


  • 國立清華大學 數學研究所 碩士
  • 輔仁大學 數學系 學士


  • 計算機演算法
    Computer Algorithm
  • 密碼學
  • 計算機算術
    Computer Arithmetic



  • 數學系 私立靜宜女子文理學院 副教授
  • 數學系 私立靜宜女子文理學院 講師


  1. . F. Lin, C. Y. Gun and C. Y. Chen, "A Novel Digital Signature Scheme Based on Cubic Residue with Provable Security," Accepted by International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information a , 8/3 , 2012-03. (SCI)
  2. Hsiu-Feng Lin, Chiou-Yueh Gun and Chih-Ying Chen, "On the Security of Improved Low-Computation Partially Blind Signatures," Accepted by ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications , 2012-01. (EI)
  3. Hsiu-Feng Lin, Jui-Hsiu Chang1, Chiou-Yueh Gun, and Chih-Ying Chen*, "A Low Distortion Information Hiding Method Based on (5,3) Code," IJICIC , 7/7 , pp. 3951-3962 , 2011-07. (SCI)
  4. 林秀峰 谷秋月 陳志瀅, "Comments on Wei’s Digital Signature Scheme Based on Two Hard Problems," IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network , 9/2 , pp. 1-3 , 2009-02. (EI)
  5. Chu, C. H., Lin, H. F., Chang, C. C.and Chen, C. Y., "A Multi-policy Threshold Signature Scheme with Traceable Participant Cosigners," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control , Vol.4, No.6 , pp. 1347-1356 , 2008-06. (SCI)
  6. C. H. Chu, H. F. Lin, C. C. Chang, C. Y. Chen, "A Multi-policy Threshold Signature Scheme with Traceable Participant Cosigners," Accepted by International Journal of Innovative Computing , 2008-06. (SCI)
  7. Chen, C. Y., Lin, H. F., and Chang, C. C., "An Efficient Generalized Group-Oriented Signature Scheme," Inter. Journal of Innovative Computing, Info. and Control , Vol.4, No.6 , pp. 1335-1345 , 2008-06. (SCI)
  8. H. F. Lin, J. S. Liu and C. Y. Chen, "Improved Shao's Signature cheme," Journal of Information Science and Engineering , 23/01 , pp. 285-298 , 2007-01. (SCI)
  9. Lin, J. L., Lin, H. F., Chen, C. Y. and Chang, C. C., "A Multiauthority Electronic Voting Protocol Based upon a Blind Multisignature Scheme," Int.Journal of Computer Science and Network Security , Vol. 6, No. 12 , pp. 266-274 , 2006-12.
  10. Hao-Yung Lo, Hsiu-Feng Lin, Chichyang Chen, Jenshiuh Liu and Chia-Cheng Liu, "Built-in Test with Modified-Booth High-Speed Pipelined Multipliers and Dividers," JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING: Theory and Applications , Vol.19 , pp. 245-269 , 2003-10. (SCI)
  11. 莊作彬、林秀峰, "CORDIC algorithm for vectoring mode without constant scaling factors," Electronice Letteres , Vol. 35/ No. 12 , pp. 971-972 , 1998-08. (SCI)
  12. C. Y. Chen, H. F. Lin, R. C. T. Lee and C. C. Chang, "Optimal Bucket Allocation Design of K-ary MKH Files for Partial Match Retrieval," IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering , 19/1 , pp. 148-160 , 1997-02. (SCI)
  13. 林秀峰、陳志瀅、C. C. Chang、RCT Lee, "On Multidisk Smaller Sized MKH File Allocation for Partial Match Retrival," Journal of Information Science and Engineering , Vol. 13/ No. 1 , pp. 125-141 , 1996-08. (EI)
  14. HAO-YUNG LO, HSIU-FENG LIN AND CHIANG-SHIANG WAN, "Hibrid ROM Strategy (H-ROM) for Conversion Between Binary Numbers and Logarithms," JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 10 , pp. 51-69 , 1994-08.
  15. C. C. Chang, H. F. Lin and C. Y. Chen, "Optimality Properties of Disk Modulo Allocation Method for K-ary Multiple Key Hashing Files," The Computer Journal, United Kingdom , 36/4 , pp. 390-394 , 1992-08. (SCI)
  16. C. Y. Chen and H. F. Lin, "Optimality Criteria of the Disk Modulo Allocation Method for Cartesian Product Files," BIT , 131/4 , pp. 556-575 , 1991-08. (SCI)
  1. C. Y. Chen, H. F. Lin, and C. Y. Gun, "A Fair and Dynamic Password Authentication System,," 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC 2011) , 2011-08. 中國河南.
  2. 盧力偉、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "Portable Document Format (PDF) 資訊隱藏研究應用於版權保護與數位學習," 第二十一屆資訊安全會議 , 2011-05. 雲林虎尾.
  3. 盧立偉,林秀峰,陳志瀅, "Portable Document Format (PDF) 資訊隱藏研究應用於版權保護與數位學習," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2011 , 1-8 , 2011-05. 虎尾科技大學.
  4. 丁志嘉,盧立偉,林秀峰, "利用改進的JPEG-LS 以及差值統計達到可還原式的資料隱藏," Cryptology and Information Security Conference 2011 , 1-6 , 2011-05. 虎尾科技大學.
  5. Chih-Yen Yang, Chih-Ying Chen, and Hsiu-Feng Lin, "An Application of Error Correcting Codes on DiskAllocation for Partial Match Query Systems," 2011 International Conference on Pallel and Distributed Computing Systems , pp.199-202 , 2011-02. 馬來西亞(Penang, Malaysia).
  6. 張政揚,林秀峰, 陳志瀅, "一個基於雙重困難的可驗證加密方法," 2010. Taiwan Academic Network Conference , 1-6 , 2010-10. 台南市.
  7. 魏瑋慶、陳志瀅、林秀峰、谷秋月, "A high Quality and Capacity Steganographic Method by Pixel-value Differencing," Workshop on Cryptography and Information Security,2008 Cryptology and Information Security Conference, 2009NCS , pp.469-487 , 2009-11. 台北大學.
  8. J. H. Chang, H. F. lin and C. Y. Chen, "A Low Distortion Data Hiding Method," Workshop on Image Processing, Computer Graphics, and Multimedia Technologies, 2009 NCS , 2009-11. 台北大學.
  9. 谷秋月、林秀峰、陳志瀅、廖書漢, "On the Security of a New Efficient Group Signature with Forward Security," 2008 Cryptology and Information Security Conference , pp.119-130 , 2008-05. 花蓮東華大學.
  10. 谷秋月, 林秀峰, 陳志瀅,廖書漢, "On the Security of a New Efficient Group Signature with Forward Security," The 18th Cryptology and Information Security Conference , 2008-05. 東華大學.
  11. 陳玉璽、谷秋月、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "一個改良的利用兩個像素之差異級別的影像偽裝術," 2008 International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies, AIT , pp.129-144 , 2008-04. 台中朝陽科技大學.
  12. 谷秋月、廖書漢、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "A Novel Conference Key Generation Scheme Based on Group-Oriented Decryption," The 2008 International Conference on e-Adminstration , 2008-03. Bangkok, Thailand.
  13. 廖書漢, 谷秋月, 林秀峰, 陳志瀅, "A Novel Two-authority Group Signature," Proceedings of the 2007 National Computer Symposium , Vol.4, pp.710-722 , 2007-12. 台中.
  14. 谷秋月, 廖書漢, 林秀峰, 陳志瀅, "A High Fault-tolerant conference key generation scheme," Proceedings of the 2007 National Computer Symposium , Vol.4, pp.723-737 , 2007-12. 台中.
  15. 張郁文, 林秀峰, 陳志瀅, "The Security on an Efficient and Secure Fair Blind SignatureScheme with Message Recovery," The 16th Information Security Conference , 2006-06. 台灣台中.
  16. 吳永川, 林秀峰, 陳志瀅, "A Fair and Dynamic Password Authentication System," The 16th Information Security Conference , 2006-06. 台灣台中.
  17. 吳善華 林秀峰 陳志瀅, "一個非嵌入式浮水印技術的設計與不可失真數位產品版權之驗證," 第十五屆全國資訊安全會議 , pp.185-196 , 2005-06. 台灣省高雄市.
  18. 陳柏岳 林秀峰 陳志瀅, "一個植基於解離散對數困難度的新公平盲簽章," 第十四屆全國資訊安全會議 , pp.101-109 , 2004-06. 臺灣科技大學.
  19. 陳柏岳、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "植基於分解因數和離散對數雙重難題之公平盲簽章的安全性分析," 2003年全國計算機會議 , pp. , 2003-12. 逢甲大學.
  20. 林秀峰、朱家和、陳志瀅, "A Multi-policy Threshold Signature scheme with Traceable Participant," 第十三屆全國資訊安全會議 , 39 , 2003-08. 長庚大學.
  21. 林秀峰、陳志瀅, "Multidik File Design Concurrently Answering Partial Match Queries," ICS 2002 , 39 , 2002-12. Taiwan.
  22. 陳志瀅、林秀峰, "Multidisk File Design for Concurrently Answering Partial Match Queries," 2002 International Computer Symposium , pp.1187-1194 , 2002-12. Hwalian, Taiwan.
  23. 李志豪、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "植基於分解因數和離散對數雙重難題之公平盲簽章," Information Security Conference 2002 , 163~170 , 2002-05. 台中.
  24. 黃俊男、林秀峰、陳志瀅, "與主辦單位的網路工程競標系統," Information Security Conference 2002 , 315~324 , 2002-05. 台中.
  25. C. H. Lee, H. F. Lin and C. Y. Chen, "An Improved Shao's Signature Scheme Based on Factoring and Discrete Logarithms," Proceedings of 2001Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Internet Applications 02-1, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. 2001 , 2001-08. 台北.
  26. J. L. Lin, H. F. Lin, and C. Y. Chen, "An Extended RSA Based Multiauthority Electronic Election System," Proceedings of the Tenth NationalConference on Information Security , pp.139-148 , 2000-12. HuaLian,Taiwan.
  27. H. F. Lin and C. Y. Chen, "Concurrent Control of partial match queries for multidisk MKH files," Proceedings of ICS2000 , pp. 1-7 , 2000-12. Chiayi, Taiwan, R. O. C..
  28. J. L. Lin、林秀峰、C. Y. Chen, "An Extended RSA Based Multiauthority Electronic Election System," National Conference on Information Security , 139~148 , 2000-05. HuaLian.
  29. 林秀峰、C. Y. Chen, "An Extended RSA Based Generalized Group-Oriented Signature Scheme," Tenth National Conference on Information Secturity , 305~315 , 2000-05. HuaLian.
  30. 林秀峰、Hao Yung Lo、Jung Shian Shy, "A Novel Hybrid CORDIC Algorithm with A Variable Scalar Factor for Sine and Cosine Computation," VLSI Design CAD Symposium , 85~88 , 1999-08. Nantou, Taiwan.
  31. 林秀峰、馮怡明、 陳志瀅, "A Generalized Group Oriented Cryptosystem with Cheater Detection and Fake Shadow Correction,," Proceeding of the Ninth National Conference of Information Security , pp.348~356 , 1999-05. Taiwan.
  32. 羅浩榮、林秀峰, "A High-Speed of Self-Timing Carry-Completion for Direct Two’s Complement Multipliers,," Proceeding of IEEE Asia Conference on Circuit and System , pp.643~646 , 1999-01. Taiwan.
  33. H. F. Lin, C. Y. Chen and G. A. How, "A Password Authentication Scheme Based on Quadratic Residues," Proceedings of National Information Security Conference 1996 , 1995-08. 台中.
  34. H. F. Lin, C. Y. Hu, C. C. Chang and C. Y. Chen, "Sharing a Secret Using RSA Cryptosystem," Proc. ICS 1988 Conference , 1988-08. 台北.
  1. 技術報告/陳志瀅 林秀峰/一個具有高嵌入容量且可抵擋統計偽裝分析攻擊的LSB嵌入式影像偽裝術之設計/ 自行出版/ 台灣(中華民國) /2007-07/ 原著/NSC95-2221-E-035-047
  2. 技術報告/陳志瀅 林秀峰/一個公平的通行碼確認系統與一個完美最佳的多磁碟系統資料分配法之設計/ 自行出版/ 台灣(中華民國) /2006-07/ 原著/NSC94-2213-E-035-040
  3. 技術報告/陳志瀅 林秀峰/可追蹤參與簽署的成員集合的多重策略門檻式簽章技術之研究與設計/ 自行出版/ 台灣(中華民國) /2005-07/ 原著/NSC93-2213-E-035-043
  4. 技術報告/陳志瀅 林秀峰/使用同一模數的分散式RSA多人不可否認盲簽章技術之設計/ 自行出版/ 台灣(中華民國) /2003-07/ 原著/NSC91-2213-E-035-022
  1. 一個具有高嵌入容量且可抵擋統計偽裝分析攻擊的LSB嵌入式影像偽裝術之設計(重點研究計畫)/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-047- /
  2. 一個公平的通行碼確認系統與一個完美最佳的多磁碟系統資料分配法之設計/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-040- /
  3. 可追蹤參與簽署的成員集合的多重策略門檻式簽章技術之研究與設計/2004-08~2005-07 /NSC93-2213-E-035-043- /
  4. 一個植基於分解因數和離散對數雙重難題的公平盲簽章技術之設計與在電子付款系統之應用/2003-08~2004-07 /NSC92-2213-E-035-036- /
  5. 具有平行回覆部份吻合查詢能力的多磁碟系統檔案庫之設計/2000-08~2001-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-049 /
  6. 多選務中心電子投票系統的設計之研究/1999-08~2000-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-006 /
  7. 部分吻合查詢的平行處理之研究/1997-08~1998-07 /NSC87-2115-M-035-006 /
  8. 一個均勻且為方陣形的直接二補數乘法器之研製及電路偵錯成本模式估算之建立與模擬/1997-08~1998-07 /NSC87-2213-E-035-003 /
  9. SRA密碼系統的推廣及一個新的團體式密碼系統的設計之研究/1996-08~1997-07 /NSC86-2115-M-035-009 /
  10. 分散式影像資料庫管理系統的設計與製作/1980-06~1980-09 /NSC 81-0115-C035-01-015E /
  11. 多元磁碟機上多鍵語赫序檔在磁碟的分佈方法/1978-08~1979-07 /NSC 79-0408-E035-01 /
  12. 為完全圖及完全二分圖產生所有非同構跨樹之演算法/1977-04~1978-03 /NSC 77-0408-E035-05 /
  13. 偵測不具有排列字串的演算法/1976-08~1977-07 /NSC 77-0408-E035-05 /
  1. 87/甲種獎助 /行政院國家科學委員會/ 1998-08/
  3. 84/全錄學術論文獎 /全錄/ 1995-08/全基證字第84021號
  4. 76/國科會甲種獎勵 /行政院國科會/ 1987-08/偵測不具有排列字串的演算法
最後更新時間:2025-3-13, 9:04 a.m. 下次更新時間:2025-3-14, 9 a.m.