
- C.-W. Tseng, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-H Huang, "A Design of GS1 EPCgobal Application Level Events Extension for IoT Applications," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E99-D/1, pp 30-39, 2016-01. (SCI,EI)
- C.-W. Tseng, Y.-C. Chen, and C.-H Huang, "Integrating Transducer Capability to GS1 EPCglobal Identify Layer for IoT Applications," IEEE Sensors Journal, 15/10, pp. 5404-5415, 2015-10. (SCI,EI)
- 2. Y.-C. Chen, S.-P. Kuo, C.-W. Tseng, and C.-H Huang, "Simulation of Supply Chain Management Based on the EPCglobal Enterprise Network," American Journal of Computer Science and Information Enginee,2/2,pp. 7-14, 2015-06.
- C.-S. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H Huang, "Algebraic Formulation and Program Generation of Three-Dimensional Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," Journal of Information and Computational Science, 8/3, pp. 403-411, 2011-02. (EI)
- C.-S. Chen, J.-Y. Liang, Y.-K. Lee, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H Huang, "Efficient Searching Algorithms for Multi-dimensional Space Data Using Hilbert Space-filling Curves," Journal of Information and Computational Science, 8/1, pp. 41-50, 2011-01. (EI)
- C.-S. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H Huang, "A Novel Construction Method for n-Dimensional Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, E93-D/7, PP. 1807~1814, 2010-07. (SCI,EI)
- C.-S. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H Huang, "A Closed-Form Algorithm for Converting Hilbert Space-Filling Curve Indices," IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 37/1 pp. 11-18, 2010-02.
- J.-Y. Liang, C.-S. Chen, C.-H. Huang, and L. Liu, "Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 32/3, PP. 174~182, 2008-04. (SCI)
- S.-Y Lin and C.-S Chen and L. Liu and C.-H Huang, "Tensor Product Formulation for Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 24/1, PP. 261~275, 2008-01. (SCI,EI)
- H.-T. Lu, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H. Huang, "A Service Oriented Execution Model of Financial Online Transactions," Journal of Software Engineering Studies, 2/2, PP. 38~48, 2007-06.
- M.-H. Fan, C.-H. Huang, C.-Y. Chung, J.-S. Liu, and J.-Z. Lee, "A Programming Methodology for Designing Block Recursive Algorithms," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 22/1, PP. 95~121, 2006-01. (SCI,EI)
- C.-W. Tseng, Y.-T. Liao, and C.-H. Huang, "Adding IEEE 1451 Transducer Capability to EPCglobal Information Service," 2014 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things , 264-271 , 2014-09. 台灣 台北.
- C.-W. Tseng and C.-H. Huang, "A Uniform EPC Scheme Design of IEEE 1451 Transducers for IoT Applications," The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks , 255-260 , 2014-07. Shanghai, China.
- C.-W. Tseng, Y.-S. Lin, W.-H. Lu, and C.-H. Huang, "Extending EPCglobal ALE Middleware to Integrate Transducer Capability of IEEE 1451 Standards," The Sixth International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks , 289-294 , 2014-07. Shanghai, China.
- H.-C. Chang, C.-W. Tseng, and C.-H. Huang, "A Simulation System of Footwear with Identification and Sensing Functions," The 3rd International Congress on Engineering and Information , 55-66 , 2014-05. Beijing, China.
- M.-C. Liu and C.-H. Huang, "Using BPMN 2.0 to Represent Temporal Constraints," The 3rd International Congress on Engineering and Information , 152-160 , 2014-05. Beijing, China.
- C.-W. Tseng and C.-H. Huang, "Toward a Consistent Expression of Things on EPCglobal Architecture Framework," 2014 International Conference on Information Science, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Vol. 3, pp. 1619-1623 , 2014-04. Sapporo City, Hokkaido, Japan.
- M.-C. Liao and C.-H. Huang, "An RFID eKanban System of Manufacturing Industry Based on EPCglobal Architecture Framework," National Computer Symposium (全國計算機會議) , 1822-5502-1-DR , 2013-12. 台灣 台中.
- Y.-L. Chen, S.-P. Kuo, and C.-H. Huan, "An Electronic Transportation Ticket System Using EPCglobal UHF Class-1 Generation-2 Protocol," National Computer Symposium (全國計算機會議) , 1874-5806-1-DR , 2013-12. 台灣 台中.
- C.-C. Chen and C.-H. Huang, "Applying EPCglobal Architecture Framework for Criminal Physical Evidence Safety Monitoring System," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (台灣網際網路研討會) , Vol. 1, 261-266 , 2013-10. 台灣 台中.
- M.-W. Huang and C.-H. Huang, "Applying RFID Technology in Tracking and Tracing of Pallets in Supply Chain Management," Taiwan Academic Network Conference (台灣網際網路研討會) , Vol. 1, 668-674 , 2013-08. 台灣 台中.
- C.-W. Tseng, C.-M. Chang, and C.-H. Huang, "Complex Sensing Event Process of IoT Application Based on EPCglobal Architecture and IEEE 1451," The Third International Conference on the Internet of Things , 96-102 , 2012-10. 中國 無錫.
- 陳裕昌、劉欽寶、郭聖邦、黃秋煌, "RFID 企業網路環境的整合與模擬," 2010海峽兩岸資訊科學與資訊技術學術交流會議 , 193-197 , 2010-07. 中國 秦皇島.
- 李岳彬、簡偲羽、黃秋煌, "應用EPCglobal網路架構於RFID倉儲管理系統," 2010資訊技術與產業研討會 , S11-02-ID16 , 2010-06. 台灣 台北.
- 陳裕昌、張力中、楊彧中、陳鶴榮、陳義興、黃秋煌, "ALE 中介軟體設計與實作," 2010資訊技術與產業研討會 , S05-06-ID35 , 2010-06. 台灣 台北.
- 楊彧中、黃秋煌, "On the Design of an ALE Middleware for Supporting LLRP Readers and Its Applications," 第十屆產業全球化運籌管理學術與實務研討會 , C37 , 2010-05. 台灣 高雄.
- 陸一鳴、黃嘉柔、黃秋煌、梁錫欽, "以 EPCglobal 網路為基礎之 RFID 貨櫃場管理應用," 第十屆產業全球化運籌管理學術與實務研討會 , C34 , 2010-05. 台灣 高雄.
- 陳義興、黃秋煌, "An Adaptive Reader Cycle Tuning Algorithm for ALE Middleware," 2010 資訊管理學術與實務研討會 , 408-415 , 2010-05. 台灣 台北.
- 陳鶴榮、黃秋煌, "On the Design of an Efficient Distributed ALE Middleware," 2010 資訊管理學術與實務研討會 , 241-250 , 2010-05. 台灣 台北.
- W. Young, C.-H. Huang, A. P. Su, C. P. Jou, and F.-L. Hsueh, "A Practice of ESL Verification Methodology from SystemC to FPGA -Using EPC Class-1 Generation-2 RFID Tag Design as an Example," The 15th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference , 821-824 , 2010-01. Taipei, Taiwan.
- H.-I Tseng and C.-H. Huang, "A Service-Oriented Architecture Based Vendor Managed Inventory System,"4th IEEE International Sympsium on Service-Oriented Systems Engineering , 2008-09. National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan.
- L.-Y. Lin and C.-H. Huang, "An intergrated Information System for Real Eststa Agency Based on Service-Oriented Architecure," Proceedings of the 4th IEEE international Symposium on Service-Oriented Systems Engineering , 190-195 , 2008-09. National Central University.
- , "參加第四屆模糊系統暨知識發掘國際會議," 參加第四屆模糊系統暨知識發掘國際會議 , 2007-10. 中國大陸.
- C.-C. Wang, M.-N. Chien, C.-H. Huang, and L. Liu, "A Rule-Bbased Disease Diagnostic System Using a Temporal Relationship Model," The 4th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery , Vol. 4, 109-115 , 2007-08. Heikuo, Hainan, China.
- C.-S. Chen and M.-H. Fan and C.-H. Huang, "Algebraic Specification and Program Synthesis for Computing Hilbert Space-Filling Curve Indices," 2007 International Conference on Imaging Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition , 256--262 , 2007-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- C.-Y. Tsai, C.-H. Huang, "A Multi-Role Collaborative Cooperation for Software Project Monitoring and Control," 3rd Taiwan Conference on Software Engineering , 56 , 2007-06. Taichung, Taiwan.
- C.-B. Liu, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-T. Liu, C.-H. Huang, and C.-W. Yang, "An RFID Enabled Mobile Nursing Station for Bedside Treatment," International Symposium on Healthcare Information Management , 112 , 2007-03. Taipei, Taiwan.
- M.-H. Fan and C.-H. Huang, "On the Design of Efficient Single-Stage Parallel Prefix Adders," The 13th Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing , VI26-VI33 , 2007-03. Taichung, Taiwan.
- H.-T. Lu and C.-H. Huang, "A Service Oriented Execution Model of Financial Online Transactions,"International Computer Symposium 2006 , Vol. 4, 358-693 , 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- C.-K. Bien, C.-Y. Tsai, and C.-H. Huang, "A Supervised Learning System for Software Project Management," International Computer Symposium 2006 , Vol. 4, 388-393 , 2006-12. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Y.-L. Lin and C.-H. Huang, "The Design of a Software Repository for Financial Transactions," 17th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications , 46 , 2006-09. Taoyuan,Taiwan.
- J.-Y. Liang, C.-S. Chen, C.-H. Huang, and L. Liu, "Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: Image, Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing , Vol. V, 156-164 , 2006-07. Orlando, Florida, USA.
- C.-Y. Tsai and C.-H. Huang, "A Multi-Role Collaborative Method and Platform for Developing Software Requirements," 2006 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice , Vol. 1, 274-280 , 2006-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- J.-Y. Sheen and C.-H. Huang, "FATOM: An MPI Based Fault Tolerance Middleware for Grid Computing,"Eleventh Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing , 195-200 , 2005-03. Taiwan.
- C.-M. Tseng, C.-S. Chen, and C.-H. Huang, "Quantum Gates Revisited: A Tensor Product Based Interpretation Model," The 2004 International Conference on VLSI, 2004 , 513-519 , 2004-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- C.-S. Chen, S.-Y. Lin, and C.-H. Huang, "Algebraic Formulation and Program Generation of Three-Dimensional Hilbert Space-Filling Curves," The 2004 International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology , 254-360 , 2004-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- C.-J. Li, L. Liu, S.-Z. Chen, C. C. Wu, C.-H. Huang, X.-M. Chen, "Mobile Healthcare Service System Using RFID," Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Networking, Sensing, and Control , 1014-1019 , 2004-03. Taiwan.
- C.-Y. Tsai, M.-H. Fan, and C.-H. Huang, "VLSI Circuit Design of Matrix Transposition Using Tensor Product Formulation," Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Informatics, Cybernetics, and Systems , 2003-12. Taiwan.
- S.-Y Lin, C.-S Chen, L. Liu, C.-H Huang, "Tensor product Formulation for Hilbert Space-Filling Curves,"Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing , 99-106 , 2003-10. Taiwan.
- C.-B. Liu, C.-H. Huang, C.-L. Lei, "Design and Implementation of Long-Digit Karatsuba's Multiplier Using Tensor Product Formulation," The Ninth Workshop on Compiler Techniques for High-Performance Computing , 23-30 , 2003-03. Taiwan.
- J.-M. Huang, C.-H. Huang, and T. C. Yang, "Tensor Product Modeling of Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Architectures," Proceedings of the 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS2002) , 495-500 , 2002-12. NCU, Chung-Li, Taiwan.
- M.-H. Fan, C.-H. Huang, Y.-C. Chung, "A Programming Methodology for Designing Parallel Prefix Algorithms on Cube Networks," ICPP Workshop on Compile/Runtime Techniques for Parallel Computing , 607-614 , 2002-08. Vancouver, Cadana.
- W.-R. Lin、M.-H. Fan、C.-H. Huang, Y.-C. Chung, and D.-S. Chen, "Synthesizing VHDL Programs from Tensor Product Formulas," 2002 International Conference on VLSI , 134~140 , 2002-06. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- M.-H. Fan, C.-H. Hunag, Y.-C. Chung, J.-S. Liu, and J.-Z. Lee, "A Programming Methodology for Designing Parallel Prefix Algorithms," Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP) , 463~470 , 2001-09. Valencia, Spain.
- J.-C. Change and C.-H. Huang, "A Tensor Product Formulation of Generalized Reflected Gray Permutations," the Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications, and Techniq , 2001-07. Taiwan.
- 應用 BPMN 2.0 於智慧物聯網複合事件處理之研究/2014-08~2015-07 /MOST103-2221-E-035-071- /
- 一個結合 IEEE 1451 及 EPCglobal 網路的智慧物聯網/2013-08~2014-07 /NSC 102-2218-E-035-006- /
- 一個結合 IEEE 1451 及 EPCglobal 網路的智慧物聯網/2012-08~2013-07 /NSC101-2221-E-035-088- /
- EPCcloud: 一個雲端運算技術的 EPCglobal 基礎架構/2010-08~2011-07 /NSC99-2221-E-035-069- /
- SimERFID: RFID 企業網路基礎建設的模擬平台/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC98-2221-E-035-077- /
- 以 EPCglobal 架構為基礎之中介軟體和資料儲存系統 (開放軟體元件開發分項)/2009-08~2010-07 /NSC98-2220-E-035-004- /
- RFID系統之階層式設計、發展與模擬平台(3/3)/2008-08~2009-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-029-MY3 /
- RFID系統之階層式設計、發展與模擬平台(2/3)/2007-08~2008-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-029-MY3 /
- (廠配)提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫–EPC global 網路在醫療產業的應用(凌昂資訊股份有限公司)/2007-05~2008-04 /NSC96-2622-E-035-011-CC3 /
- 提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫–EPC global 網路在醫療產業的應用/2007-05~2008-04 /NSC96-2622-E-035-011-CC3 /
- RFID系統之階層式設計、發展與模擬平台(1/3)/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-029-MY3 /
- 多角色協同共作之軟體專案規畫、管理與監控平台/2006-08~2007-07 /NSC95-2221-E-035-046- /
- 軟體需求製作的多角色協同共作方法及平台/2005-08~2006-07 /NSC94-2213-E-035-039- /
- 提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫–RFID佈建與定位之研究/2004-05~2005-04 /NSC93-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /
- (廠配)提升產業技術及人才培育研究計畫–RFID佈建與定位之研究(凌昂資訊股份有限公司)/2004-05~2005-04 /NSC93-2622-E-035-014-CC3 /
- 希爾柏空間填充曲線的理論及應用之研究(I)/2003-08~2004-07 /NSC92-2218-E-035-013 /
- 使用張量乘積理論設計VLSI電路(Ⅰ)/2002-08~2003-07 /NSC91-2213-E-035-015 /
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