本人的研究工作為乳癌的轉譯醫學研究,透過應用資訊理論以及生物資訊技術,針對單一議題分析大量數據進行探討,並期待使研究成果回歸臨床,對患者做出實際貢獻。近年來的研究主題包含了以下項目:(1)以機器學習 / 深度學習策略進行惡性腫瘤乳房攝影影像及乳房超音波影像特徵辨識(2)分析乳房攝影影像,建立台灣地區女性乳房密度常態模型以及探討乳房密度與乳癌之關連性(3)特定miRNA於三陰性乳癌細胞株誘導細胞凋亡之路徑。近年來的研究成果主要發表於國際期刊以及臨床醫學會議,同時多次受邀國際乳房醫學研討會講者發表專題報告。歡迎對此一領域有興趣的研究同好聯繫,交流分享經驗。
Wei-Chung Shia, Yu-Hsun Kuo, Fang-Rong Hsu, Joseph Lin, Wen-Pei Wu, Hwa-Koon Wu, Wei-Cheng Yeh and Dar-Ren Chen, "Evaluating the Margins of Breast Cancer Tumors by Using Digital Breast Tomosynthesis with Deep Learning: A Preliminary Assessment," Diagnostics, https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics14101032, 2024-05. (SCIE) -
Wei-Chung Shia, Li-Sheng Lin, Dar-Ren Chen, "Classification of malignant tumours in breast ultrasound using unsupervised machine learning approaches," Scientific Reports, 11:1418, 2021-01. (SCIE) -
Weichung Shia, Dar-Ren Chen, "Classification of malignant tumors in breast ultrasound using a pretrained deep residual network model and support vector machine.," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 87 (2021) 101829, 2021-01. (SCIE) -
Dar-Ren Chen, Yao-Wen Chang, Hwa-Koon Wu, Wei-Chung Shia, Yu-Len Huang, "Multiview Contouring for Breast Tumor on Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of digital imaging, Journal of digital imaging," Journal of Digital Imaging, Journal of Digital Imaging (2019) 32:713–727, 2019-03. (SCIE) -
Wei-Chung Shia, Hui-Ju Yang, Hwa-Koon Wu, Shih-Lung Lin, Hung-Wen Lai, Yu-Len Huang and Dar-Ren Chen, "Implant volume estimation in direct-to-implant breast reconstruction after nipple-sparing mastectomy.," J Surg Res., Journal of Surgical Research, 231: 290-296., 2018-11. (SCIE) -
Wei-Chung Shia, Hwa-Koon Wu, Yu-Len Huang, Li-Sheng Lin, Dar-Ren Chen, "Mammographic Density Distribution of Healthy Taiwanese Women and its Naturally Decreasing Trend with Age.," Scientific Reports, Scientific Reports, (2018) 8:14937., 2018-10. (SCIE) -
Shia, W. C., Huang, Y. L., Wu, H. K., & Chen, D. R., "Using Flow Characteristics in Three-Dimensional Power Doppler Ultrasound Imaging to Predict Complete Responses in Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy.," Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, 36(5), 887-900., 2017-05. (SCIE) -
Shia, W. C., Chen, D. R., Huang, Y. L., Wu, H. K., & Kuo, S. J., "Effectiveness of evaluating tumor vascularization using 3D power Doppler ultrasound with high-definition flow technology in the prediction of the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy for T2 breast cancer: a preliminary report.," Physics in medicine and biology, Physics in medicine and biology, 60(19), 7763., 2015-09. (SCIE)
Weichung Shia, Darren Chen,"Using deep residual networks for malignant and benign classification of two-dimensional Doppler breast ultrasound imaging ," 2019 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Cancer Res February 15 2020 (80) (4 Supplement) P1-02-10; DOI: 10.1158/1538-7445.SABCS19-P1-02-10, 2019-12. Texas . -
W Shia, D Chen,"The comparison of mammographic density decreasing trend between Taiwanese healthy women and primary breast cancer patients. ," 16th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference, The Breast. 44. S45. 10.1016/S0960-9776(19)30190-0., 2019-03. Vienna, Austria. . -
Wei-Chung Shia, Dar-Ren Chen,"Malignant and benign classification in power Doppler breast ultrasound imaging. ," 30th Anniversary AACR Special Conference on Convergence: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Prediction in Cancer, 30th Anniversary AACR Special Conference on Convergence, 2018-10. Newport, RI, USA . -
W-C Shia, D-R Chen,"37P Association of mammographic density and fibroglandular tissue volume with the subtype of breast cancer. ," ESMO, Biomarkers Volume 28, Supplement 10, November 2017, 2017-11. 新加坡. . -
W. Shia, D. Chen,"The allele-specific copy number imbalance in CDK14/RABGAP1L/ SH3BP5L and the relation to the poor prognosis in breast cancer. ," 15th St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference, Cancer Res 2017;77, 2017-03. Vienna, Austria . -
W Shia and D Chen,"Abstract P1-04-10: Using the allele specific copy number profile to predict the poor prognosis breast cancer patients of Taiwanese. ," 2016 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, Cancer Res 2017;77(4 Suppl):Abstractnr P1-04-10., 2016-12. San Antonio, Texas .
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