li, F. W. Hsu, C. M. Lin and T. C. Huang,"A Mobile Agent-based Virtual Laboratory Framework ," 15th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications on Internet, 2004-09. Tainan, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, C. K. Tseng, Y. H. Li and C. M. Lin,"An Efficient Weight-based OVSF Code Assignment Strategy for WCDMA ," the 3rd Active Networking Workshop, 2004-09. Taoyuan, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, P. C. Yang and S. F. Hwang,"An On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Load Consideration in MANETs ," the 3rd Active Networking Workshop, pp. 61-67, 2004-09. Taoyuan, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, M. Y. Lai, J. H. Lin and S. F. Hwang,"A Role-aware Power-saving Scheme in Cluster-based MANETs ," the 3rd Active Networking Workshop, 2004-09. Taoyuan, Taiwan . -
C.-R. Dow, M.-Y. Lai, J.-H. Lin and S.-F. Hwang,"A Role-aware Power-saving Scheme in Cluster-based MANETs ," the 3rd Active Networking Workshop, 61-67, 2004-09. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan . -
C.-R. Dow, P.-C. Yang and S.-F. Hwang,"An On-Demand Multicast Routing Protocol with Load Consideration in MANETs ," the 3rd Active Networking Workshop, 61-67, 2004-09. Tao-Yuan, Taiwan . -
Y. C. Huang, S. F. Hwang, and C. R. Dow,"A Power-Aware Multipath Routing with Load Balance in Ad Hoc Networks ," 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies, 2004-06. Tainan, Taiwan . -
C.-R. Dow, S.-K. Chen, S.-C. Chen and S.-F. Hwang,"An Efficient Anycasting Scheme in Mobile Ad hoc Networks ," the 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C.-R. Dow, R.-D. Wang, P. Hsuan, and S.-F. Hwang,"A Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Recovery Points in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," the 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, R. D. Wang, P. Hsuan, and S. F. Hwang,"A Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Recovery Points in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, S. K. Chen, S. C. Chen and S. F. Hwang,"An Efficient Anycasting Scheme in Mobile Ad hoc Networks ," 10th Mobile Computing Workshop, 2004-03. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C. N. Kao, S. F. Hwang, Y. Y. Su, C. R. Dow,"An Efficient Power-Aware Multicast Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ," National Computer Symposium (NCS2003), 0, 2003-12. Taichung, Feng Chia University . -
C. N. Kao, S. F. Hwang, Y. Y. Su,and C. R. Dow,"An Efficient Power-Aware Multicast Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ," National Computer Symposium (NCS2003), 2003-12. Feng Chia University, Taichung . -
宣拔, 邱仁成, 竇其仁, 賴坤助,"校園無線網際網路允入控制與管理 ," National Computer Symposium (NCS2003), 2003-12. Taichung, Taiwan . -
K. H. Lu, S. F. Hwang and C. R. Dow,"A Hybrid Location Service Scheme for Large Ad Hoc Networks ," Workshop on 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies Workshop, 2003-09. National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan . -
K. H. Lu, S. F. Hwang, C. R. Dow,"A Hybrid Location Service Scheme for Large Ad Hoc Networks ," 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies Workshop, 0, 2003-09. Tainan, National Cheng Kung University . -
C. R. Dow, F. W. Hsu, T. K. Yang and J. Y. Bai,"A Virtual Laboratory for Digital Signal Processing ," International Conference on Information Technology: Research and Education (ITRE '2003), pp. 166-170, 2003-08. Newark, New Jersey, USA . -
Y. Y. Su, S. F. Hwang, and C. R. Dow,"An Efficient Cluster-based Routing Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectio ," International Computer Symposium (ICS2002), pp. 511-520, 2002-12. National Dong Hwa University . -
C. R. Dow, J. S. Lai,"An Adaptive Multi-Channel Allocation Scheme for Multimedia Services in Large-Sca ," 15th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, 404-409, 2002-12. Louisville, Kentucky, USA . -
Y. Y. Su, S. F. Hwang, C. R. Dow,"An Efficient Cluster-based Routing Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links ," International Computer Symposium, 511-520, 2002-12. National Dong Hwa University . -
J. H. Lin, C. R. Dow, K. T. Chen, S. F. Hwang,"A Virtual Backbone-based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Wireless Network ," 15th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, 318-323, 2002-09. Louisville, Kentucky, USA . -
J.-H. Lin, C.-R. Dow, K.-T. Chen, and S.-F. Hwang,"A Virtual Backbone-based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," the 15th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS2002), 2002-09. Louisville, Kentucky, USA . -
C. R. Dow, C. Y. Lin, and F. W. Hsu,"A Mobile Agent-based Virtual Language Learning Laboratory ," 2002 International Conference on Chinese Language Computing (ICCLC '2002), pp.105~110, 2002-07. Taichung, Taiwan, . -
W. Y. Huang、S. F. Hwang、Y. Y. Su、C. R. Dow,"A GPS-Based Routing Protocol with Location Service for Large Ad Hoc Networks ," Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies, 2002-06. Cheng Kung University . -
S. C. Chen、C. R. Dow、C. M. Lin、S. F. Hwang,"A Three-Level Synchronous Checkpointing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies, 2002-06. Cheng Kung University . -
Y. Y. Su, S. F. Hwang, and C. R. Dow,"A Cluster-Based Routing Algorithm in Ad-hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links ," 8th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 217-224, 2002-03. Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan . -
竇其仁,謝銘勳,"數位電路虛擬實驗室之評量模式 ," Proceedings of 2001 National Computer Symposium, H045~H051, 2001-12. 文化大學 . -
竇其仁,何淑媛,"網際網路上XML和軟體代理人於EDI之應用研究-以台灣一貨運業實例來探討 ," Proceedings of 2001年海峽兩岸資訊(訊息)技術研討會, 34~40, 2001-12. 中央大學 . -
竇其仁,施惠珠,"一個可應用於e-Learning之行動代理人協調模式 ," Proceedings of 2001年海峽兩岸資訊(訊息)技術研討會, 66~73, 2001-12. 中央大學 . -
竇其仁,林倩玲、余禎祥,"校園無線網際網路-以逢甲大學無線網路建置為例 ," Proceedings of 第七屆台灣區網際網路研討會, 324~329, 2001-10. 中正大學, 台灣 . -
C. R. Dow、J. S. Lai、Y. F. Hwang、J. S. Chen,"An Efficient Multi-Channel Allocation Strategy for Mobile Multimedia Networks ," Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems, 150~156, 2001-09. Taipei, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow、P. H. Lin、S. C. Chen,"An Adaptive IP Address Allocation and Management System ," 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent Multimedia Computing and Networking, 1001~1004, 2001-08. North Carolina, USA . -
C. R. Dow、J. S. Chen,"Performance Evaluation of Channel Allocation Strategies for PCS Systems Using SimPCS ," Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, 454~459, 2001-08. Texas, USA . -
C. R. Dow、J. S. Chen,"Maximizing the Traffic-Carrying Capacity of Cellular Radio Systems Based on an Efficient Distributed ," Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, 448~453, 2001-08. Texas, USA . -
C. R. Dow, S.F. Hwang, K. T. Chen, J. H. Lin, and W. L. Horng,"A Virtual Backbone-based Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Networks ," 二十一世紀數位生活與網際網路科技研討會, 2001-05. 台南.成功大學 . -
竇其仁、林碧華,"可調適之IP位址分配與管理系統建置 ," 二十一世紀數位生活與網際網路科技研討會, 2001-05. 台南.成功大學 . -
C. R. Dow, S. F. Hwang, W. L. Horng, J. H. Lin, and K. T. Chen,"A Cluster-based Virtual Backbone Establishment and Maintenance for Ad-hoc Networks ," 7th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 123-129, 2001-03. Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, . -
C. R. Dow, Y. F. Huang, and J. S. Chen,"An Adaptive Channel Allocation Strategy for Large-Scale Mobile Cellular Networks ," 7th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 12-18, 2001-03. Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, . -
D. J. Su, S. F. Hwang, C. R. Dow, and Y. W. Wang,"An Efficient K-hop Clustering Routing Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks ," 7th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 175-181, 2001-03. Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. . -
C. R. Dow and C. M. Lin,"VDAS: Variable Dependency After Send Family of Checkpoint Dependency Models in Distributed Systems ," 7th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing (CTHPC’2001),, pp. 6-13, 2001-03. National Chao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, . -
C. R. Dow, Y. F. Huang, and J. S. Chen,"SimPCS: A Web-based PCS Learning Tool ," Proceedings of THe International Conference on Computers in Education, pp. 947-955, 2000-11. Taipei, Taiwan . -
竇其仁、賴家信、黃裕豐、陳忠信,"PCS換手模擬器的模組化設計與使用評估 ," Proceedings of 11th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 2000-09. Taichung, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow, M. C. Hsieh, C. M. Lin, and J. S. Chen,"Checkpointing MPI Applications on NOWs and SMP Machines ," Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS 2000), 2000-08. Las Vegas,Nevada,USA . -
C. R. Dow, C. M. Lin, J. H. Lin, and D. W. Fan,"Efficient Code Assignment Schemes for Hidden Terminal Avoidance in Cluster-Based Wireless Networks ," Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems(PDCS 2000), 2000-08. Las Vegas,Nevada,USA. . -
C.M.Lin and C.R. Dow,"Causal Mobile Breakpoints ," Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing, 2000-05. Kaohsiung . -
竇其仁,林碧華,林志鴻,謝明璋,"校園無線網路之規劃與建置 ," 第五屆台灣區網際網路研討會, 1999-10. 高雄 中山大學 . -
C. R. Dow and S. H. Hung,"A Web-based Parallel Simulator for Cellular Mobile Systems ," The 12th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS '99), pp. 371-376, 1999-08. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA . -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow,"Efficient Checkpoint-based Rollback Recovery Techniques in Mobile Computing Systems ," 12th International Conference on Parallel & Distributed Computing Systems, pp. 259-264, 1999-08. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA . -
C. R. Dow, J. S. Chen, and Y. F. Huang,"Visualization of Performance Data on PCS Systems ," International Symposium on Multimedia Information Proceeding (ISMIP'99), pp. 27-33, 1999-08. Taipei, Taiwan . -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow,"Reduction of Checkpoint Space for Distributed Breakpoint Detection in Message Passing Programs ," 一九九九分散式技術及應用研討會, pp. 451-457, 1999-05. 成功大學 . -
C. R. Dow and D. W. Fan,"Avoidance of Hidden Terminal Interference in Multihop Networks ," 5th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 128-134, 1999-03. National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan . -
C. R. Dow and S. H. Hung,"A Simulator for Cellular Mobile Systems ," 5th Mobile Computing Workshop, pp. 199-205, 1999-03. National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan . -
陳石松,王基軒,林正敏,竇其仁,"一個虛擬數位電路實驗室 ," 第八屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 1999-03. 逢甲大學 . -
王基軒,陳石松,林正敏,竇其仁,余文俊,"以感測元件為主的小型分散式圖控系統及應用 ," 第八屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 1999-03. 逢甲大學 . -
Y. C. Chung, C. H. Hsu, and C. R. Dow,"A Generalized Processor Mapping Technique for Array Redistribution ," 5th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing (CTHPC),, pp. 83~92, 1999-03. Taiwan. . -
J. S. Chen and C. R. Dow,"Efficient Event-based Checkpointing Algorithms in Distributed Systems ," 5th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing, 1999-03. Chung Cheng University, Chiayi . -
Y. C. Chung, C. H. Hsu, and C. R. Dow,"Packing/Unpacking Information for Efficient Generalized kr->r and r->kr Array Redistribution ," IEEE Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation,, pp. 89~96, 1999-02. USA. . -
Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Cheng Liu, Yeh-Ching Chung, Jen-Shiuh Liu, Chyi-Ren Dow, and Chin-Feng Lin,"A Multicomputer System on Campus Networks ," 1998 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications (DSTA'98), 275-279, 1998-05. Tainan, Taiwan . -
竇其仁,陳家成,"MPICkpt: 一個以MPI為基礎的檢查點系統 ," 1998 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications (DSTA'98), pp. 353-359, 1998-05. Tainan, Taiwan . -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow,"Efficient On-the-fly Zigzag Cycle Detection Techniques to Prevent Useless Checkpoints in Distributed Systems ," 1998 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications (DSTA'98), pp. 451-457, 1998-05. Tainan, Taiwan . -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow,"An Adaptive Independent Checkpointing Algorithm Using the Technique of Zigzag Cycle Detection in Mobile Computing Systems ," the 4th Mobile Computing Workshop, 1998-03. National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan . -
竇其仁,陳基榮,何全琳,徐本銘,沈建忠,"資料結構之電腦輔助教學系統 ," 第七屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 1998-03. 國立高雄師範大學 . -
C. M. Lin and C. R. Dow,"Adaptive Distributed Breakpoint Detection in Message passing Programs ," the 4th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High Performance Computing, 1998-03. Feng-Chia University, Taichung . -
竇其仁,陳忠信,郭逸冠,"可支援一致性中斷點與多執行路徑的MPI除錯器 ," NCS'97,中華民國八十六年全國計算機會議, pp.121-126, 1997-12. 東海大學 . -
竇其仁,葉良偉,范大偉,洪世勳,"Viewdb:一個可應用於WWW與資料庫整合之視覺化系統 ," NCS'97,中華民國八十六年全國計算機會議, pp.63-68, 1997-12. 東海大學 . -
黃年畤,竇其仁,徐弘洋,"An Efficient Web-BBS System ," TANet'97,第三屆台灣區網際網路研討會, pp. 150-157, 1997-10. 國立台灣大學 . -
竇其仁,鍾葉青,陳家成,陳忠信,"一個平行程式整合發展環境 ," 一九九七分散式技術及應用研討會, 1997-05. 台南 成功大學 . -
竇其仁,郭逸冠,"一個MPI-based交談式平行/分散式除錯器 ," 一九九七分散式技術研討會, 1997-05. 台南 成功大學 . -
竇其仁,葉良偉,"一個可應用於WWW與資料庫整合之CGI成式自動產生器 ," 一九九七分散式技術研討會, 1997-05. 台南 成功大學 . -
竇其仁,林正敏,陳石松,"IC麵包板:一個電路模擬實驗軟體 ," 第六屆國際電腦輔助教學研討會, 1997-03. 銘傳管理學院 . -
陳石松,林正敏,竇其仁,"一個物件導向數位電路模擬系統 ," 第七屆物件導向技術暨應用研討會, 1996-09. 成功大學 . -
林正敏,竇其仁,"一個視覺化主從式之安家圖控系統 ," 一九九六分散式技術及應用研討會, 1996-05. 成功大學 .
- 技術報告/李秉乾/應用無線感測網路技術於水土保持工程監測計畫之研究/ 行政院農委會水土保持局 /2009-12-01/ /
- 專業書籍/竇其仁 林志敏 林正敏/網路代理人/ 知城數位科技股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2006-01-01/500/ /
- 專業書籍/竇其仁 林志敏 林正敏/網路代理人 (Network Agents)/ 知城數位科技股份有限公司/ 中華民國 /2006-01-01/500/ /
- 專業書籍/楊豐瑞、竇其仁、劉振緒/Internet實務與導論 - 網路e典通/ 松崗電腦圖書資料公司/ 中華民國 /2001-10-01/650/ /
- 專業書籍/竇其仁/Data Structures and Algorithms: A Multimedia Course for Macro University/ Multimedia Courseware Series/ 中華民國 /2001-10-01/50/ /
- 專業書籍/楊豐瑞、劉振緒、竇其仁/Internet 實務與導論 - 21世紀首部曲/ 松崗圖書公司/ 中華民國 /1999-10-01/600/ /
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- 設計與實作一個基於生成式對抗網路與車聯網之行人穿越道預警系統/2020-08~2021-07 /MOST109-2221-E-035-057- /主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-從共享經濟邁向共善社會:公私協力的王道實踐(4/4)/2020-06~2021-05 /MOST109-2425-H-035-002- /共同主持人
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- (應用型)產學合作計畫-利用生成式對抗網路之路障偵測系統/2019-11~2020-10 /MOST108-2622-E-035-011-CC3 /主持人
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- 設計與實作一個基於車聯網訊息中介軟體與肇事違規分析的防禦性駕駛預警系統(II)/2019-08~2020-07 /MOST108-2221-E-035-029- /主持人
- (創新營運)產學合作計畫-以司機社群共享經濟為著眼的車輛派遣系統/2019-06~2020-05 /MOST108-2745-8-035-004- /主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-從共享經濟邁向共善社會:公私協力的王道實踐(3/4)/2019-06~2020-05 /MOST108-2420-H-035-002- /共同主持人
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- (3/3)(綠穎廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2019-01~2020-01 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(理太廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2019-01~2019-12 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(兆興廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2019-01~2020-01 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(兆貫廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-12~2019-11 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-設計與開發適用於電動自行車之路障知悉自適性減震動系統/2018-11~2019-10 /MOST107-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)區控車訊科技股份有限公司(應用型)產學合作計畫-設計與開發適用於電動自行車之路障知悉自適性減震動系統/2018-11~2019-10 /MOST107-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /主持人
- (3/3)(永新廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-10~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(宇天廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-10~2019-10 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(俊太廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-10~2019-10 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(博科廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-10~2019-10 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(楷越廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-10~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(傳星廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(宏基廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(以諾廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(威慎廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(雲碼廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-08 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(耕雲廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2019-08 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)(區控廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-09~2020-09 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- 設計與實作一個基於車聯網訊息中介軟體與肇事違規分析的防禦性駕駛預警系統/2018-08~2019-07 /MOST107-2221-E-035-036- /主持人
- (3/3)(偉邦廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-08~2019-07 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- 安全照護實時室內定位系統/2018-07~2019-02 /107CFD0600086 /主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-從共享經濟邁向共善社會:公私協力的王道實踐(2/4)/2018-06~2019-05 /MOST107-2420-H-035-002- /共同主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-台灣智慧製造創新營運中心-總計畫及子計畫二、四、五(2/4)/2018-06~2019-05 /MOST107-2420-H-035-001- /共同主持人
- (3/3)(帆宣廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-05~2019-04 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2018-02~2019-01 /MOST107-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (3/3)基於CDIO理念的跨領域終端課程改造與實踐(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2017-11~2018-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-006-MY3 /共同主持人
- (2/3)(威剛廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-10~2018-09 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (2/3)(耕雲廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-09~2018-08 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- 設計與實作一個在車聯網上結合MQTT與SWE之自適性指引與警示服務系統(2/2)/2017-08~2018-07 /MOST105-2221-E-035-050-MY2 /主持人
- (2/3)(偉邦廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-08~2018-07 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (2/3)(威慎廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-08~2018-07 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- 台灣機車肇事與違規巨量資料之研究與分析/2017-07~2018-02 /106-2813-C-035-101-E /主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-從共享經濟邁向共善社會:公私協力的王道實踐(1/4)/2017-06~2018-05 /MOST106-2420-H-035-004 /共同主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-開放式控制區域網路與智慧裝置之技術整合與閘道器開發(II)/2017-06~2018-05 /MOST106-2622-E-035-004-CC3 /主持人
- 新興科技創新營運模式-台灣智慧製造創新營運中心-總計畫及子計畫二、四、五(1/4)/2017-06~2018-05 /MOST106-2420-H-035-003- /共同主持人
- (廠配)區控車訊科技股份有限公司(應用型)產學合作計畫-開放式控制區域網路與智慧裝置之技術整合與閘道器開發(II)/2017-06~2018-05 /MOST106-2622-E-035-004-CC3 /主持人
- (2/3)(微程式廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-05~2018-04 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (2/3)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2017-02~2018-01 /MOST106-2622-8-035-001-TE2 /主持人
- (2/3)基於CDIO理念的跨領域終端課程改造與實踐(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2016-11~2017-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-006-MY3 /共同主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2018-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2018-10 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2017-10 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2018-10 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2018-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2018-10 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-10~2017-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-09~2018-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-09~2018-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-09~2017-08 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-09~2018-09 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- 設計與實作一個在車聯網上結合MQTT與SWE之自適性指引與警示服務系統(1/2)/2016-08~2017-07 /MOST105-2221-E-035-050-MY2 /主持人
- 居家小幫手——具環境感測的管家機器人/2016-07~2017-02 /105-2815-C-035-096-E /主持人
- 智慧交通控制與安全巨量資料整合服務平台開發與應用/2016-07~2017-06 /MOST105-2634-E-035-001- /共同主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-開放式控制區域網路與智慧裝置之技術整合與閘道器開發/2016-06~2017-05 /MOST105-2622-E-035-009-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)區控車訊科技股份有限公司(應用型)產學合作計畫-開放式控制區域網路與智慧裝置之技術整合與閘道器開發/2016-06~2017-05 /MOST105-2622-E-035-009-CC3 /主持人
- (1/3)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-02~2017-01 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)(博後)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(II)/2016-02~2017-01 /MOST105-2622-8-035-004-TE2 /主持人
- (1/3)基於CDIO理念的跨領域終端課程改造與實踐(想像力與創新思維融入工程教育人才培育與研究)/2015-11~2016-10 /MOST104-2511-S-035-006-MY3 /共同主持人
- 在計程車車載網路上設計與實作利用區域排班與群眾智慧之巡客載客系統與模擬情境產生器 (II)/2015-08~2016-07 /MOST104-2221-E-035-020- /主持人
- 結合適地性與穿戴式技術之認人系統/2015-07~2016-02 /104-2815-C-035-010-E /主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-車身網路巨量資料整合技術之開發 (II)/2015-06~2016-05 /MOST104-2622-E-035-021 -CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)區控車訊科技股份有限公司(應用型)產學合作計畫-車身網路巨量資料整合技術之開發 (II)/2015-06~2016-05 /MOST104-2622-E-035-021 -CC3 /主持人
- 產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(3/3)/2015-02~2016-01 /MOST104-2622-E-035-004 - /主持人
- (廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(3/3)/2015-02~2016-01 /MOST104-2622-E-035-004 - /主持人
- 在計程車車載網路上設計與實作利用區域排班與群眾智慧之巡客載客系統與模擬情境產生器/2014-08~2015-07 /MOST103-2221-E-035-057- /主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫-車身網路巨量資料整合技術之開發/2014-06~2015-05 /MOST103-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)(應用型)產學合作計畫-車身網路巨量資料整合技術之開發(區控車訊科技股份有限公司)/2014-06~2015-05 /MOST103-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(2/3)/2014-02~2015-01 / /主持人
- 產學技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(2/3)/2014-02~2015-01 /NSC103-2622-E-035-005 /主持人
- 在WAVE車載網路上設計與實作基於地理與行動網格之服務追蹤、通報與分享系統(2/2)/2013-08~2014-07 /NSC101-2221-E-035-002-MY2 /主持人
- (應用型)產學合作計畫─車身網路與智慧型手機整合技術之開發/2013-06~2014-05 /102-2622-E-035-017-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)(應用型)產學合作計畫─車身網路與智慧型手機整合技術之開發(區控車訊科技股份有限公司)/2013-06~2014-05 /102-2622-E-035-017-CC3 /主持人
- (廠配)產業技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(1/3)/2013-02~2014-01 /主持人
- 產業技術聯盟合作計畫-車載資通技術與先進交通服務聯盟(1/3)/2013-02~2014-01 /NSC102-2622-E-035-009- /主持人
- 在WAVE車載網路上設計與實作基於地理與行動網格之服務追蹤、通報與分享系統(1/2)/2012-08~2013-07 /NSC101-2221-E-035-002-MY2 /主持人
- 開放式土石流無線感測網路平台及前瞻性預測模式應用研究-子計畫:設計與實作一個以SWE 為基礎應用於土石流監測之...透通平台(III)/2012-08~2013-07 /NSC101-2625-M-035-003- /主持人
- 在車用行動網路上設計與實作地理知悉路由與集結式散播之服務發現系統(2/2)/2011-08~2012-07 /NSC99-2221-E-035-045-MY2 /主持人
- 開放式土石流無線感測網路平台及前瞻性預測模式應用研究-子計畫:設計與實作一個以SWE為基礎應用於土石流監測之無線感...平台(II)/2011-08~2012-07 /NSC100-2625-M-035-004- /主持人
- 在車用行動網路上設計與實作地理知悉路由與集結式散播之服務發現系統(1/2)/2010-08~2011-07 /NSC99-2221-E-035-045-MY2 /主持人
- 開放式土石流無線感測網路平台及前瞻性預測模式應用研究-子計畫:設計與實作一個以SWE為基礎應用於土石流監測之無線感...平台(I)/2010-08~2011-07 /NSC99-2625-M-035-006- /主持人
- 在無線網狀網路上設計與發展一個以動態門閥與類別式佇列為基礎的流量控制系統(2/2)/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC97-2221-E-035-034-MY2 /主持人
- 在無線網狀網路上設計與發展一個以動態門閥與類別式佇列為基礎的流量控制系統(1/2)/2008-08~2009-07 /NSC97-2221-E-035-034-MY2 /主持人
- 在無線網狀網路上設計與實作具負載平衡之路由與以恢復點為基礎之任播與群播協定/2007-08~2008-07 /NSC96-2221-E-035-036- /主持人
- 在IPv6環境的隨意行動網路上設計與實作任播協定(2/2)/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-010- /主持人
- 在IPv6環境的隨意行動網路上設計與實作任播協定(1/2)/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-026- /主持人
- 在隨意行動網路上以虛擬骨幹為基礎的群播與任播之研究/2004-08~2005-07 /NSC93-2213-E-035-031- /主持人
- 在隨意行動網路上的叢集、群播、檢查點容錯技術與實驗導引之探討 (II)/2003-08~2004-07 /NSC92-2213-E-035-016- /主持人
- 在隨意行動網路上的叢集、群播、檢查點容錯技術與實驗導引之探討(Ⅰ)/2002-08~2003-07 /NSC91-2213-E-035-013 /主持人
- 設計與實作一個在Ad hoc無線網路上解決叢集建置、隱藏式終端干擾與繞路問題的整合架構/2001-08~2002-07 /NSC90-2213-E-035-030 /主持人
- 一個WEB-BASED蜂巢式行動系統之模擬與視覺化環境的研製(Ⅱ)/2000-08~2001-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-073 /主持人
- 在SMP多重處理器環境下研究與開發-高效能的自動復原檢查點系統/2000-08~2001-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-072 /主持人
- 具有信號處理能力的嵌入式微處理機的實現及應用-子計畫三:混合式數位信號處理器之系統軟體的研發/2000-08~2001-07 /NSC89-2218-E-035-015 /共同主持人
- 一個Web-Based蜂巢式行動系統之模擬與視覺化環境的研製/1999-08~2000-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-010 /主持人
- MPI系統測試與整合環境製作/1998-11~1999-06 /NSC88-2815-C-035-003-E /主持人
- 以MPI為基礎之平行/分散式檢查點系統的設計與製作/1998-08~1999-07 /NSC88-2213-E-035-039 /主持人
- 異質性環境下之分散式/平行除錯器的研發與開發/1997-08~1998-07 /NSC87-2213-E-035-007 /主持人
- WWW上之問卷調查統計系統的製作(大專生暑期)/1996-08~1997-02 /NSC86-2815-C-035-018-E /主持人
- 復原程式轉換之研究/1995-08~1996-07 /NSC 85-2213-E-035-012 /主持人
- 行政院環境部112-113年開放政府資訊服務發展與系統維運管理計畫 /2024-01~2025-12 /主持人
- 環境數據分析及教材開發 /2020-05~2021-04 /主持人
- 108年度智慧創新跨域人才培育聯盟計畫「開源系統軟體創作聯盟推動計畫(C類)—協作基地分項」 /2019-03~2020-01 /主持人
- 智慧管理諮詢顧問計畫 /2018-12~2019-11 /主持人
- 環境資源資料庫整合專案管理服務 /2018-06~2020-04 /主持人
- 電池管理平台 /2018-04~2018-09 /主持人
- (補助)智慧機器人與GPU視覺處理之工作坊與專題實作 /2018-03~2018-10 /主持人
- 智慧科技與產業創新跨校教學聯盟 (簡稱:智創聯盟 )—「聯網工藝創新設計」 /2018-02~2019-01 /主持人
- 環控數據結構模型驗證與研究 /2017-11~2018-04 /主持人
- 106 年度教育部補助大學社會責任實踐計畫(B類:萌芽型計畫)「中台灣弱勢與偏鄉行動服務支持系統」 /2017-08~2018-03 /主持人
- 智慧聯網諮詢顧問計畫 /2017-08~2018-07 /主持人
- 智慧水管理產業創新發展計畫管理及產業推動服務(1/4) /2017-06~2017-12 /顧問
- 106年提升校園行動應用服務研發及內容設計人才培育計畫 /2017-01~2017-12 /主持人
- 省道交通資訊蒐集與管理系統進階功能開發與建置 /2016-06~2018-12 /共同主持人
- Energybus 通訊協定分析研究 /2016-06~2017-02 /主持人
- 105年度桃園市水情防災資訊系統擴充及維護計畫 /2016-04~2016-12 /顧問
- 105年臺中市地理防災資訊系統擴充維護 /2016-03~2016-11 /顧問
- 可適性多錄像即時雲端儲存與影像串接技術開發與系統整合 /2016-03~2018-02 /共同主持人
- 道路安全大數據案例分析與應用 /2016-02~2016-12 /顧問
- 104年度臺中市易肇事路口整合平台建置計畫 /2015-10~2016-03 /共同主持人
- 經濟部科專計畫轉委託_CiA302通訊協定分析研究 /2015-06~2015-12 /主持人
- 車身網路資料收集平台開發 /2015-05~2016-02 /主持人
- 臺中市地理防災資訊系統擴充維護 /2015-04~2015-11 /顧問
- 104年度影像監控整合系統維護及改善計畫 /2015-01~2015-12 /顧問
- (註銷)泰盛物聯網平台開發專案 /2015-01~2015-12 /共同主持人
- OBDII行車監控系統研究 /2014-11~2015-10 /主持人
- 河川監控系統開發整合與展示(2/2) /2014-07~2014-12 /顧問
- 臺中市地理及防災資訊系統擴充計畫 /2013-06~2014-01 /顧問
- 河川監控系統開發整合與展示(1/2) /2013-06~2013-12 /顧問
- 「大學校院校務資料庫」中區填表暨系統操作說明會 /2013-01~2013-02 /主持人
- 100年度整合區域創業及創新服務聯盟機制計畫-中區創業創新服務中心 /2011-01~2011-12 /主持人
- 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫「99年度課程發展計畫」 /2010-04~2011-03 /主持人
- 資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-98年度課程發展計畫-教材發展:「車載嵌入式系統與周邊介面程式設計 /2009-04~2010-03 /主持人
- 智慧感知使用者端介面技術 /2009-01~2009-12 /主持人
- 97年度「資通訊人才培育先導型計畫-教材發展:智慧型運輸系統通訊協定」 /2008-04~2009-03 /主持人
- 資通訊人才培育先導型計畫_教材發展:「車際通訊網路與協定」 /2007-09~2008-03 /主持人
- 宣導暨監督網路品質人員種子培訓與觀測計畫 /2006-03~2006-06 /主持人
- 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫-網路應用與服務教學推動中心 /2006-01~2006-12 /主持人
- 工程及科技教育認證先導型計畫 /2005-01~2005-12 /共同主持人
- 大學科技系所人才培育計畫_A分項計畫_提升相關系所師資質量計畫 /2004-08~2005-07 /主持人
- 基礎科學教育改進計畫─數學A類─計算科學與數學 /2004-02~2004-12 /協同主持人
- 通訊科技教育改進計畫 - 網路應用與服務組 (課程名稱 : 網路代理人技術) /2004-02~2004-12 /主持人
- 工程及科技教育認證先導型計畫 /2003-09~2004-12 /共同主持人
- 通訊科技教育改進計畫─網路應用與服務組─區域共同教學實驗室 /2003-03~2003-12 /共同主持人
- 通訊科技教育改進計畫─網路應用與服務組 /2003-03~2003-12
- 110/110年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /產學合作處/ 2021-10-15/
- 106/106年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /產學合作處/ 2017-08-01/
- 105/105年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /產學合作處/ 2016-08-01/
- 104/104年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /產學合作處/ 2015-08-01/
- 103/103年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /研究發展處/ 2014-08-01/
- 102/102年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /研究發展處/ 2013-08-01/
- 101/101年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /研究發展處/ 2012-08-01/
- 100/100年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /研究發展處/ 2011-08-01/
- 99/99年度科技部獎勵特殊優秀人才 /研究發展處/ 2010-10-01/
- 93/傑出論文獎 /第十五屆物件導向技術及應用研討會/ 2004-09-09/地點:長榮管理學院
- 91/電腦系統組優等獎 /91年度全國校園軟體創作競賽/ 2002-08-01/指導學生參賽
- 90/DMS2001最佳論文獎 /分散式多媒體系統國際研討會/ 2001-09-01/
- 88/路透社獎學金 / 1999-08-01/
- 113/113年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2024-11-26/
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- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Exploring time-related micro-behavioral patterns in a Python programming online course
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- 112/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2023-11-15/Code-quality evaluation scheme for assessment of student contributions to programming projects
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- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Understanding Malicious Accounts in Online Political Discussions: A Multilayer Network Approach
- 111/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2022-11-15/Learning to Recognize Sockpuppets in Online Political Discussions
- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/Analysis of Learning Behavior in an Automated Programming Assessment Environment: a Code Quality Perspective
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- 110/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2021-11-15/A cloud-based face video retrieval system with deep learning
- 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/A Crosswalk Pedestrian Recognition System by Using Deep Learning and Zebra ‐Crossing Recognition Techniques
- 109/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2020-11-15/Efficient RSU Placement Schemes in Urban Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- 109/109年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2020-10-15/
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Efficient Mobile Grid Scheme for Service Tracking in VANETs
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Efficient Traffic Congestion Monitoring System on Internet of Vehicles.
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/An Efficient Crowdsourcing Search Scheme and Aggregation Techniques in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/Rapid-Response Framework for Defensive Driving Based on Internet of Vehicles Using Message-Oriented Middleware
- 108/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2019-11-15/VIPER: An Adaptive Guidance and Notification Service System in Internet of Vehicles.
- 108/108學年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2019-09-01/
- 107/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2018-11-15/An Adaptive and Hotspot Aware Taxi Zone Queuing System on Internet of Vehicles
- 107/107年度科技部補助大專校院研究獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2018-08-01/
- 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Geo-aware Taxi Carrying Management System by Using Location Based Services and Zone Queuing Techniques on Internet of Things
- 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A moving context-aware and location-based paratransit system
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/計程車服務系統
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Adaptive SWE and SNMP-based Sensor Management for Environmental Monitoring
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/TWIST: a Tree-based Web Service Indication Scheme for Service Tracking in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Efficient Geo-Aware Peer-to-Peer Resource Discovery and Sharing Scheme in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks
- 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/An Efficient k-level Traffic Control Scheme with Congestion Awareness in Wireless Mesh Networks
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Watershed-based Debris Flow Early Warning System using Sensor Web Enabling Techniques in Heterogeneous Environments
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Energy-Efficient Data Reporting with Sink Mobility Support in Object Tracking Sensor Networks
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Cluster-Based Multicast Scheme with Asymmetric Link Support in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/Efficient transit planning framework using service composition and hierarchical aggregation schemes
- 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/An Efficient Traffic Control System Using Dynamic Thresholding Techniques in Wireless Mesh Networks
- 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/An efficient anycast scheme for discovering k services in cluster-based mobile ad hoc networks
- 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Capacity-aware and Multipath-supported Traffic Control Framework in Wireless Mesh Networks
- 101/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/A Cluster-Based Approach for Efficient Multi-Source Multicasting in MANETs
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/BEVOR: An NTCIP-based Interoperable Framework for Emergency Vehicle Preemption System Using Web Service and STMF
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/HarpiaGrid: A Geography-Aware Grid-based Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Hierarchical Ring-Based Data Gathering for Dense Wireless Sensor Networks
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Recent Developments and Experimental Guidelines in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Energy Efficient Event-Driven Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Hierarchical Multicast in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks
- 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Recovery Points and FEC in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
- 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Cluster-Based Coverage-Preserved Scheduling Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 99/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2010-11-15/A Systematic Framework of Virtual Laboratories Using Wrapping, Mobile Agent and Design Pattern Technologies
- 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/An Efficient Cluster-Based Routing Algorithm in Ad Hoc Networks with Unidirectional Links
- 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Design and Implementation of IPv6-based Anycast System for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
- 98/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2009-11-15/Hierarchical Data Gathering Schemes in Wireless Sensor Networks
- 97/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2008-11-15/Models of Assistant Agents for Older Adults
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/WSGB: A Web Service-Based Growing Book
- 96/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/網路代理人
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Virtual Laboratory for Digital Signal Processing
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Grid-Based Manycast Scheme for Large Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/ZERO-Conflict: A grouping-based approach for automatic generation of IPSec/VPN security policies
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/An Extendable Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Using Only Slave/ Slave Bridges
- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/An Adaptive and Fault-Tolerant Channel Set Allocation Algorithm for Microcell/ Macrocell Cellular Networks
- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/A Scalable and Reliable Multicast Routing Protocol for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/An Efficient Multi-Source Multicast Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- 94/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2005-11-15/A Mobile Agent-based Virtual Laboratory Framework
- 93/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2004-11-15/A Survey of Distance Education Challenges and Technologies
- 93/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2004-11-15/A Distributed Fault-tolerant Resource Planning Scheme for Wireless Networks
- 93/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2004-11-15/A Distributed Virtual Backbone Development Scheme for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks
- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/Fixed Channel Allocation Scheme Performance Enhancement for Cellular Mobile Syst
- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/Checkpointing MPI Applicatons on Symmetric Multiprocessor Machines Using SMPCkpt
- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/An Efficient Distributed Clustering Scheme for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks
- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/The Development of a Virtual Digital Circuit Laboratory Using VDSL
- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/A Virtual Laboratory for Macro University Using Mobile Agent Techniques
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/PQPCkpt: An Efficient Three Level Synchronous Checkpointing Scheme in Mobile Computing Systems
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/An Efficient Multi-Channel Allocation Strategy for Mobile Multimedia Networks
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/A Generalized Processor Mapping Technique for Array Redistribution
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/Efficient PCS Information Retrieval and Visualization Using SimPCS
- S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, H.-N. Chang, and C.-R. Dow/An Efficient Grid-Based Data Gathering Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks/Lecture Notes in Computer Science /Springer-Verlag /2007-07-01/ vol. 4611, pp. 545-556 /NSC 94-2213-E-035-027
- Shiow-Fen Hwang, Kun-Hsien Lu, and Chyi-Ren Dow/A Grid-Based Manycast Scheme for Large Mobile Ad Hoc Networks/Lecture Notes in Computer Science /Springer-Verlag /2006-11-01/ vol. 3961, pp. 276-285 /NSC 93-2213-E-035-030
- K. H. Chen, Y. S. Liu, T. J. Liu and C. R. Dow/ZERO-Conflict: A grouping-based approach for automatic generation of IPSec/VPN security policies/LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE 4269 - LARGE SCALE MANAGEMENT OF DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS /SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN /2006-10-01/ pp. 197-208
- S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, C.-R. Dow/A Grid-Based Manycast Scheme for Large Mobile Ad Hoc Networks/Lecture Notes in Computer Science /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 276-285
- S.-F. Hwang, K.-H. Lu, C.-R. Dow/A Grid-Based Manycast Scheme in Large Mobile Ad Hoc Networks/Lecture Notes in Computer Science /Springer-Verlag /2006-08-01/ pp. 276-285 /NSC 93-2213-E-035-030
- 竇其仁,林志敏,林正敏/網路代理人/網路代理人 /知城出版社 /2006-01-01/ 出版中 /教育部補助
- 楊豐瑞,竇其仁,劉振緒/Internet 實務與導論-網路e點通/Internet 實務與導論-網路e點通 /松崗 /2001-10-01
- 楊豐瑞,劉振緒,竇其仁/Internet 實務與導論-21世紀首部曲/Internet 實務與導論-21世紀首部曲 /松崗 /1999-12-01
- 計程車服務系統/新型 /M479470 /2014-06~ 2023-11
- 計程車服務系統/新型 /M479470 /2013-11~ 2014-07
- 具壅塞感知功能之網路流量控制系統/新型 /M439962
最後更新時間:2025-2-22, 9:02 a.m.
下次更新時間:2025-2-23, 9 a.m.