本系大學部第一屆畢業生,在美國維吉尼亞大學獲得博士學位後,服務於美國IBM與AT&T公司。1991年回國任教27年,研究領域包括資料庫系統和網際網路服務。有感於軟體在台灣發展資訊科技的重要,極力推動軟體工程和跨領域合作的軟體開發教學,除了帶領本校資訊處通過CMMI國際認證,也獲得首屆IEET教學優良獎。世界不斷進步,期許學生發展符合循環經濟的綠色I T科技,幫助人們過更好的生活與和諧的社會,增進健康醫療和環境永續。

- Yu-Chen Chiu, Hwai-Jung Hsu, Jungpin Wu and Don-Lin Yang, "Predicting Student Performance in MOOCs Using Learning Activity Data," Accepted by Jounal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 5, pp.1223-1235, 2018-09. (SCI,EI)
- Kuo-Cheng Ting, Tzu-Yu Lin, Yi-Chung Chen, Jia-Ching Ying, Don-Lin Yang, and Hsi-Min Chen, "Machine Monitoring by Using Fuzzy-Neural Networks," International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology,Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 73-78, 2018-06. (INSPEC)
- Cheng-Ju Kuo, Kuo-Cheng Ting, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, Hsi-Min Chen, "Automatic machine status prediction in the era of Industry 4.0: Case study of machines in a spring factory," Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, Vol. 81, pp. 44-53, 2017-11. (SCI,EI)
- Kuo-Cheng Ting, Ruei-Ping Wang, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, and Hsi-Min Chen, "Finding m-Similar Users in Social Networks Using the m-representative Skyline Query," Information Discovery and Delivery,Vol. 45, Iss. 3, pp. 121-129, 2017-11. (ESCI)
- Yo-Ming Chen, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang*, "一個適合中小型工廠的智慧生產管理研究," Journal of Chinese Management Development, 2016 special issue, PP. 219-228, 2016-06.
- Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang*, Jungpin Wu and Yi-Chung Chen, "Efficient Mining of Profit Rules from Closed Inter-transaction Itemsets," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 575-595, 2016-05. (SCI,EI)
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Pei-Chun Tsai, Hsin-Chieh Wang, Don-Lin Yang*, and Jungpin Wu, "A Framework to Evaluate the Advertisement of Digital Signage Over the Internet," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 17, No. 1, PP. 29-38, 2016-01. (SCI,EI)
- Shu-Jing Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "Capability Measure for VoIP Performance," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 43, No. 5, 1176-1186, 2015-09. (SCI,EI)
- Hsiang-Yi Huang, Yung-Hui Li, Jim-Min Lin, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on Psychological Care for the Elderly Using Web-Based Embodied Conversational Agent," Journal of Internet Technology, 16/1, 2015-01. (SCI,EI)
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang* and Ming-Chuan Hung, "Association Rule Mining Considering Local Frequent-Patterns with Temporal Intervals," Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol.8,No.4,1879-1890, 2014-07. (SCI)
- Chia-Huang Wu, Shu-Jing Lin, Don-Lin Yang and Wen-Lea Pearn, "Box-Cox Transformation Approach for Evaluating Non-normal Processes Capability based on Cpk Index," Journal of Testing and Evaluation,Vol.42,No.4,948-961, 2014-07. (SCI)
- Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang*, and Jungpin Wu, "Effective Application of Improved Profit-Mining Algorithm for the Interday Trading Model," The Scientific World Journal, Volume 2014, pp.1-13, 2014-01. (SCI)
- Chien-Min Lin, Yu-Lung Hsieh, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang, "ADMiner: An Incremental Data Mining Approach Using a Compressed FP-tree," Journal of Software, Vol.8,No.8,2095-2103, 2013-08. (EI)
- Shu-Jing Lin, Don-Lin Yang, Feng-Tsung Cheng, and Mei-Fang Wu, "Aircraft Turbine Engine Manufacturing with Multiple Specifications," Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.41,No.1,pp.32-38, 2013-01. (SCI,EI)
- Wei Chen, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Don-Lin Yang and Ming-Chuan Hung, "Data Migration from Grid to Cloud Computing," Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, Vol.7,No.1, 399-406, 2013-01. (SCI)
- Bao An Nguyen, Don-Lin Yang*, "A Semi-automatic Approach to Construct Vietnamese Ontology from Online Text," The Intl. Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Vol.13, No.5,148-172, 2012-12. (SSCI)
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang*, "Approximate Data Mining for Sliding Window Based Data Streams," Journal of Computers, Vol.23,No.2, PP.1-13, 2012-07. (EI)
- P.C. Shih,Y.C. Chung, K.C. Li, C.T. Yang, C.H. Hsu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, C.H. Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu, "Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System," Accepted by Information - An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 2012-06. (SCI)
- Kuo-Cheng Yin*, Gwo-En Wang, Don-Lin Yang, "Efficient Data String Mining in the Weighted Sliding Window Model," Journal of Jen-Teh, Vol. 8, PP. 77~85, 2011-02.
- Kun-Che Lu, Don-Lin Yang, "HIC: A Robust and Efficient Hyper-Image-Based Clustering for Very Large Datasets," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, PP. 461~483, 2010-03. (SCI,EI)
- Kun-Che Lu, Don-Lin Yang, "Scalable Clustering for Mining Local-Correlated Clusters in High Dimensions and Large Datasets," Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 98, No. 1, PP. 15~32, 2010-01. (SCI)
- Chia-Han Yang, Ming-Ying Wu, Chien-Min Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "The Implementation of Wiki-based Knowledge Management Systems for Small Research Groups," I. J. Comp. Inf. Sys. & Industrial Management Appl.(IJCISIM), Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 68~75, 2009-10.
- Chih-Hsien Lee, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, "Efficient Mining of Frequent Closed Itemsets without Closure Checking," I. J. Comp. Inf. Sys. & Industrial Management Appl.(IJCISIM), Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 58~67, 2009-10.
- Jie-Ru Lin, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, Ming-Chuan Hung, "A Flexible and Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm," Int. Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Vol. 3, No. 3, PP. 291~310, 2009-07. (EI)
- Kun-Che Lu and Don-Lin Yang, "Image Processing and Image Mining using Decision Trees," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 4, PP. 989~1003, 2009-07. (SCI,EI)
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Chia-Han Yang, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, "A Feasible Association Rule Mining Method for Large Datasets," Journal of Jen-Teh, No. 7, PP. 113~124, 2009-06.
- Chen-Hsiang Yu, Don-Lin Yang and An-Chi Liu, "A Study of WiMAX Implementation at University Campuses," Int. Journal of Future Generation Communication & Networking, Vol.2, No.1, PP. 1~8, 2009-03. (EI)
- Chia-Ying Hsieh, Kun-Che Lu, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Jie-Ru Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on the Grid-based Medical Decision Support System," The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics, Vol.17(3) in chinese, PP. 1~16, 2008-09.
- Nien-Lin Hsueh, W.H. Shen, Z.W. Yang, D.L. Yang, "Applying UML and Software Simulation for Process Definition, Verification and Validation," Information and Software Technology, 50, PP. 897~911, 2008-05. (SCI,EI)
- Ming-Chuan Hung, Man-Lin Huang, Don-Lin Yang, and Nien-Lin Hsueh, "Efficient approaches for materialized views selection in a data warehouse," Information Sciences, 177/6, PP. 1333~1348, 2007-03. (SCI,EI)
- Chin-Feng Lin, Yeh-Ching Chung and Don-Lin Yang, "TRLE—an efficient data compression scheme for image composition of volume rendering on distributed memory multicomputers," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 39, No. 3, PP. 321~345, 2007-03. (SCI,EI)
- Nien Lin Hsueh, Don Lin Yang, Lu Mei Wang and Peng Hua Chu, "Software Process Improvement at Feng Chia University- An Experience Report," Journal of Software Engineering Studies, 1/1, PP. 30~37, 2006-09.
- Ming-Chuan Hung, Shi-Qin Weng, Jungpin Wu and Don-Lin Yang, "Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Merged Transactions Approach," WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Iss. 5, Vol. 5, PP. 916~923, 2006-05. (EI,IEE)
- Ming-Chuan Hung, Jungpin Wu, Jin-Hua Chang and Don-Lin Yang, "An Efficient K-Means Clustering Algorithm Using Simple Partitioning," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol.21, No.6, PP. 1157~1177, 2005-11. (SCI,EI)
- Pai-Tsen Cheng, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang and Jungpin Wu, "Mining Structure Patterns with the Motif as a Specified Starting Point," GESTS International Transactions on Computer Science and Eng,Vol.18, No.1, PP. 111~124, 2005-10.
- Kun-Che Lu, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, "An Efficient Clustering Method for Very Large Datasets,"WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education, Issue 3, Volume 2, PP. 147~155, 2005-07.
- Jenshiuh Liu, Chih-Hsien Huang and Don-Lin Yang, "Parallel Volume Rendering with Sparse Data Structures," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 21, No. 2, PP. 327~339, 2005-03. (SCI,EI)
- Chih-Hung Chang, William C. Chu, Chih-Wei Lu, Yeh-Ching Chung, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Parallel Program Generation Environment for Solving PDEs on Distributed Memory Computing Environments,"Asian Journal of Information Technology, 3 (11), pp.1025-1038, 2004-11.
- Chin-Feng Lin, Shih-Kuan Liao, Yeh-Ching Chung and Don-Lin Yang, "A Rotate-Tiling Image Compositing Method for Sort-Last Parallel Volume Rendering Systems on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,"Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 4, PP. 643~664, 2004-07. (SCI,EI)
- Yu-Ru Chen, Ming-Chuan Hung and Don-Lin Yang, "Using Data Mining to Construct an Intelligent Web Search System," Int. journal of computer processing of oriental languages, Vol.16, No.2, PP. 143~170, 2003-06.
- Chih-Wei Lu, William C. Chu, Chih-Hung Chang, Don-Lin Yang and Wen-Da Lian, "Integrating Diverse Paradigms in Evolution and Maintenance by an XML-based Unified Model," Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, Vol.15, No.3, PP. 111~144, 2003-06. (SCI,EI)
- Chia-Hsien Wen, Chen-Hsing Peng, Don-Lin Yang, Pau-Choo Chung, "The Design of Electronic Patient Records for Referal Systems(轉診電子病歷系統的設計)," Journal of Medical Record Management(病歷管理期刊), 2:2, pp. 1-14, 2002-08.
- Ching-Feng Lin, Y.C. Chung and D.L. Yang, "Parallel Shear-Warp Factorization Volume Rendering Using Efficient 1-D and 2-D Partitioning Schemes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 22, No. 3, PP. 277~302, 2002-07. (SCI,EI)
- C. S. Chao, D. L. Yang, and A. C. Liu, "A LAN Fault Diagnosis System," Computer Communications, Vol. 24, No. 14, PP. 1439~1451, 2001-09. (SCI,EI)
- Ching-Hsien Hsu, Yeh-Ching Chung, Don-Lin Yang and Chyi-Ren Dow, "A Generalized Processor Mapping Technique for Array Redistribution," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 12, No. 7, PP. 743~757, 2001-07. (SCI,EI)
- C. S. Chao, D. L. Yang, and A. C. Liu, "An Automated Fault Diagnosis System Using Hierarchical Reasoning and Alarm Correlation," The Journal of Network and Systems Management, Vol. 9, No. 2, PP. 183~202, 2001-06. (SCI,EI)
- William C. Chu, Don-Lin Yang, Jen-Chih Yu, and Yeh-Ching Chung, "UMPAL-An Unstructured Mesh Partitioner and Load Balancer on World Wide Web," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 4, PP. 595~614, 2001-06. (SCI,EI)
- William C. Chu, Don-Lin Yang, Ching-Jung Liao, and Yeh-Ching Chung, "A Binomial Tree Based Parallel Load-Balancing Method for Solution-Adaptive Finite Element Graphs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," The Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 2, PP. 187~202, 2001-03. (SCI,EI)
- Don-Lin Yang , Jen-Chih Yu , and Yeh-Ching Chung, "Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 18, No. 2, PP. 201~220, 2001-02. (SCI,EI)
- Don-Lin Yang, Yeh-Ching Chung and Ching-Jung Liao, "A Dynamic Diffusion Optimization Method for Irregular Finite Element Graph Partitioning," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 17, No.1, PP. 91~110, 2000-08. (SCI,EI)
- Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Hui Liu, Yeh-Ching Chung and Chia-Hsien Wen, "Hybrid Interpolations to Enhance 3D Medical Image Reconstruction," Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering(中華醫學工程學刊),Vol. 20, No.1, PP. 7~12, 2000-03.
- Yeh-Ching Chung, Ching-Jung Liao and Don-Lin Yang, "A Prefix Code Matching Parallel Load Balancing Method for Solution-Adaptive Unstructured Finite Element Models on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," The Journal of Supercomputing, Vol. 15, No. 1, PP. 25~50, 2000-01. (SCI,EI)
- Don-Lin Yang, Ching-Jung Liao, and Yeh-Ching Chung, "Parallel Virtual Reality Rendering of CT Images in a Distributed Computing Environment," Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering(中華醫學工程學刊), Vol. 17, No. 2, PP. 83~89, 1997-06.
- Jia-Ching Ying, Chen-Yu Li, Guan-Wei Wu, Jian-Xing Li, Wei-Jheng Chen and Don-Lin Yang, "A Deep Learning Approach to Sensory Navigation Device for Blind Guidance," The 20th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Workshop on Embedded Multi-core Computing and Applications (EMCA 2018) , pp. 1-8 , 2018-06. Exeter, United Kingdom.
- Shao-Chen Liu, Yu-Ren Chen, Cheng-Ju Kuo, Tzu-Yu Lin, Kuo-Cheng Ting, Don-Lin Yang, Hsi-Min Chen, Yi-Chung Chen, "Multi-tasking multi-machine scheduling system for multi-stage multi-criteria production," 2018 International Conference on Precision Machinery and Manufacturing Technology (ICPMMT 2018) , pp.1-8 , 2018-02. Auckland, New Zealand.
- Jia-Ching Ying, Po-Yu Huang, Chih-Kai Chang, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Preliminary Study on Deep Learning for Predicting Social Insurance Payment Behavior," 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2017), Special Session on Information Granulation in Data Science and Scalable Computing , pp. 1866-1875 , 2017-12. Boston, USA.
- 黃柏毓、英家慶、楊東麟、張智凱、劉祐炘、李建興, "基於深度學習模型預測社會保險之繳費行為," The 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2017) , pp. 1-4 , 2017-12. 台灣大學.
- Wing-Lun Siu, Kuo-Cheng Ting, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, and Hsi-Min Chen, "在社群網路中利用m-代表性天際線查詢搜尋m-相似的用戶," 2017 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering , pp. 307-312 , 2017-07. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Hsiu-Ping Hou, Hwai-Jung Hsu, Jungpin Wu, Don-Lin Yang, "The Design of a Competition Oriented Learning Platform for Open edX Courses," 2017 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering , pp. 382-387 , 2017-07. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Chen Qiu, Hwai-Jung Hsu, Jungpin Wu, Don-Lin Yang, "Using Online Learning Behavior Records to Forecast Student Performance," 2017 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering , pp. 388-392 , 2017-07. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Kuo-Hung Hsiao, Yi-Chung Chen, Hsi-Min Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "The Development of an Ontology-Based Literature Recommender System:A Case Study on Nutrition Literature," 2017 IAARHIES 64th International Conference on IT & Computer Science , pp. 4-9 , 2017-06. New Delhi, India.
- Tzu-Yu Lin, Yo-Ming Chen, Don-Lin Yang, and Yi-Chung Chen*, "New method for Industry 4.0 machine status prediction-A case study with the machine of a spring factory," International Computer Symposium 2016 , n/n , 2016-12. 中正大學.
- Kuo-Cheng Ting, Yi-Chung Chen*, Yo-Ming Chen, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on Smart Production Management for Small and Medium-sized Factories," International Workshop on Embedded Multi-core Computing and Applications (EMCA 2016) , n/n , 2016-11. University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.
- 林子佑、陳又銘、楊東麟、陳奕中*, "應用新方法於工業4.0之機器狀態預測-以彈簧工廠的工具機為例,"2016 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2016) , n/n , 2016-11. 清華大學.
- Nien-Fu Hsiao, Yu-Chen Qiu, Jung-Pin Wu, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "A Learning Assistance System for Flipped Classrooms(翻轉教室的學習輔助系統)," E時代的教育創新國際學術研討會-從翻轉教室到教育翻轉 , pp. 72-89 , 2016-10. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Heng-Shiou Sheu, Yi-Chung Chen*, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Novel Approach for m-representative Skyline Query," The 7th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support (MSNDS 2016) , pp. 1159-1162 , 2016-08. San Francisco, USA.
- Yi-Chung Chen*,Don-Lin Yang, Tien-Yen Chang, Po-Yu Huang, and Meng-Che Tsai, "Finding Depth-k Skyline Friends in Distributed Social Networks by Using Neuro-fuzzy Networks," MISNC 2016, The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference , n/n , 2016-08. New Jersey, United States of America.
- 邱勝敏, 陳奕中*, 楊東麟, 薛念林, 陳錫民, "基於倒傳遞模糊類神經網路之快速天際線朋友尋找演算法,"2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016) , 99:1-5 , 2016-07. Keelung,Taiwan.
- Yu-Tu Chang, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "A Preliminary Study on Skyline Query Algorithms for Path Group," 2016 台灣軟體工程研討會(TCSE2016) , 94:1-8 , 2016-07. Keelung, Taiwan.
- Yo-Ming Chen, Yi-Chung Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "一個適合中小型工廠的智慧生產管理研究," 2016產業管理發展論壇暨學研成果發表研討會 , pp. 1-9 , 2016-06. Miaoli County, Taiwan.
- Chi-Wei Chang, Hao Wang, Don-Lin Yang, "A Prototype of Fund-raising Platform Using a Multiple Solutions Search Algorithm," 2016商管與資訊應用研討會 , 152:1-13 , 2016-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yi-Xuan Jiang, Jing-Ting Su, Neng-Jie Zhan, Shi-Chuen Hwang, Don-Lin Yang*, "A Happy Aging Management System for Raising Resources and Activity Arrangement (幸福老化的資源募集與活動安排管理系統)," 2016 International Conference on Business Expertise & Ethics(2016商學專業與品德國際研討會) , pp. 1-12 , 2016-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Chuan-Fa Wang, Don-Lin Yang*, "A Study on Decoupling Flow Engines toward Cross-Platform Interoperability," The 7th International Conference on Information Science and Applications, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 376 , pp. 1081-1091 , 2016-02. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
- Shu-Jing Lin, Yi-Chung Chen, Jungpin Wu, and Don-Lin Yang*, "Discovering Long Maximal Frequent Patterns," International Conference on Advanced Computational Intelligence , pp. 136-142 , 2016-02. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Da-Yuan Weng, Chin-Yu Ou, Lung-Hui Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "A Health and Safety management System to Assist the Elderly (輔助銀髮族身心健康與安全管理系統)," 2015 Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications , pp. 14:1-6 , 2015-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Jian-Guo Huang, Po-Yu Huang, Yong-Han Wei, Don-Lin Yang, "A Homecare Management System for Aging In Place (在地老化居家照護管理系統)," 2015 Conference on Innovative Electronics Design and Applications , pp. 17:1-6 , 2015-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Po-Yu Chen, Chi-Wei Chang, Don-Lin Yang*, "An Intelligent Personal Exercise Management System,"The 2015 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence , pp. 233-238 , 2015-11. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Tzu-Yuan Weng, Chun-Feng Liao, Don-Lin Yang, "Detecting High-Level Contexts based on Complex Event Processing Techniques in Smart Environments," 2015 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (台灣軟體工程研討會) , pp. 31 (in Chinese) , 2015-07. Yunlin,Taiwan.
- Wei-Sheng Chen, Chun-Feng Liao, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Case Study on Improving Performance of a Big Wafer Testing Data Processing Service," 2015 Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (台灣軟體工程研討會) , pp. 17 (in Chinese) , 2015-07. Yulin, Taiwan.
- Mu-Ting Huang, Yu-Ping Hsiao, Hsiao-Ping Lee, Shu-Jing Lin, Don-Ling Yang, "A Preliminary Feature Selection Study on Identifying Basal Cell Carcinoma from Dermoscopy Images," 2014 International Conference on Information Management (第25屆國際資訊管理學術研討會) , 1-13 , 2014-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yi-Chun Lai, Tz-Chiang Wang, Don-Lin Yang, "A Study of Power Consumption Model in a University Campus," 2013 National Computer Symposium , pp.2038(1-6) , 2013-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Tan-Lin Huang, Wei-An Liao, Don-Lin Yang, "An Emotion Recognition System Based on Facial Expressions (一個以人臉表情為基礎之情緒辨識系統)," 2013 National Computer Symposium , pp.1955(1-6) , 2013-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Hao Wu, Shu-Jing Lin and Don-Lin Yang, "A Mobile Emotion Recognition System Based on Speech Signals and Facial Images," The 2013 International Computer Science and Engineering Conference , pp. 213-218 , 2013-09. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Y.L. Hsieh, D.L. Yang, J. Wu, G. Chiang, "Development of Profit Modeling and Efficient Profit Mining Algorithms from the Transactions of Financial Investment Markets," The 18th Mobile Computing Workshop (MC 2013) , pp. 28 , 2013-08. Miaoli County, Taiwan.
- Wei-Peng Liao, Yung-Hui Li, Don-Lin Yang, "Design a Muti-Intelligence Learning Support System - a Case of Middle School English," 2013 Information Education and Technological Application Conference (in Chinese) , pp. A1:29-34 , 2013-03. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Sheng Cheng, *Chun-Feng Liao, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Flexible and Recongurable Service Platform for Multi-user Mobile Games," International Computer Symposium (ICS 2012), Series of Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 21 (2013) , pp. 701-710 , 2012-12. Hualien, Taiwan.
- En-Yu Lin, Don-Lin Yang, and Ming-Chuan Hung, "System Design of an Intelligent Nutrition Consultation and Recommendation Model," The UIC-2012 International Workshop on Ubiquitous Service Models and Applications , pp. 740-745 , 2012-09. Fukuoka, Japan.
- Tan-Lin Huang and Don-Lin Yang, "A Video Data Mining System in the Cloud to Identify Events for Assisting Melancholia Diagnosis," Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering (in Chinese) , pp. 321-326 , 2012-07. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kuo-cheng Yin, Hsin-chieh Wang, Don-lin Yang*, Jungpin Wu, "A Study on the Effectiveness of Digital Signage Advertisement," International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C) , pp. 169-172 , 2012-06. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yu-Lung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang* and Fang Rong Hsu, "An Effective Mining Algorithm for Profit Mining,"International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (IS3C) , pp. 106-110 , 2012-06. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Wei Chen, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Don-Lin Yang*, Ming-Chuan Hung, "Data Migration from Grid to Cloud Computing," The First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation (ICETI2011) , pp. 225 , 2011-11. Kenting, Taiwan.
- Yu-Lung Hsieh and Don-Lin Yang, "A Study of Profit Mining," 2011 International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR 2011) , pp. 510-514 , 2011-10. Paris, France.
- Yung-Sheng Teng, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang, Cheng-Ting Hsieh, "A Culture Heritage Database and Tour Guide System," 2011 Digital Archives GIScience Conference(數位典藏地理資訊研討會) , Session B1-3, pp. 1-15 , 2011-10. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Bao An Nguyen and Don-Lin Yang, "A Preliminary Study on Semi-automatic Construction of Vietnamese Ontology," 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011) , pp.3403-3408 , 2011-10. Anchorage, Alaska.
- Ming-Hung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang*, Jungpin Wu, "Effective Facial Expression Recognition on Melancholia Analysis," 2011 Symposium on Engineering, Medicine, and Biology Applications , Session 13-1, pp.1-4 , 2011-07. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- 黃湘儀, 林志敏, 楊東麟, "以人形化交談代理人實現老人心理關懷之研究," 2011台灣軟體工程暨物件導向技術及應用研討會 , 2011-07. 新北市.
- Wei Chen, Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Chuan Hung, Jungpin Wu, "An Omnipresent Personal Health Management System," The 2011 International Conference on Computing and Security , C-15 , 2011-07. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Yuh-Long Hsieh and Don-Lin Yang*, "Approximate Mining of Data Streams using Extended FP-Tree," The First National Conference on Web Intelligence and Applications , pp. 328-333 , 2011-04. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Po-Chi Shih, Yeh-Ching Chung, Kuan-Ching Li, Chao-Tung Yang, Ching-Hsien Hsu*, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Hsien Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu, "Medicare-Grid: A Grid Based E-Health System,"International Workshop on U-Healthcare Technologies and Services (U-Healthcare) , 2010-12. Gwangju, Korea.
- Wei-Ding Liao, Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Chuan Hung, "An Intelligent Recommendation Model with a Case Study on u-Tour Taiwan of Historical Monuments and Cultural Heritage," The 2010 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence , pp. 72-79 , 2010-11. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Yeh-Ching Chung, Po-Chi Shih, Kuan-Ching Li, Chao-Tung Yang, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Fang-Rong Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Hsien Wen, Chuang-Chien Chiu, "Medicare-Grid: new trends on the development of E-Health System based on Grid Technology," Proceedings of the First IMIA/IFIP Joint Symposium, E-Health 2010, Held as Part of World Computer Congress 2010 , pp. 148-159 , 2010-09. Brisbane, Australia.
- Li-Min Tsai, Shu-Jing Lin, and Don-Lin Yang, "Efficient Mining of Generalized Negative Association Rules," 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing , pp. 471-476 , 2010-08. San Jose, USA.
- Kun-Che Lu, Chen-Wei Hsu, Don-Lin Yang, "A Novel Approach for Efficient and Effective Mining of Mobile User Behaviors," The 4th International Conference on Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering , pp. 2-6 , 2010-08. Cebu, Philipines.
- Hsin-Chieh Wang, Don-Lin Yang, "Using Data Mining to Investigate the Effectiveness of Digital Advertisement," 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE) , 3B-3 , 2010-07. Jhongli, Taiwan.
- Wang-Ching Hung, Jungpin Wu, Chih-Cheng Changchien, Don-Lin Yang, "A Preliminary Study on the Questionnaire Data of Reading Behaviors of College Students," 2010 Joint Conference on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications (OOTA) and Software Engineering (TCSE) , 4C-1 , 2010-07. Jhongli, Taiwan.
- Ssu-Hsuan Lu, Kuan-Chou Lai, Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Hsin Tsai, Kuan-Ching Li, Yeh-Ching Chung,"Pervasive Health Service System: insights on the development of a Grid-based personal health service system," The 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services (IEEE Healthcom2010) , pp. 61-67 , 2010-07. Lyon, France.
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Yuh-Long Hsieh and Don-Lin Yang, "GLFMiner: global and local frequent pattern mining with temporal intervals," The 5th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2010) , pp. 2248-2253 , 2010-06. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Wei-Ding Liao, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on the Architecture Design of a Recommendation Model," 2010 Symposium on Applications of Information, Management, and Communication Technology (資通技術管理與應用研討會) , pp. 12-12 , 2010-06. Kaohsiung County, Taiwan.
- Ming-Hung Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang, Jia-Yu Dai, "A Face Recognition System Prototype to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Digital Advertisement," 2010 Conference on Computer Vision, Image Processing and Information Technology (電腦視覺、影像處理與資訊技術研討會) , pp. 283-289 , 2010-06. Zhongli, Taiwan.
- Chen-Wei Hsu, Wei-Ding Liao, Don-Lin Yang, "Using HMM to Forecast Mobile User Moving Patterns,"2010 Conference on Information Technology and Industrial Application (資訊技術與產業應用研討會) , pp. 41-41 , 2010-06. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chien-Min Lin, Ming-Chuan Hung and Don-Lin Yang, "Using Compressed FP-tree for Incremental Data Mining," The 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication , pp. 263-272 , 2010-01. Suwon, Korea.
- Wei-Ding Liao, Yuh-Long Hsieh, Zong-Han Wu, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang, "Mobile Navigation of Historical Sites to Revitalize Heritage with a Multimedia and Geospatial Database System," International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities 2009 (數位典藏與數位人文國際研討會), poster , pp. 368-369 , 2009-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Ming-Ying Wu, Don-Lin Yang, "Using Semantic Web to Construct a PBL-based Knowledge Management System for Small Groups," 2009 National Computer Symposium, Vol. 10 , pp. 36-47 , 2009-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chia-Han Yang and Don-Lin Yang, "IMBT - A Binary Tree for Efficient Support Counting of Incremental Data Mining," IEEE CSE-2009: Symposium on Scientific and Engineering Computing , pp. 324-329 , 2009-08. Vancouver, Canada.
- Wei-Cheng Liao, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, and Ming-Chuan Hung, "Fast and Effective Generation of Candidate-sequences for Sequential Pattern Mining," NCM2009: Workshop on Interesting Knowledge Mining , pp. 2006-2009 , 2009-08. Seoul, Korea.
- 薛念林,楊東麟, "逢甲大學軟體工程學程執行報告," 第五屆軟體工程研討會 , 2009-06. 長榮大學.
- Wei-Ding Liao, Ming-Ying Wu, Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Chuan Hung, "The Development of Multimedia Data Warehouse for Historic Heritage Sites," 2009 Information Management Research and Application Conference (IMRAC) 2009資訊管理學術與實務研討會 , s9-4/1-8 , 2009-05. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wang-Ching Hung, Don-Lin Yang, "A Grid-based Personal Health Consultation and Management System," 2009 Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands(ITAOI2009)第八屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會 , 292-299 , 2009-05. Kinmen, Taiwan.
- Chia-Ying Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, "An Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm Based on the 2-Sequence Matrix," 2008 IEEE ICDM workshop on Foundations of Data Mining , 583-591 , 2008-12. Pisa, Italy.
- Chen-Hsiang Yu, Don-Lin Yang and An-Chi Liu, "A Study of WiMAX Implementation at University Campuses," The 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking , 493-496 , 2008-12. Sanya, Hainan Island, China.
- Kuo-Wei Meng, Ming-Chuan Hung, Don-Lin Yang, and Yeh-Ching Chung, "Implementation of an Intelligent HLA-compliant Application Layer Gate-way for Real-time Flight Simulation," The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications , 421-426 , 2008-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chih-Hsien Lee, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, Kuo-Cheng Yin, "Efficient Mining of Frequent Closed Itemsets without Closure Checking," The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications , 269-274 , 2008-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chia-Han Yang, Ming-Ying Wu, Chien-Min Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "Implementation of Wiki-based Knowledge Management Systems for Small Research Groups," The 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications , 346-349 , 2008-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Jheng-Han Jiang, Meng-Jhe Jheng, Jhih-Syuan Su, Don-Lin Yang, "A Mobile Information System for Personal Financial Management," 2008 Information Education and Technological Applications Conference (IETAC2008)第二屆資訊教育與科技應用研討會 , 472-477 , 2008-11. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Li-Xuan Lin, Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Han Yang, Jungpin Wu, "Efficient Support Counting of Candidate Itemsets for Association Rule Mining," The Third International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2008) , pp. 180-185 , 2008-07. Porto, Portugal.
- Jia-Yu Dai, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, Ming-Chuan Hung, "An Efficient Data Mining Approach on Compressed Transactions," International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT 2008) , pp. 522-529 , 2008-07. Paris, French.
- Kao-Cheng Yin and Don-Lin Yang, "A Grid-based Medical Decision Support System," International Symposium on Grid Computing (ISGC 2008) , 2008-04. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 吳明穎,楊佳翰,林見旻,呂弘儒,蔡沅澄,楊東麟, "A Study of Personal and Research Group Knowledge Management Systems個人與研究群知識管理系統的研究," The E-Learning and Information Technology Symposium 2008 (EITS2008)第三屆數位教學暨資訊實務研討會 , 3-3 , 2008-03. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Chien-Min Lin, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Jie-Ru Lin, Wei-Cheng Liao, Don-Lin Yang, "A Parallelized Medical Data Mining System," 2007 Annual Symposium on Biomedical Engineering and Technology (2007生物醫學工程科技研討會暨國科會醫學工程學門成果發表會) , pp. 83-86 , 2007-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Kuo-Cheng Yin, Don-Lin Yang and Jung-Pin Wu, "A Compact Transaction Mapping Algorithm for Parallel Frequent Itemsets Mining," The 4th Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA’07) , pp. 70-76 , 2007-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Ting-Yee Chang and Don-Lin Yang, "A Mail Organizer: E-mail Content Management," 2007 International Conference on Enterprise Systems and Applications (poster) , 2007-12. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Wan-Chung Hung, Yung-Chun Liang, Chia-Hao Chung, Chia-Ming Liu, Don-Lin Yang, "e-Enterprise Knowledge Management and Applications - Using Business Development Management System as an Example," CSIM2007(第十三屆資訊管理暨實務研討會) , pp. 651-670 , 2007-12. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chia-Ying Hsieh, Kun-Che Lu, Kuo-Cheng Yin, Jie-Ju Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "A Study On the Grid-based Medical Decision Support System," International Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan 2007 (MIST國際醫學資訊研討會) , pp. 277-282 , 2007-11. Hwalien, Taiwan.
- Jie-Ru Lin, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang, Jungpin Wu, "A Flexible and Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm," The 12th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (第十二屆人工智慧與應用研討會,入圍最佳研討會論文) , pp. 16-23 , 2007-11. Yunlin, Taiwan.
- Wei-Cheng Liao and Don-Lin Yang, "Using Data Mining to Support Traffic Accident Data Analysis," 2007 Workshop on Consumer Electronics and Signal Processing (2007年民生電子暨信號處理研討會) , pp. 233-238 , 2007-11. Wufong, Taiwan.
- Hsin-Wei Lin, Don-Lin Yang, Wei-Cheng Liao, and Jungpin Wu, "Efficient Support Counting of Candidate Itemsets for Association Rule Mining," The 2nd International Workshop on Chance Discovery and Data Mining , pp. 190-196 , 2007-07. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
- Chun-Liang Lin, Don-Lin Yang, Hsin-Wei Lin, and Wei-Cheng Liao, "Clustering Association Rules to Discover Regulatory Genes from Gene Expression Data," The 2007 International Conference on Machine Learning: Models, Technologies & Applications , pp. 72-78 , 2007-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Chih-Chung Wang, Don-Lin Yang, Yu-Hen Hu, and Wei-Cheng Liao, "Exploiting Ontology and Thesaurus to Automatically Generate Smart Hyperlinks Based on Vector Space Model," The 2007 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence , pp. 609-613 of Vol. II , 2007-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Xian-Hui Cheng and Don-Lin Yang, "Efficient Mining of Maximal Frequent Itemsets with the Closed and Intersection Approach," 2006 International Computer Symposiums, Workshop on Software Engineering, Databases, and Knowledge Discovery , pp. 269-274 , 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yuh-Long Hsieh, Don-Lin Yang, and Jungpin Wu, "Using Data Mining to Study Upstream and Downstream Causal Relationship in Stock Market," The 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance , pp. 513-516 , 2006-10. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Zheng-Xun Huang, Jia-Yu Dai, and Chun-Chia Hsu, "A Data Collection System with Data Mining to Improve Drivers Safety and Reduce Traffic Accidents," The 8th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Control , pp. 275-280 , 2006-08. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Che-Lun Hung, Don-Lin Yang, Yeh-Ching Chung, Ming-Chuan Hung, "A Novel Mining Algorithm for Periodic Clustering Sequential Patterns," The 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2006) , 1299-1308 , 2006-06. Annecy, France.
- I-Jung Huang, Don-Lin Yang, "Building an Adaptive Software Development Model by Using Agile Methodology," The Second Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering , 30-35 , 2006-06. Taipei, Taiwan.
- 楊佳翰,范儷懷,林子健,楊東麟, "The Study of e-Manpower Management Systems - Building a Teaching Assistant Management System as an Example電子化人力管理系統的研發-以建置工讀生管理系統為例,"ec2006第七屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會 , 99-99 , 2006-05. Chang-Hua, Taiwan.
- Ming-Chuan Hung, Jain-Chung Chang, Don-Lin Yang and Jungpin Wu, "An HMM-based Approach for Mining User Moving Patterns in Cellular Communications," The 2nd International Conference on Information Management and Business , pp.509-520 , 2006-02. Sydney, Australia.
- Feng-I Chung, Don-Lin Yang, "An Efficient Algorithm of Knowledge Extraction for the Synchronization of Model-Driven Software Development," National Computer Symposium , 35/1-9 , 2005-12. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Hsin-Wei Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "Architecture Design of a Mobile Environment for Project-Based e-Learning," National Computer Symposium , 5/1-10 , 2005-12. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Wei-Cheng Liao, Ya-Chen Lee, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Nien-Chu Wang and Don-Lin Yang, "Research and Planning of a RFID-based Parking Management System," The 11th Conference on Information Management and Practice , 1848-1860 , 2005-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- 黃滿美, 楊東麟, 張逢源, "A Study on Bank Customer Contribution and Transaction Behaviour Model Using Data Mining Technology," The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligrnce and Applications , 79/1-8 , 2005-12. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Roger Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "Association Rule Mining with Segmented Preprocess for the Analysis of International Stock Indexes," The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , 75/1-8 , 2005-12. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Yang, D.L., T.Y. Chou and Daniel Chen, "A Hierachical Spatial Clustering Algorithm Based on Delaunay Triangulation," The 10th Conference on Artificial Intelligrnce and Applications , 150/1-6 , 2005-12. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Ya-Chen Lee, Chia-Ying Hsieh, Nien-Chu Wang, Wei-Cheng Liao, Don-Lin Yang, "Using a Simulator to Investigate and Plan RFID-based Parking Management Systems," The 6th Conference on Information Management and New Technologies產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會 , 291-302 , 2005-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- 劉巧盈、林敬峰、劉憶平、廖昱淙、岑珮瑋、楊東麟, "A Feasibility Study for Free Service Web Sites to Charge Membership Fees," 2005 E-Learning and Information Technology Symposium數位教學暨資訊實務研討會 , 31/1-15 , 2005-11. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Edward Hwang, Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on Implementing CMMI-Based Projects for Small Project Organizations - Using the Example of a Small Project Implementation," 2005 Conference on Digital Content Technology and Business Management數位內容科技與商業管理研討會 , 33-42 , 2005-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Kun-Che Lu, Don-Lin Yang and Jungpin Wu, "Fast Adaptive Clustering for Very Large Datasets," The 9th WSEAS International Conference on Computers , pp. 589-589 , 2005-07. Athens, Greece.
- Feng-I Chung, Don-Lin Yang, "Using a Rapid Application Development Tool to Improve the Mapping of MDA Metalevels from PIM to PSM," The First Taiwan Software Engineering Conference , pp. 353-358 , 2005-06. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Che-Jong Hsu, Sheng-Wei Tsai, Chi-Hsiang Chen, Don-Lin Yang, "An Application of Data Mining on Customer Behavior Analysis in the Fixed Network Telecommunication," 2005電子商務與數位生活研討會, 838-852 , 2005-03. Taipei, Taiwan.
- 黃政勳,謝侃君,許峻嘉,楊東麟, "A Mobile Drawing System for Traffic Accident Scene Reconstruction and Data Analysis," 2004年國際資訊管理暨電子商務經營管理研討會 , IN1-1 , 2004-12. Taiwan.
- Ken-Jun Hsieh, Chih-Chung Wang, and Don-Lin Yang, "A Study on Intelligent Reconstruction and Analysis Systems for Traffic Accident Scenes," The 10th Conference on Information Management and Implementation , 160-160 , 2004-12. Taiwan.
- Shu-Jing Lin, Don-Lin Yang, "An Efficient Method for Discovering Maximal Frequent Itemsets," Taiwan Conference on Business and Information , B3-3 , 2004-09. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Chih-Hung Chang, William C. Chu, Chih-Wei Lu, Don-Lin Yang, "An Integrated Software Development Environment with XML Internal Representation," The 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC'04) , pp. 540-545 , 2004-09. Hong Kong.
- Pai-Tsun Cheng, Li-Min Tsai, Li-Wei Lu, Don-Lin Yang, "The Design of PDA-Based Biomedical Data Processing and Analysis for Intelligent Wearable Health Monitoring Systems," The Fourth International Conference on Computer and Information Technology , 879-884 , 2004-09. Wuhan, China.
- 楊東麟, 王志中, "事故現場記錄與資料挖掘之研發," 九十三年度車輛行車事故鑑定技術研討會 , 55-70 , 2004-07. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- His-Chiang Li. Don-Lin Yang, "Effective Preprocess for Incremental Mining of Association Rules with Dynamic User-Specified Supports," 第二屆台灣智慧科技與應用統計研討會 , 9-9 , 2004-06. Chia-Yi, Taiwan.
- S.Q. Weng, J.P. Wu, K.C. Lu, and D.L. Yang, "Efficient Mining of Association Rules from Merged Itemsets," 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics and Systems , 1452-1457 , 2003-12. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- 謝明亨, 許育賓, 楊東麟, "墾丁民宿旅遊管理系統," 2003年企業管理學術研討會暨2003年電子商務經營與管理研討會 , 293-296 , 2003-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- 張健洲, 鄭百村, 蔡利旻, 陳智煌, 楊東麟, "資料探勘與智慧化資訊管理-以醫療資料為例," 2003年企業管理學術研討會暨2003年電子商務經營與管理研討會 , 399-404 , 2003-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- C.H. Chang, W.C. Chu, C.W. Lu and D.L. Yang, "A Formalization and Integration of Software Process Documentation," The Fourteen Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications , 179-184 , 2003-09. Chung-Li, Taiwan.
- P.T. Dai, J.L. Chu, S.J. Lin, H.B. Chang, and D.L. Yang, "Construction and Analysis of a Data Warehouse System for Customer Relationship Management," 第四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會 , 2003-06. Changhua, Taiwan.
- C.Y. Chang, B.Z. Huang, S.Y. Shih, C.J. Lee, M. Chao, and D.L. Yang, "Using OLAP to Analyze the Learning Process of a Web-based Learning System," 第四屆電子化企業經營管理理論暨實務研討會 , 2003-06. Changhua, Taiwan.
- Jia-Ming Tsai, Wei Chen, and Don-Lin Yang, "Mobile Nutrition Consultant," The 2003 Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications of Chinese and Western Medicine , 2B401-2B408 , 2003-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- K.W. Chen, S.Y. Chen, C.L. Tseng, H.W. Lee, C.Z. Hung, D.L. Yang, and H.L. Liu, "The Implementation of a Personalized Intelligent System for Transit Information Query and Management," 2002電子商務經營與管理研討會 , 2002-12. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Chin-Feng Lin, Yeh-Ching Chung, and Don-Lin Yang, "TRLE - An Efficient Data Compression Scheme for Image Composition of Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," IEEE Cyber World, 499-506 , 2002-11. Tokyo, Japan.
- Jenshiuh Liu, C.-H Huang and D.-Y. Yang, "Parallel Volume Rendering with Sparse Data Structures,"The 14th IASTED International Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and System , 594-599 , 2002-11. Cambridge MA, USA.
- Chin-Feng Lin, Yeh-Ching Chung, and Don-Lin Yang, "An Efficient Parallel Optical Flow Volume Rendering Method on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2002) , 551-556 , 2002-09. Malaga, Spain.
- Yu-Ru Chen, Don-Lin Yang, and Chi-tsung Wu, "Using Data Mining to Construct a Flexible Web Searching System," 2002 International Conference on Chinese Language Computing , 73-80 , 2002-07. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Kun-Che Lu, Don-Lin Yang and M.C. Hung, "Decision Trees Based Image Data Mining and its Application on Image Segmentation," 2002 International Conference on Chinese Language Computing , 81-86 , 2002-07. Taichung, Taiwan.
- P.T. Dai, C.J. Chu and D.L. Yang, "Research and Development of a Geographical Data Dissemination System for Handheld Devices in Metropolitan Areas," 2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies , 146-146 , 2002-06. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Y.R. Chen, C.J. Chu, P.T. Dai, D.L. Yang, and C.H. Wen, "Design of a Guiding System for Outpatient Assistance," Proceedings of The 2002 Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications of Chinese and Western Medicine , 55-62 , 2002-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Jenn-Hwa Sheu, Don-Lin Yang and Chi-Tsung Wu, "利用前置挖掘方法分析網路購物資料之研究與實作,"第三屆網際網路應用與發展研討會 , 26-26 , 2002-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Man-Lin Huang and M.C. Hung, "Efficient Utilization of Materialized Views In a Data Warehouse," Proceedings of The Sixth Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD2002) , 393-404 , 2002-05. Taipei, Taiwan.
- C.Y. Chang, M. Chao and D.L. Yang, "The Experience in Designing Protfolio Analysis and Grading Mechanism for Distance Learning Systems," The 6th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE2002) , Vl.74-81 , 2002-01. Beijing, China.
- Don-Lin Yang and Wen-Sheng Yang, "An Efficient Mining Algorithm of Frequent Itemsets," 2001 National Computer Symposium , H107-H118 , 2001-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- S.Y. Shr, D.L. Yang and M. Chao, "Using Ontology to Design the Framework of Personalized Web Learning Systems," 2001 National Computer Symposium , 2001-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Kan-Mia Yang, "Design and Implementation of a Multi-Tier Data Mining Framework - A Prototype on Course Management," Proceedings of The Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , B4-5 , 2001-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- K.Y. Wang, N.W. Chang, Z.S. Wu and Don-Lin Yang, "Design and Implementation of An Intelligent Hand-held Guidance System," Proceedings of The Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , A1-4 , 2001-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- C. M. Lai, C. H. Lin and Don-Lin Yang, "An Automated Data Conversion System Based on XML,"Proceedings of The Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , A2-2 , 2001-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Chia-Cheng Liu, Don-Lin Yang and Shui-Chin Liang, "A Web-based Data Mining System for Drug Interaction Queries," Proceedings of The Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , B4-2 , 2001-11. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- M.C. Hung and D.L. Yang, "An Efficient Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm," 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM2001) , 225-232 , 2001-11. California, USA.
- Don-Lin Yang, Ching-Ting Pan, and Yeh-Ching Chung, "An Efficient Hash-Based Method for Discovering the Maximal Frequent Set," IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2001) , 511-516 , 2001-10. Chicago, USA.
- D. L. Yang, H. P. Lee, and M. C. Hung, "An efficient support-oriented algorithm for interactive mining of association rules," Proceedings of the 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 455-460 , 2001-07. Florida, USA.
- C.F. Lin, D.L. Yang and Y.C. Chung, "A Marching Voxels Method for Surface Rendering of Volume Data,"IEEE Computer Graphics International , 306-313 , 2001-07. Hong Kong.
- Y.R. Chen and D.L. Yang, "A Personalized Search Service Using Web Mining," Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies , 2001-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- C.C. Wu and D.L. Yang, "Clustered Marketing With Data Mining," Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies , 2001-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- C. S. Chao, D. L. Yang and A. C. Liu, "A Time-Aware Fault Diagnosis System in LAN," Proceedings of the 2001 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management(IM2001) , 499-512 , 2001-05. Seattle, USA.
- C.F. Lin, D.L. Yang and Y.C. Chung, "A Rotate-Tiling Image Composition Method for Parallel Volume Rendering on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposiums (IPDPS) , cd-rom , 2001-04. San Francisco, USA.
- Don-Lin Yang, Shen-Hong Yang and Ming-Chuan Hong, "An Efficient Web Mining for Session Path Patterns," International Computer Symposium 2000, Workshop on Software Engineering and Database Systems , 107-113 , 2000-12. Chayi, Taiwan.
- C.H. Huang, J.S. Liu and D.L. Yang, "Efficient Parallel Splatting Algorithm," International Computer Symposium 2000, Workshop on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition , 184-190 , 2000-12. Chiayi, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Hsiao-Ping Lee, "A PIP Algorithm for Interactive Mining of Association Rules," The 6th Workshop of Information Management Research and Practice (第六屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會) , 2000-12. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Mon-Lin Huang, "Considering Maintenance Costs in the Selection of materializing Data Warehouse Views," The 6th Workshop of Information Management Research and Practice (第六屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會) , 2000-12. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Hui Liu, Chia-Hsien Wen and Jyh-Wen Chai, "Efficient Interpolations for Fusing Short-Axis and Long-Axis MR Images to Enhance 3-D Cardiac Reconstruction," Proceedings of International Computer Symposium 2000, Workshop on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition , 169-176 , 2000-12. Chiayi, Taiwan.
- Y. R. Chen, T. L. Horng and D. L. Yang, "A Java-based Interactive Learning System of Junior High School Level Geometry," International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE/ICCAI2000) , 403-407 , 2000-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Chia-Ching Wu, "A Framework for Mining Multiple-level Association Rules,"Proceedings of The Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , 2000-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Hsiao-Ping Lee, "The CPOG Algorithm for Mining Association Rules," Proceedings of The Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , 2000-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- C. S. Chao, D. L. Yang and A. C. Liu, "An Autonomous and Automated Network Fault Identification for Distributed Software Systems," Proceedings of the 4th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics , 242-248 , 2000-07. Orlando, Florida, USA.
- D.L. Yang, M.H. Liu, C.H. Wen and J. W. Chai, "A Study of Fusing MR Images to Enhance Cardiac Model Reconstruction," 2000 Conference on Engineering Technology and Applications to Chinese and Western Medicine , 44-44 , 2000-05. Taichung, Taiwan.
- D.L. Yang and J.C. Wang, "A Study on Mining Association Rules with Long Itemset Patterns," The 11th National Conference on Information Management , 2000-05. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- D.L. Yang, C.L. Hung and M.C. Hong, "An Investigation on Time Series Based Clustering Techniques,"The 11th National Conference on Information Management , 2000-05. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Shen-Feng Lin, Don-Lin Yang, A.C. Liu, "A Dynamic Visual Interface for Network Fault Management,"14th International Conference on Information Networking , 1C2.1-1C2.8 , 2000-01. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- E. T. Liang, D.L. Yang and A.C. Liu, "TCP/IP Alarm Transformation in a Network Management Environment," 14th International Conference on Information Networking , 2C2.1-2C2.7 , 2000-01. Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Ming-Hui Liu, Chen-Hsing Peng and Chia-Hsien Wen, "A Fast Parametric Shape-based Interpolation Method for Gray-level Images," The Fourth Asian Conference on Computer Vision , 565-570 , 2000-01. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Jin-Hua Chang, Ming-Chuan Hong and Jenshiuh Liu, "An Efficient K-Means-Based Clustering Algorithm," The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology , 269-273 , 1999-12. Hong Kong.
- Ming-Chuan Hong, Don-Lin Yang, Jin-Hua Chang and Jenshiuh Liu, "Investigation On An Efficient K-Means-Based Clustering Algorithm," 1999 National Computer Symposium , A249-A255 , 1999-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Yueh-Chien Ho, Don-Lin Yang, Chen-Hsing Peng and Chia-Hsien Wen, "A Virtual Reality Based Prototype System of Spinal Kinematics Simulation," 1999 National Computer Symposium , B439-B445 , 1999-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang and Shen-Hong Yang, "A Study on Mining Session Path Patterns," The Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications , 37-44 , 1999-11. Chang Hwa, Taiwan.
- C.F. Lin, D.L.Yang and Y.C. Chung, "Parallel Shear-Warp Factorization Volume Rendering Using Efficient 1-D and 2-D Partitioning Schemes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems , 555-560 , 1999-11. Boston, USA.
- M.C. Hong, D.L. Yang and C.H. Wen, "An Effective Analysis on Medicine Prescriptions in Large Hospitals," Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan , 10-11 , 1999-10. Taipei, Taiwan.
- D.L. Yang, J.C. Yu and Y.C. Chung, "Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers," IEEE International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) , 200-207 , 1999-09. Aizu-Wakamatsu City, Japan.
- D.L. Yang, J.C. Yu, C.C. Chen and Y.C. Chung, "UMPAL-An Unstructured Mesh Partitioner and Load Balancer on World Wide Web," Sixth National Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference , 136-143 , 1999-08. Taitung, Taiwan.
- C.S. Chao, D.L. Yang, A.C. Liu, "An Automated Fault Diagnosis System Using Hierarchical Reasoning and Alarm Correlation," Proceedings of 1999 IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications , pp. 120-127 , 1999-07. San Jose, USA.
- C.H. Yu, D.L. Yang, and A.C. Liu, "Experimental Analysis of Causality Relations Between Network Alarms and Faults," Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications , 1-14 , 1999-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- J.Z. Lu, C.S. Chao, D.L. Yang, and A.C. Liu, "A Segment-Based TCP/IP Alarm Correlation Engine,,"Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications , 554-563 , 1999-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, J. H. Chang, Ming-Chuan Hong and Jenshiuh Liu, "A Study on the Enhancement of K-Means Clustering," Proceedings of 1999 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications, , 689-697 , 1999-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- Y.C. Chung, C.C. Chen, C.J. Liao and D.L. Yang, "Performance Comparisons of Partitioning and Load-Balancing Methods for Unstructured Adaptive Meshes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers,"Proceedings of the Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing , 1999-03. San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- Y.C. Chung, C.J. Liao, C.C. Chen and D.L. Yang, "A Dynamic Diffusion Optimization Method for Irregular Finite Element Graph Partitioning," The Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks , 423-428 , 1998-12. Brisbane, Australia.
- D.L. Yang, C.F. Lin and Y.C. Chung, "An Efficient Parallel Volume Rendering Algorithm Based on Shear-Warp Factorization on Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Systems," International Computer Symposium (ICS 1998) , 44-51 , 1998-12. Tainan, Taiwan.
- J.Y. Chen, D.L. Yang, A.C. Liu, "A Model-based Object-Oriented Topology Specification for Network Management,," Proceedings of 1998 International Computer Symposium , 164-170 , 1998-12. Tainan, Taiwan.
- D.L. Yang, Y.C. Ho, Y.C. Chung, S.F. Wu, C.H. Peng, "A Study of VR-Based Visualization Systems for Spinal Kinematics Simulation,," Proceedings of 1998 Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan , 50-50 , 1998-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- M.H. Liu, D.L. Yang, Y.C. Chung, C.H. Wen, "Improved Image Interpolations Based on Shape and Linear Approaches,," Proceedings of 1998 Medical Informatics Symposium in Taiwan , 15-15 , 1998-11. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Don-Lin Yang, Chia-Cheng Liu, Yeh-Ching Chung, Jen-Shiuh Liu, Chyi-Ren Dow, and Chin-Feng Lin, "A Multicomputer System on Campus Networks," 1998 Workshop on Distributed System Technologies & Applications (DSTA'98) , 275-279 , 1998-05. Tainan, Taiwan.
- 專業書籍/李官陵、許政穆、楊東麟、盧尚群等編著/行動網通技術實務與文創觀光雲端平台應用:適地性創意應用服務實驗與專題/ 易習圖書/ 中華民國 /2012-08-01/520/ 原著/ISBN:9789866025716黃崇明編審
- 專業書籍/楊東麟 洪明傳 林明言 張本杰 許政穆等編著/適地性行動應用網路與數位內容製作技術/ 易習圖書/ 中華民國 /2011-11-01/400/ 原著/ISBN 978-986-6025-16-7 黃崇明、盧尚群編審
- 技術報告/薛念林、楊東麟/逢甲大學軟體工程學程執行報告/ 逢甲大學、台灣軟體工程學會/ 中華民國 /2007-06-01/4/ 原著/第三屆台灣軟體工程研討會
- 技術報告/楊東麟、鍾葉青、溫嘉憲、林金鋒/平行化即時互動式科學視算系統(2/2)/ 工程科技通訊(第80期)/ 中華民國 /2005-06-01/5/ 原著/pp. 8-12 (國科會)
- 專業書籍/逢甲大學資電學院16位教師/資電概論/ 全華科技圖書公司/ 中華民國 /2003-09-01/300/ 原著/pp. 2.1-2.14
- 技術報告/劉安之、楊東麟、趙啟時/整合式自動化網路錯誤診斷系統/ 工程科技通訊(第60期)/ 中華民國 /2002-02-01/4/ 原著/pp. 75-78 (國科會)
- 技術報告/楊東麟、洪明傳/資料探勘在資料倉儲的應用/ 資訊與教育雜誌(第84期)/ 中華民國 /2001-08-01/13/ 原著/pp. 20-32 (教育部)
- 技術報告/劉安之、楊東麟、朱正忠/分散式軟體發展測試床/ 工程科技通訊(第24期)/ 中華民國 /1997-06-01/4/ 原著/pp. 14-17 (國科會)
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- 自動化專案媒合平台的研究/2015-07~2016-02 /104-2815-C-035-040-E /主持人
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- 研究和發展以網格運算為基礎之智慧型平行化資料挖掘系統(3/3)/2008-08~2009-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-068-MY3 /主持人
- 研究和發展以網格運算為基礎之智慧型平行化資料挖掘系統(2/3)/2007-08~2008-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-068-MY3 /主持人
- 研究和發展以網格運算為基礎之智慧型平行化資料挖掘系統(1/3)/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-068-MY3 /主持人
- 研究和發展以網際網路為基礎之智慧型可調式關連法則挖掘系統(2/2)/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-002- /主持人
- 研究和發展以網際網路為基礎之智慧型可調式關連法則挖掘系統(1/2)/2004-08~2005-07 /NSC93-2213-E-035-032- /主持人
- 以規劃設計為導向之全方位型數位學習科技計畫(II)/2004-05~2005-04 /NSC93-2524-S-035-001 /共同主持人
- 研究和發展有效率的資料挖掘技術來應用於醫療決策支援/2003-08~2004-07 /NSC92-2213-E-035-039- /主持人
- 資料挖掘在醫療資料的應用/2003-07~2004-02 /NSC92-2815-C-035-006-E /主持人
- 平行化即時互動式科學視算系統(2/2)/2002-08~2003-07 /NSC91-2213-E-035-003 /主持人
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- 整合式自動化網路錯誤診斷系統(Ⅲ)/2000-08~2001-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-076 /共同主持人
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- 整合式自動化網路錯誤診斷系統(Ⅱ)/1999-08~2000-07 /NSC89-2213-E-035-004 /共同主持人
- 網際網路上的適性化輔助教學系統/1999-07~2000-02 /NSC89-2815-C-035-005-E /主持人
- 整合式自動化網路錯誤診斷系統-自動診斷系統環境/1998-08~1999-07 /NSC88-2213-E-035-020 /主持人
- 整合式網路管理專家系統/1997-08~1998-07 /NSC87-2213-E-035-002 /共同主持人
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- 整合性語音處理系統之研討與實作(大學生暑期專題研究)/1993-06~1993-09 /NSC83-0115-C-035-01-005E /主持人
- 整合性語音處理系統之研討與實作(大學生暑期專題研究)/1993-06~1993-09 /NSC83-0115-C-035-01-006E /主持人
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- 臺北市單一陳情系統『Hello Taipei』之大數據應用研究 /2018-03~2018-11 /顧問
- 環控數據結構模型驗證與研究 /2017-11~2018-04 /協同主持人
- 授信評估輔助與審查預警系統研究 /2017-09~2018-06 /共同主持人
- 行動寬頻尖端技術課程推廣計畫「資料挖掘 (105 下)/資料倉儲與巨量資料 (106 上)」 /2016-12~2018-02 /共同主持人
- 量感測系統暨遠端監控系統整合設計研究 /2015-05~2015-12 /主持人
- 104年度加工出口區中部園區產學合作計畫 /2015-02~2015-12 /共同主持人
- 高維度陣列的分散式運算 /2014-05~2015-04 /主持人
- 103年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 /2014-02~2015-01 /主持人
- 網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫-101年度課程發展計畫 /2012-04~2013-03 /主持人
- 101年度「資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫」-多人線上對奕系統之加值研發 /2012-02~2013-01 /主持人
- 網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫-課程發展計畫 /2011-04~2012-03 /主持人
- 文史脈流行動導覽服務平台建置(第3年度)計畫-文史脈流多媒體空間資料庫及智慧型系統開發 /2010-12~2011-11 /主持人
- 文史脈流行動導覽服務平台建置(第2年度)計畫-文史脈流多媒體及空間資料庫系統 /2009-12~2010-11 /主持人
- 97年度「文史脈流行動導覽服務平台建置(第1年度)計畫」-文史脈流多媒體及空間資料庫系統 /2008-12~2009-11 /主持人
- 逢甲大學車輛行車事故鑑定研究中心九十五年度整合型計畫 /2006-11~2007-10 /協同/顧問
- 漢翔公司95年度委託辦理「技能檢定報檢資料登錄及電腦閱卷作業」 /2006-01~2006-12 /主持人
- 台中市警察局代辦「公有拖吊場」95年度拖吊業務電腦管理系統設備維護 /2006-01~2006-12 /主持人
- 台灣體育學院「校務資訊系統整合規劃與開發」 /2006-01~2009-07 /主持人
- 95年度輔導辦理水旱田利用調整業務計畫 /2006-01~2006-12 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(94/10-94/12) /2005-10~2005-12 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程機器使用費(94/10-94/12) /2005-10~2005-12 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(94.07-94.09) /2005-08~2005-09 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(94/7-94/9) /2005-08~2005-09 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(94.07-94.09) /2005-08~2005-09 /主持人
- 全球供應鏈與運籌管理學程-資訊科技應用教材 /2005-07~2006-08 /主持人
- 逢甲大學94年度e三五教學卓越計畫 /2005-05~2005-12 /協同主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(94/4-94/6) /2005-04~2005-06 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程機器使用費(94/4-94/6) /2005-04~2005-06 /主持人
- 漢翔公司94年度委託辦理「技能檢定報檢資料登錄及電腦閱卷作業」 /2005-01~2005-12 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(94/1-94/3) /2005-01~2005-03 /主持人
- 94年度輔導辦理水旱田利用調整業務計畫 /2005-01~2005-12 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程機器使用費(94/1-94/3) /2005-01~2005-03 /主持人
- 台中市警察局代辦公有拖吊場九十四年度拖吊業務電腦管理設備維護 /2005-01~2005-12 /主持人
- 台中市交通局約僱交通助理人員甄試(筆試)試務工作 /2004-12~2005-03 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.10-93.12) /2004-10~2004-12 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(93.10-93.12) /2004-10~2004-12 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.10-93.12) /2004-10~2004-12 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.07-93.09) /2004-08~2004-09 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.07-93.09) /2004-08~2004-09 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(93.07-93.09) /2004-08~2004-09 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.07-93.09) /2004-08~2004-09 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.07-93.09) /2004-08~2004-09 /主持人
- 整體水資源地理資訊系統規劃 /2004-07~2004-10 /共同主持人
- 員警現場事故記錄系統之研發 /2004-07~2005-06 /主持人
- 中華農學會「糧政資訊網路系統」 /2004-06~2004-12 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.04-93.06) /2004-04~2004-06 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.04-93.06) /2004-04~2004-06 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(93.04-93.06) /2004-04~2004-06 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.04-93.06) /2004-04~2004-06 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.04-93.06) /2004-04~2004-06 /主持人
- 漢翔公司委託辦理「技能檢定報檢資料登錄及電腦閱卷案」 /2004-02~2004-12 /主持人
- 九十三年度糧政資訊網路系統之建置 /2004-01~2004-12 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.01-93.03) /2004-01~2004-03 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程場地費(93.01-93.03) /2004-01~2004-03 /主持人
- 資策會自辦收費訓練課程場地費(93.01-93.03) /2004-01~2004-03 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.01-93.03) /2004-01~2004-03 /主持人
- 工業局委辦訓練課程機器使用費(93.01-93.03) /2004-01~2004-03 /主持人
- 國立空中大學「九十三年度人事薪資管理系統」維護 /2004-01~2004-06 /主持人
- 台中市警察局違規拖吊場九十三年度拖吊業務電腦系統維護 /2004-01~2004-12 /主持人
- 事故現場PDA與資料挖掘之研發 /2003-11~2004-06 /主持人
- 通訊科技教育改進計畫─網路應用與服務組 /2003-03~2003-12 /主持人
- 基礎科學教育改進計畫─數學A類計畫─「計算科學與數學」 /2003-03~2003-12 /協同/顧問
- 通訊科技教育改進計畫─網路應用與服務組─區域共同教學實驗室 /2003-03~2003-12 /主持人
- 手持式都會區地理資料發佈技術的研究與應用 /2002-02~2002-12 /主持人
- Interduction PowerBuilder學費 /1997-07~1997-07 /主持人
- 獨立招生電子計算機作業尾款 /1997-07~1997-11 /主持人
- 國立空中大學「人事薪資管理系統」維護 /1997-07~1998-06 /主持人
- 台中市交通違規案件代募工讀生(86/7-87/6)工讀金 /1997-07~1998-06 /主持人
- 台中市警察局交通事件裁決所硬體設備維護費用 /1997-07~1998-06 /主持人
- (八十六-八十八年度)實施土地登記複丈地價地用電腦作業資料登錄 /1997-06~1999-06 /主持人
- 辦理電腦教育課程費 /1997-06~1997-06 /主持人
- 支援開發建置CHESS管理資訊系統八月份款 /1997-06~1997-10 /主持人
- 開發土庫商工第二階段教學行政電腦系統 /1997-06~1998-02 /主持人
- 教育訓練收入 /1997-05~1997-06 /主持人
- 八十六年度實施土地登記複丈地價地用電腦作業資料登錄 /1997-05~1997-12 /主持人
- 聯招電子計算機作業事宜款作業費 /1997-04~1997-11 /主持人
- 八十六學年度招生試務電腦化作業費 /1997-04~1997-06 /主持人
- WIN95 OFFICE 及Power Builder教育訓練 /1997-04~1997-06 /主持人
- 補習教育資格考驗電子計算機作業模擬考 /1997-04~1997-06 /主持人
- Fast tract to SQLAnywhere 及WIN95 office /1997-03~1997-04 /主持人
- 英全化工管理整合資訊系統服務費用 /1997-03~1998-03 /主持人
- 教育訓練 /1997-03~1997-05 /主持人
- 補習教育資格考驗電子計算機作業 /1997-03~1997-06 /主持人
- 久津實業企業網路架構顧問咨詢專案 /1997-03~1997-12 /主持人
- 八十五學年度台灣學術網路技術管理班 /1997-02~1997-06 /主持人
- 地政資訊管理方案台灣省後續實施計畫地籍資料登錄建檔 /1997-01~1998-06 /主持人
- 縣市政府教育局公務統計系統電腦研習班 /1997-01~1997-10 /主持人
- 台灣葛氏銷售管理資訊系統開發與建置 /1996-12~1997-04 /主持人
- WIN95 OFFICE訓練課程 /1996-12~1996-12 /主持人
- 地政資訊管理方案台灣省後續實施計畫地籍資料登錄作業(八十七年度) /1996-11~1998-06 /主持人
- 地政資訊管理方案台灣省後續實施計畫地籍資料登錄作業(八十六年度) /1996-11~1998-06 /主持人
- 學籍資料建檔 /1996-10~1996-11 /主持人
- 實用技能班資格考驗電子計算機作業尾款 /1996-10~1997-06 /主持人
- 實用技能班資格考驗電子計算機作業第一期款 /1996-10~1997-06 /主持人
- 八十六年度實施土地登記複丈地價地用電腦作業資料登錄 /1996-10~1997-12 /主持人
- 久津實業經銷商進銷存系統開發作業顧問咨詢專案 /1996-09~1996-12 /主持人
- 委託視窗文書處理 /1996-09~1996-10 /主持人
- 秋季班資訊科技趨勢講座A場 /1996-09~1997-01 /主持人
- 中華電信股份有限公司台灣中區電信分公司電話費單據作業 /1996-08~1997-06 /主持人
- 人事薪資管理系統 /1996-07~1997-06 /主持人
- 天突進銷存管理資訊系統 /1996-07~1997-03 /主持人
- 臺中市警察局裁決所硬體射備維護 /1996-07~1997-06 /主持人
- 交通事件裁決硬體設備及相關系統軟體維護費(第一,二季) /1996-07~1997-06 /主持人
- 八十六年度土地登記複丈地價地用電腦作業資料登錄(1-4批)登錄費用 /1996-07~1997-02 /主持人
- 交通建設工程管理系統 /1996-06~1996-08 /主持人
- 八十五年度會計事務丙級技術士技能檢定代辦費 /1996-06~1996-07 /主持人
- 網路資訊系統研究與發展-僑泰工家網路資訊系統建置案 /1996-06~1997-05 /主持人
- 戶役政資訊系統推廣第三階段資料登錄 /1996-05~1997-07 /主持人
- 戶役政資訊系統推廣第三階段資料建檔作業 /1996-05~1997-07 /主持人
- 四技,二專招生委員會電子計算機作業 /1996-04~1996-11 /主持人
- 八十五年度四技二專日間部聯合招生電子計算機作業 /1996-04~1996-11 /主持人
- 教育訓練 /1996-04~1996-06 /主持人
- 勞工處八十五年度會計事務丙級技術士技能檢定 /1996-04~1996-06 /主持人
- 推廣sybase資訊庫系統提供技術支援與教育訓練費用 /1996-04~1998-03 /主持人
- 農會收購稻穀作業系統與農戶耕地資料管理系統之整合修改及濕穀收 購功能增加 /1996-03~1996-06 /主持人
- 全民健康保險門住診醫療費用申報資料鍵錄作業第一次作業費 /1996-02~1997-02 /主持人
- 八十五年度纖維網路設備採購作業顧問服務 /1996-02~1996-06 /主持人
- 教育廳公務統計系統資料處理費 /1996-02~1996-08 /主持人
- 台灣恩益禧公司支援程式開發(三月份,四月份費用) /1996-02~1996-04 /主持人
- 省立台中高農補習教育資格考驗電子計算機作業 /1996-01~1996-06 /主持人
- 委託辦理印製單據、報表、清單及軟體維護費 /1995-12~1995-12 /主持人
- 委託辦理重大傷病申請基本資料鍵錄作業 /1995-10~1995-10 /主持人
- 國立空中大學人事薪資管理系統 /1995-10~1996-06 /主持人
- 實用技能班資格考驗電子計算機作業 /1995-10~1996-06 /主持人
- 全民健康保險醫療費用申報資料委託鍵錄 /1995-09~1997-06 /主持人
- 私立大學校院之運作與發展問卷處理 /1995-07~1995-11 /主持人
- 裁決業務電腦化各項硬體設備及相關系統軟體維護 /1995-07~1996-06 /主持人
- 台東農田水利會費徵收業務電腦化可行性之研究(印製稅單) /1995-07~2000-06 /主持人
- 派員到局辦理譯碼、登錄、報表核對更正、鍵六及值機工作 /1995-07~1996-06 /主持人
- 財政部台灣省中區國稅局「VAX COBOL程式設計班」教育課程設計 /1995-06~1995-07 /主持人
- 公務人員個人人事資料調查表外包登錄 /1995-05~1995-06 /主持人
- 處理專科學校二年制工業護理醫藥海事類科聯合招生電子計算機作業事宜 /1995-04~1995-11 /主持人
- 省屬各機關經營土地資料處理 /1995-04~1995-08 /主持人
- 議員質詢應用系統 /1995-03~1995-05 /主持人
- 台灣省政府交通處道安業務管理系統 /1995-03~1995-09 /主持人
- 電腦列印八十四年度汽機車牌照稅開徵稅單 /1995-03~1995-03 /主持人
- 省立台中高農延教班資格考驗電子計算機作業(秋季班) /1995-03~1995-10 /主持人
- 台中縣大甲地政事務所「國土利用現況調查表資料電腦建檔」 /1995-03~1995-03 /主持人
- 八十四年度辦理中正區地籍資料電子處理作業登錄 /1995-02~1995-03 /主持人
- 省立台中高農「補習教育資格考驗電子計算機作業」 /1995-01~1995-06 /主持人
- 台灣省政府地政處「省有耕地管理電腦化資料外包建檔」 /1995-01~1995-03 /主持人
- 印製電信局單據、報表與清單 /1994-12~1995-11 /主持人
- 中華民國八十三年資訊月中區一般性研討會活動 /1994-12~1994-12 /主持人
- 基隆地政事務所八十四年度辦理仁愛區地籍資料電子處理作業 /1994-11~1994-12 /主持人
- 省立台中高農延教班資格考驗電子計算機作業(春季班) /1994-11~1995-03 /主持人
- 張繼田先生委辦資料電腦處理作業 /1994-10~1994-12 /主持人
- 國立空中大學處理校務資料 /1994-10~1995-09 /主持人
- 戶役政資訊系統推廣第二階段資料建檔作業 /1994-09~1995-05 /主持人
- 基隆地政事務所「國土利用現況調查表資料電腦建檔」 /1994-09~1994-12 /主持人
- 八十四年度辦理基隆市信義區地籍資料電子處理作業登錄 /1994-08~1995-07 /主持人
- 台中縣東勢地政事務所「國土利用現況調查表資料電腦建檔」 /1994-08~1994-12 /主持人
- 空大電腦實習教學 /1994-08~1994-08 /主持人
- 資策會委辦資料鍵入、檔案管理、文件整理 /1983-07~1983-12 /主持人
- 大甲地正事務所八十三年度地籍總歸戶作業資料登錄 /1983-07~1983-09 /主持人
- 派員到局辦理譯碼、登錄、報表核對更正、鍵六及值機工作 /1983-07~1984-06 /主持人
- 派員到局辦理譯碼、登錄、報表核對更正、鍵六及值機工作 /1983-07~1984-06 /主持人
- 台中縣東勢地政事務所八十三年度實施地籍總歸戶作業登錄 /1983-06~1983-10 /主持人
- 軟體租賃–工業自動化維護人力訓練 /1983-05~1983-05 /主持人
- 八十三學年度四技二專聯合招生電子計算機作業 /1983-04~1983-11 /主持人
- 裁決業務電腦化及相關硬體設備 /1983-04~1983-06 /主持人
- 台灣省政府地政處「視窗Microsoft Windows 電腦使用訓練」 /1983-03~1983-06 /主持人
- 整體教育行政資訊系統第二期計畫書 /1983-03~1983-06 /主持人
- 延教班資格考驗電子計算機作業(秋季班) /1983-03~1983-10 /主持人
- 稚暉工家等五十四所學校補校模擬測驗作業 /1983-03~1983-03 /主持人
- 電腦列印八十三年機車牌照稅開微通知單及八十二年全期機車牌照稅欠稅催繳書 /1983-03~1983-03 /主持人
- 山坡地查定基本資料建檔及工作站中文應用作業系統 /1983-01~1983-07 /主持人
- 省立台中高農「補習教育資格考驗電子計算機作業」 /1983-01~1983-10 /主持人
- 台南、雲林管理處農戶耕地資料異動更正電腦化作業 /1982-12~1982-12 /主持人
- 登錄腳本資料 /1982-12~1982-12 /主持人
- 印製電信局單據、報表與清單 /1982-12~1983-11 /主持人
- 印製電信局單據、報表及清單(續825021) /1982-12~1983-11 /主持人
- 農戶耕地資料異動更正電腦化作業 /1982-11~1982-11 /主持人
- 台灣省政府教育廳業務諮詢系統 /1982-11~1983-05 /主持人
- 省有土地及房舍被佔用清查資料登錄及列印 /1982-11~1982-11 /主持人
- 省立台中高農「延教班資格考驗電子計算機作業」 /1982-11~1983-03 /主持人
- 大學聯招電腦閱卷測試 /1982-10~1982-10 /主持人
- 國立空中大學委託處理校務系統 /1982-10~1983-09 /主持人
- 山坡地超限利用調查資料建檔作業 /1982-10~1982-10 /主持人
- 私立中山醫學院教務系統軟體維護 /1982-09~1983-09 /主持人
- 省住都局員工電腦訓練 /1982-09~1982-10 /主持人
- 單據列印處理 /1982-08~1982-08 /主持人
- 英全化工管理整合資訊系統開發 /1982-08~1982-12 /主持人
- 台灣省中區國稅局電子作業約聘人員甄審作業試務工作 /1982-08~1982-08 /主持人
- 中正大學出納開票系統之研究發展 /1982-07~1982-12 /主持人
- 資策會資料鍵入、檔案管理、文件整理 /1982-07~1982-12 /主持人
- 代辦基隆市地政事務所-地籍資料電子處理作業登錄 /1982-07~1982-10 /主持人
- 派員到局辦理譯碼、登錄、報表核對更正、 鍵六及值機工作 /1982-07~1983-06 /主持人
- 派員到局譯碼、 登錄、報表核對更正、鍵六及值機工作(續815023) /1982-07~1983-06 /主持人
- 「文件、 規格說明書、研究報告」等文書處理電腦化研究(合約編號:YY3A29) /1982-07~1983-02 /主持人
- 「文件、 規格說明書、研究報告」等文書處理電腦化研究(合約編號:YX3B90) /1982-07~1983-06 /主持人
- 「文件、 規格說明書、研究報告」等文書處理電腦化研究(合約編號:YY3A29)(續815026) /1982-07~1983-06 /主持人
- 「文件、 規格說明書、研究報告」等文書處理電腦化研究(合約編號:YX3B90)(續815028) /1982-07~1983-06 /主持人
- 省地政處「地籍資料電子處理作業登錄資料」外包建檔 /1982-06~1983-06 /主持人
- 資訊工業策進會特種系統處「課程資料」建檔 /1982-05~1982-06 /主持人
- 省立永靖高工補校模擬測驗費用 /1982-03~1982-03 /主持人
- 資策會資料鍵入、檔案管理、文件整理 /1982-03~1983-06 /主持人
- 農會收購稻殼作業系統與農戶耕地資料管理系統 /1982-02~1983-07 /主持人
- 中文SGML應用環境之研究發展 /1982-01~1983-12 /主持人
- 中文SGML應用環境之研究發展 /1982-01~1983-12 /主持人
- 空中大學校務行政管理系統(續815004) /1981-10~1982-09 /主持人
- 台中市警察局交通事件裁決所硬體設備費用 /主持人
- 105/2016經濟部搶鮮大賽創意發想類優選獎 /經濟部技術處/ 2016-12-20/指導學生江奕軒、張記維以「幸福一生-老人生活照護」參賽獲獎
- 104/2016產業管理發展論壇暨學研成果發表研討會論文佳作獎 /育達科技大學/ 2016-06-03/和陳奕中老師共同指導陳又銘以「一個適合中小型工廠的智慧生產管理研究」獲獎
- 104/中區優質學生報告發表競賽第三名 /逢甲大學圖書館/ 2016-05-01/指導學生陳旻泓、蔡建廷以「3D列印輔助建物維護」獲獎
- 104/第7屆逢甲大學資電學院專題競賽資訊組佳作獎 /逢甲大學資電學院/ 2016-03-18/指導學生黃柏毓、黃建國、魏永漢,以「居家照護管理系統」得獎
- 104/第7屆逢甲大學資電學院專題競賽最佳人氣獎 /逢甲大學資電學院/ 2016-03-18/指導學生林庭伃、彭筱茵、陳瑜晴,以「志工和看護服務管理系統」得獎
- 104/中區友善校園優秀導師 /教育部/ 2015-11-20/本人獲獎
- 104/台灣網路智能學會103年最佳博士論文獎指導老師 /台灣網路智能學會/ 2015-10-30/指導博士生謝育龍以「有效率的利潤規則探勘在金融方面的應用」獲獎
- 104/台中市優良教育人員 /台中市教育局/ 2015-09-11/本人獲獎
- 103/第三十九次ITSA線上程式設計競賽績優團隊 /教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫/ 2015-06-10/指導學生黃建國、黃柏毓、蘇王奕翔獲獎
- 103/IEET教學優良獎 /中華工程教育學會/ 2015-05-23/本人獲獎
- 102/2014 ETIC節能創意大賽優等獎 /綠能產業聯盟綠能經濟發展委員會/ 2014-03-19/指導學生黃柏翔、李佳壕、王群伸以「手機自動計算碳足跡」獲得優等獎
- 102/2014跨領域創意網路通訊應用與服務競賽優等獎 /教育部網通應服平台技術教學推動聯盟中心/ 2014-01-04/與楊惠婷老師共同指導學生徐琨閔、吳昆霖、劉美惠,以「你吃的健康嗎?」參加獲獎
- 102/2014跨領域創意網路通訊應用與服務競賽佳作獎 /教育部網通應服平台技術教學推動聯盟中心/ 2014-01-04/與郭俊麟老師共同指導學生王子強、謝侑君、張汝雅、楊朝文,以「東臺灣時空旅行」參加獲獎
- 102/教育部網路通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫優良教材特優獎 /教育部資訊及科技教育司/ 2013-12-30/編撰網通應用服務平台技術教材名稱:文化資產數位典藏的行動加值,參與老師郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳、林明言
- 102/教育部網路通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫優良實驗課程獎 /教育部資訊及科技教育司/ 2013-12-30/編撰網通應用服務平台技術實驗教材名稱:文化導向行動定位導覽應用,參與老師許政穆、郭俊麟、洪明傳、林明言
- 102/教育部網路通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫優良教材佳作獎 /教育部資訊及科技教育司/ 2013-12-30/編撰網通應用服務平台技術教材名稱:文化資產資料庫建置與探勘技術,參與老師洪明傳、林明言、郭俊麟、許政穆
- 102/中華民國資訊學會碩士最佳論文優等獎指導老師 /中華民國資訊學會(IICM)/ 2013-12-28/指導碩士生黃丹琳以「一個以人臉表情為基礎之情緒辨識系統」獲得優等獎
- 101/101學年度大專校院網路通訊軟體與創意應用競賽值得注目獎 /中央大學、教育部網路通訊計畫辦公室/ 2013-04-28/指導學生洪啟峰、戴麒慶、徐琨閔、葉宗穎,以「健康守護者」參加手機應用組獲獎
- 101/2013全國資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽佳作 /僑光、弘光、修平、中臺科技大學/ 2013-03-29/和栗永徽老師共同指導學生廖維鵬、李育名,以「英文行動學習輔助系統」獲獎,指導單位:教育部技職司、國科會,協辦單位包括台中市電腦公會等
- 101/101年度澎湖縣文創商品設計比賽佳作 /澎湖縣政府/ 2013-03-01/指導學生張天彥,以「編織夢想」參賽獲獎
- 101/2013跨領域創意網路通訊應用與服務競賽優等獎 /教育部網通應服平台技術教學推動聯盟中心/ 2013-02-23/指導學生黃睦庭、吳昆霖、廖威安、黃芃以「i台灣AutoEbook」參賽獲獎
- 101/2012經濟部搶鮮大賽創意發想類佳作 /經濟部技術處/ 2013-01-02/指導學生趙令堯、方捷民、賴相勳、羅子桓以「盲人聲波導航器」參賽獲獎
- 101/第十八次ITSA線上程式設計大賽獲獎勵 /教育部顧問室資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫/ 2012-10-31/指導學生楊堡鈞、林柏凱組成iECS隊伍參賽獲得獎勵
- 101/第三屆願景2020青年創意提案大賽詠夢獎創意組亞軍 /經濟部技術處指導、資策會產業情報研究所/ 2012-10-19/指導學生鄭育昇、賴怡君、張天彥,以「台灣環島大挑戰」參加創意組獲獎,工業技術研究院協辦。
- 101/第十七次ITSA線上程式設計大賽獲獎勵 /教育部顧問室資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫/ 2012-09-26/指導學生楊堡鈞、林柏凱組成iECS隊伍參賽獲得獎勵
- 100/100學年大專校院網路通訊軟體與創意應用競賽第一名 /中央大學、教育部網路通訊計畫辦公室/ 2012-06-15/指導學生吳于豪、謝政廷、黃丹琳,以「逗陣來拜拜」參加手機應用組獲獎
- 100/第十五次ITSA線上程式設計大賽績優團隊 /教育部顧問室資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫/ 2012-05-30/指導學生楊堡鈞、林柏凱、黃冠楨組成STH隊伍參賽獲獎
- 100/第十四次ITSA線上程式設計大賽績優團隊 /教育部顧問室資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫/ 2012-04-25/指導學生廖威安、蕭國宏、吳昆霖組成XDGC隊伍參賽獲獎
- 100/第一屆雲端服務創意競賽佳作獎 /台灣服務科學學會、成功大學、雲林科技大學/ 2012-03-31/指導學生黃丹琳、吳于豪、謝政廷獲得佳作(指導單位:經濟部工業局)
- 100/2012跨領域創意網路通訊應用與服務競賽入圍獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-03-03/指導學生吳于豪、傅承泰、黃衍婷、吳昆霖獲得入圍獎,和林明言老師共同指導謝政廷、李培宇、沈之珩、廖威安、蕭國宏獲得特優獎
- 100/教育部網通計畫補助教材編寫佳作獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-02-14/教育部100年度網通人才培育先導型計畫補助編寫教材:文化資產數位化創意應用導論,參與老師郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳、林明言
- 100/教育部網通計畫補助教材編寫優等獎 /教育部/網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/ 2012-02-14/教育部100年度網通人才培育先導型計畫補助編寫教材:文化資產數位化創意加值應用,參與老師郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳、林明言
- 99/2011全國大專院校資訊應用創意競賽佳作獎 /台中市軟體發展協會/ 2011-06-03/帶領學生吳思賢、林恩羽、吳于豪、黃丹琳參賽獲得佳作
- 99/2010大學院校開放軟體創作競賽銀牌獎 /教育部/ 2011-05-18/帶領學生謝明宏、鄧永聖、謝政廷、鄭育昇以「Android上的象棋遊戲系統」參賽獲得行動終端應用組第二名
- 99/2011資訊教育與科技應用專題競賽佳作獎 /修平技術學院、教育部、國科會科教處/ 2011-03-04/帶領學生謝明宏、鄧永聖、謝政廷,以一個志同道合的行動揪團系統參賽獲得佳作獎
- 98/2009年全國IBM大型主機校園競賽第二、三名 /台灣 IBM公司/ 2009-12-15/指導學生參加IBM 2009年z Master大型主機比賽,6位同學通過第二階段,最後第三階段,由溫琳傑和王信傑分別獲得第二名和第三名佳績
- 97/台灣在2020年的科技應用創意大賽佳作獎 /經濟部、工研院產經中心/ 2009-06-10/帶領學生參加比賽,共有五人分別獲得佳作獎,包括四位學生:王信傑、謝育龍、尹國正、林見旻
- 97/節能減碳競技比賽優選獎 /大葉大學、行政院國家科學委員會/ 2009-04-07/指導學生王信傑以「充滿為止-節能座充」和廖為定以「節能插頭控制小幫手」參加比賽分別獲得優選獎
- 97/網路通訊軟體與創意應用競賽佳作獎 /中央大學資工系、教育部資通訊計畫辦公室/ 2009-03-31/帶領學生江政翰、鄭孟哲、蘇志玄、王信傑以「隨身帳房:一個行動財務管理系統」參加手機應用組獲獎
- 97/震旦行專題競賽第一名 /逢甲大學資訊系、震旦行、吳全臨先生獎學金/ 2008-12-26/指導學生江政翰、鄭孟哲、蘇志玄以「行動化個人財務管理系統-PDA手機為例」參加本系專題比賽獲獎
- 97/2008高雄市數位創意設計競賽入圍 /高雄市政府/ 2008-10-14/帶領學生江政翰、鄭孟哲、蘇志玄以「個人財務行動管理系統」參加行動生活內容組比賽入圍參與決賽
- 96/震旦行專題競賽佳作及最佳海報獎 /逢甲大學資訊系、震旦行/ 2007-12-28/指導學生鍾家豪、梁詠鈞、洪婉菁、劉家銘,以「業務開發管理系統」參加本系專題比賽獲獎
- 96/全國校園軟體設計創意競賽佳作獎 /教育部/ 2007-12-27/帶領碩士生楊佳翰、張晁睿、林子健組成螞蟻雄兵隊,以「e化部分工時人力資源管理系統」參加資訊管理類比賽
- 96/志願服務創意logo競賽第一、三名 /逢甲大學學生事務處領導知能發展中心/ 2007-11-30/指導「知識管理與創新課程」黃如慧、黃志偉、李永祥、林見旻、戴志堅、洪啟仁和謝育龍等三組同學參加,全部進入複賽(19組參賽)
- 96/第12屆TAAI研討會入圍論文獎 /中華民國人工智慧學會暨雲林科技大學/ 2007-11-16/指導碩士生林婕汝和謝佳穎以「A Flexible and Efficient Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm」獲得TAAI研討會一般議程入圍論文獎
- 95/中華民國人工智慧學會碩士論文獎指導老師 /中華民國人工智慧學會/ 2006-10-19/指導碩士生林欣蔚以「Efficient Support Counting of Candidate Itemset for Association Rule Mining」獲得TAAI學會碩士論文獎
- 94/第八屆TIC100創新事業競賽種子獎 /財團法人研華文教基金會、工研院、資策會/ 2006-02-19/指導學生楊晉安、林明潔、林益聖、陳銘淵、陳靖旻、劉蕙婷,以「Dr. Online」參加比賽獲得種子獎
- 94/震旦行專題競賽佳作及最佳海報獎 /逢甲大學資訊系/ 2005-12-23/指導學生李亞臻、謝佳穎、廖偉呈、王念主,以「RFID停車管理系統」獲得本系震旦行專題競賽佳作及最佳海報製作獎
- 94/全國大學校院學生創意競賽入圍獎 /行政院國家科學委員會、成功大學/ 2005-11-19/指導學生楊晉安、李佳蓁、鍾欣燕,以「走到哪追到哪」參加第六屆全國大學校院學生創意實作競賽暨世界名校創意邀請觀摩賽獲得入圍獎
- 93/微軟2005潛能創意盃競賽佳作 /台灣微軟、元智大學/ 2005-04-20/指導學生林欣蔚、鄭憲徽、楊晉安、李佳蓁,以「個人化隨身生理資料監控系統」參加微軟2005潛能創意盃競賽大專院校組系統設計組佳作
- 92/震旦行專題競賽優等獎 /逢甲大學資訊系/ 2003-12-01/指導學生劉巧盈、劉憶平、廖昱淙、林敬峰,以「ASP.NET實作網路虛擬社群」獲得本系震旦行專題競賽優等獎
- 92/震旦行專題競賽優等獎 /逢甲大學資訊系/ 2003-12-01/指導學生詹欽賢、許志信、何明政、鄧欣宗,以「簡易3D多人線上遊戲系統」獲得本系震旦行專題競賽優等獎
- 92/論文佳作獎 /第6屆工程科技與中西醫學應用研討會/ 2003-09-01/指導學生蔡佳銘,以「Mobile Nutrition Consultant」獲獎
- 91/九十一年度優良作品獎 /教育部/ 2002-12-31/刊登在資訊與教育雜誌的文章「資料探勘在資料倉儲的應用」(共同作者洪明傳)榮獲教育部長黃榮村頒獎
- 91/第4屆TIC100創新科技網站建置獎 /工研院、資策會等/ 2002-08-25/帶領朱俊榮、戴品聰、林政巨、陳冠維、陳信養、詹晴麗、李宏韋、洪琦茹同學(技術團隊)搭配商學院Sunny Net志工學生(經營團隊)參賽
- 90/第5屆工程科技與中西醫學論文獎 /工程科技與中西醫學應用研討會/ 2002-05-01/指導研究生陳煜儒獲學生論文獎
- 90/校園軟體創作佳作獎 /教育部/ 2001-12-04/指導林督閔、蔡利旻、陳正傑、廖婉伶獲得資訊管理類佳作獎
- 90/國科會碩士論文獎指導老師 /國科會/ 2001-12-01/指導研究生李孝屏獲獎(90DFD0600006)
- 90/手持式IA產品應用程式暨應用創意大賽優勝獎 /資策會/ 2001-10-07/指導研究生洪哲倫、陳煜儒獲得優勝獎
- 89/89年度力瑋創新論文獎指導老師 /力瑋文教基金會/ 2000-12-02/指導研究生楊昇宏獲得網際網路類銅質獎
- 88/全國網際網路應用創意比賽優等獎 /教育部/ 2000-03-04/指導陳煜儒、張展毓參加獲大學組優等獎
- 87/中華民國資訊學會碩士最佳論文佳作獎指導老師 /中華民國資訊學會(IICM)/ 1999-03-08/指導研究生何岳謙獲獎
- 87/全國大專院校網路創意比賽佳作 /教育部/ 1999-03-04/指導張鎮驛、章登旺、黃懷興同學參賽
- 86/中華民國電腦學會86年論文佳作獎 /中華民國電腦學會/ 1998-03-17/共同作者劉豐明等人
- 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/A Framework to Evaluate the Advertisement of Digital Signage Over the Internet
- 106/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2017-11-15/Efficient Mining of Profit Rules from Closed Inter-transaction Itemsets
- 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/A Study on Psychological Care for the Elderly Using Web-Based Embodied Conversational Agent
- 105/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2016-11-15/Capability Measure for VoIP Performance
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Association Rule Mining Considering Local Frequent-Patterns with Temporal Intervals
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Effective Application of Improved Profit-Mining Algorithm for the Interday Trading Model
- 104/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2015-11-15/Box-Cox Transformation Approach for Evaluating Non-normal Processes Capability based on Cpk Index
- 103/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/文化導向行動定位導覽應用
- 103/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/文化資產數位典藏的行動加值
- 103/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/文化資產資料庫建置與探勘技術
- 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Data Migration from Grid to Cloud Computing
- 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/Aircraft Turbine Engine Manufacturing with Multiple Specifications
- 103/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2014-11-15/ADMiner: An Incremental Data Mining Approach Using a Compressed FP-tree
- 102/102學年度逢甲大學優良導師 /逢甲大學/ 2014-09-17/
- 102/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/文化資產數位化創意加值應用
- 102/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵佳作獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/文化資產數位化創意應用導論
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/Approximate Data Mining for Sliding Window Based Data Streams
- 102/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/A Semi-automatic Approach to Construct Vietnamese Ontology from Online Text
- 102/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2013-11-15/行動網通技術實務與文創觀光雲端平台應用:適地性創意應用服務實驗與專題
- 101/逢甲大學優良教材獎勵優等獎 /逢甲大學/ 2012-11-15/適地性行動應用網路與數位內容製作技術
- 100/2011逢甲大學行動終端應用程式設計競賽第三名及佳作 /逢甲大學/ 2011-12-23/指導學生參加創意組獲得佳作:徐琨閔、葉宗穎、賴怡君、洪啟峰、吳孟翰、戴麒慶;李承峻獲得實作組第三名
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/HIC: A Robust and Efficient Hyper-Image-Based Clustering for Very Large Datasets
- 100/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-15/Scalable Clustering for Mining Local-Correlated Clusters in High Dimensions and Large Datasets
- 100/100學年度教學優良教師 /逢甲大學/ 2011-11-12/
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- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/A Novel Mining Algorithm for Periodic Clustering Sequential Patterns
- 96/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2007-11-15/Efficient Mining of Association Rules Using Merged Transactions Approach
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- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/PRAISE: A Software Development Environment to Support Software Evolution
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- 95/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2006-11-15/Mining Structure Patterns with the Motif as a Specified Starting Point
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- 93/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵 /逢甲大學/ 2004-11-15/Using Data Mining to Construct an Intelligent Web Search System
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- 92/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2003-11-15/Parallel Shear-Warp Factorization Volume Rendering Using Efficient 1-D and 2-D Partitioning Schemes on Distributed Memory Multicomputers
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵傑出獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/A Generalized Processor Mapping Technique for Array Redistribution
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/UMPAL-An Unstructured Mesh Partitioner and Load Balancer on World Wide Web
- 91/逢甲大學論文著作獎勵優良獎 /逢甲大學/ 2002-11-15/Efficient Compositing Methods for the Sort-Last-Sparse Parallel Volume Rendering System on Distributed Memory Multicomputers
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- 86/86學年教學優良教師 /逢甲大學/ 1997-11-15/本人獲獎
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- 我們很酷,我們想跟你合作/逢甲大學通識沙龍/2016-05-23
- A New Thinking on Software Development/台灣軟體發展暨流程改善促進會(T-SPIN)/2016-04-23
- 我的教學經驗-分享與學習/逢甲大學教學論壇/2016-01-06
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- 資料化的大數據和資料挖掘/逢甲大學應數系/2015-12-02
- 物聯網的應用-產業智慧化/中國工業工程學會/2015-10-03
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- 探討軟體工程/旭東機械公司/2015-04-02
- 雲端運算的介紹與大數據/台中市警察局/2014-10-20
- 資訊分析與運用資訊決策/總太建設公司/2014-10-02
- 知識管理與創新/岱宇國際公司/2014-05-29
- 一個基於位置和使用經驗的文化古蹟推薦服務系統/靜宜大學資訊傳播工程學系/2014-05-02
- An Emotion Recognition System Based on Speech Signals and Facial Images/靜宜大學資訊傳播工程學系/2013-09-27
- 台灣文史的導覽與文創加值/中華電信公司/2013-05-26
- 如何引發學生學習動機/靜宜大學教學發展中心/2012-10-25
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- 國際化競爭的挑戰和機會/嶺東科技大學資訊科技系與研究所/2009-11-24
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- 逢甲資工IEET認證經驗分享/亞洲大學資訊學院/2008-11-14
- 逢甲大學資訊處成功導入CMMI經驗分享/臺南大學電算中心/2008-05-16
- Data Mining Research and Application/高雄大學電機系/2008-04-30
- 資料探勘的概念與研究/雲林科技大學資管系/2008-03-19
- Data Mining/財團法人張文豹文教基金會/2006-12-22
- 國科會多年期計畫相關領域技術之survey及forecast/朝陽科技大學資訊學院/2006-12-12
- Certified Software Development Professional - Promotion plan/台灣軟體工程學會, ICS2006/2006-12-05
- 數位學習認證標準及說明/教育部電子計算機中心, 逢甲大學/2006-07-31
- Data Mining Process and Efficient Clustering Algorithms/中山大學資訊工程系/2005-06-10
- 液晶螢幕節能結合資訊建設/逢甲大學總務處/2005-05-27
- 資訊組織管理與流程改善/長榮大學資訊管理系/2005-05-19
- Efficient Data Mining Algorithms in Clustering/朝陽科技大學資訊管理系/2005-05-03
- 大學院系介紹與甄試/台中清水高中/2005-03-23
- 電腦科技應用的現況與未來/台中東海扶輪社/1998-04-23
- Bao-An Nguyen and Don-Lin Yang/Managing the Power of Knowledge: A Semi-Automatic Construction Tool for Vietnamese Ontology/The People of Vietnam: Their Voices and Lived Experiences /Nova Science Publishers/ISBN: 978-1-53612-915-1 /2017-12-01/ 5.1-18
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- 93/ 工程科技通訊(第80期)/平行化即時互動式科學視算系統(2/2)/楊東麟、鍾葉青、溫嘉憲、林金鋒/軟體
- 100/ 教育部網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/文化資產數位化創意加值應用/楊東麟、洪明傳、許政穆、林明言、郭俊麟/教具(投影片)
- 100/ 教育部網通應用服務平台技術教學推動聯盟/文化資產數位化創意應用導論/楊東麟、洪明傳、許政穆、林明言、郭俊麟/教具(投影片)
- 102/ 教育部資訊及科技教育司/文化導向行動定位導覽應用/楊東麟、許政穆、郭俊麟、洪明傳、林明言/教具(課程及實驗投影片)
- 102/ 教育部資訊及科技教育司/文化資產資料庫建置與探勘技術/楊東麟、洪明傳、林明言、郭俊麟、許政穆/教具(課程及實驗投影片)
- 102/ 教育部資訊及科技教育司/文化資產數位典藏的行動加值/楊東麟、郭俊麟、許政穆、洪明傳、林明言/教具(課程及實驗投影片,教學
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下次更新時間:2025-3-14, 9 a.m.